UPDATE- Plz read

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I wanted to thank you all for the support and kindness. You're all amazing and I love y'all. 

I'm sorry I haven't been updating recently 

I'm very busy with school, (Exams are next week) and everything is changing for me. I'm going to a new school soon, my family life is being torn in half (literally), and everything is very hectic. 

However once summer comes I'll be able to update more frequently. 

With that being said, I NEED SOME HELP 

What kind of love trope do you want this to be (T~T I didn't plan this out.) 

Like do y'all want hime to be tsundere  or what? 

Enemies to lover? Friends to lovers? Rivals to lovers? Im open to suggestions 

Also I'm going back through and changing the SK to YN. My bad on that. 

Thank you all for everything sm. I'm so sorry again and lmk what y'all want!

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