The Talk

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After the fight with the three  team bastards that wrong Washington/Jaune Arc.. Washington/Jaune was on the rooftop of the school waiting for Ruby and Blake for a bit of a private conversation.

Washington/Jaune: if you're wondering I guess this is a bit about private conversation of mine...

Ruby: so I guess you do forgive us..

Blake: mostly some of us even though that the two bus were forced and threatened by our teammates..

Washington/Jaune: I knew in your eyes that you still do believe in me.. I know I'm no longer that same lovable goofball I used to be.. unlock my new friends and teammates of my own.. I guess I think of the more than just friends..  family to me... Even one that gave his life away his name was Leonard Church... A heroic sacrificed himself for all of us..

Blake and Ruby felt tears going down the faces for someone at sacrificed their life for them.

Blake: can't believe a lot of things happened when you were gone.. if you came the soldier and your friend gave your life for all of...

Ruby: really such a true honor of real hero...

Washington/Jaune: yes she was an asshole..  but he was still a friend and a hero.. and trust me I've been on a lot of epic and crazy adventures along with my new friends.. but it seems that I'm going to have a bit of a talk with Roman Torchwick..

Ruby: and why is that..?

Washington/Jaune: because it seems that you got yourself some spies lurking in the school..

Blake: that's impossible there's no way that school could have been infiltrated...

Washington/Jaune: what about those three transfer students from Haven.. for my sources it seems that they weren't even from Haven Academy...  There aren't any records of them.. attending any classes or anything in Haven... Meeting those three are working for someone else..

Ruby: would they be working for..?

Washington/Jaune: my guess is good as yours, but for some weird reason I get the feeling that this isn't just some ordinary foe... Someone strong and deadly beyond this planet.. that is why I called in for reinforcements I'll be arriving here sooner..

Blake: wait hold on you have other people as well on their way..?

Washington/Jaune: well what you say there was this one time that we got ourselves stranded on an unknown planet colonized by humans and trust me they have incredible weapons.. vehicles and other stuff...

Ruby: if they get here then I want to see sooner cool weapons!!!

Washington/Jaune: of course you will at time... But right now I have to interrogate a bit of a famous thief..

Washington/Jaune heading towards the area where they're keeping Roman Torchwick..

Meanwhile with The Reds and Blues were busy decorating they're own dormitories.

Meanwhile Washington/Jaune told Ozpin about him interrogating Roman Torchwick.

Atlas Soldier #1: excuse me sir this place is unauthorized for personnels..

Atlas Soldier #2: you're not allowed to be here..

Washington/Jaune: you realize that I'm a soldier a rank above even the two of yours...

Atlas Soldier #1: hold on a second you are a soldier..?

Atlas Soldier #2: and your rank is above the two of us..?

Washington/Jaune: yes my rank is above even yours so that makes me your superiors.. cuz I'm here to interrogate Roman Torchwick...

Atlas Soldier #1: and why do you want to interrogate him..?

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