The Choice

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An airship was heading back to Beacon Academy.

The airship landed back on Beacon Academy grounds.

Washington/Jaune and Carolina got out of the airship and we're heading back to Beacon.

Washington/Jaune and Carolina stop to see Ozpin, Glynda and Ironwood we're standing right in front of them, waiting for them.

Washington/Jaune: well what exactly are you all to me outside..

Carolina: is there something you need..

Ozpin: well we're here for you to have a bit of a private conversation..

Glynda: and let's just say Carolina is able to have some special treatment..

Ironwood: and stuff we're about to tell you is classified for not no one to know about..

Washington/Jaune and Carolina looked at each other and had no other option, but to cooperate.

Washington/Jaune and Carolina follow them into Beacon but I took the elevator.

Elevator itself went deeper and deeper within Beacon Academy to an unknown place that no one knows about.

Ozpin: I know that the two of you have a lot of questions...

Glynda: and trust us this is secret that must be kept out of the public..

Washington/Jaune: I guess I can understand why you needed us..

Carolina: and this thing has to do something with me..?

Ironwood: and trust me thanks to the combiner words of Atlas and those other people from the other planet.. we have something classified and top secret to tell you guys in private..

Washington/Jaune: yeah cuz It certainly seems you can keep me a lot of secrets..

Carolina: yeah I want to know why you're keeping this from us and the world itself..

Ozpin: if I did.. the public about the truth then they would hate me.. and you know what that would crawl on our doorstep..

Washington/Jaune: I guess you're right about that.. the only one that match kept secrets from me ever since I was reincarnated.. I've done a lot of horrible things before... but I'm only here to make things right....

The elevator itself came to a halt in underground area above the school.

The five of them came out to see this unknown area.

Washington/Jaune: it seems that only your access to this underground area...

Carolina: and only the headmasters are able to access this floor for what reasons...

Ozpin: first special reason Carolina is why I chose you..

Carolina: what exactly did you choose me for...?

Glynda: have you ever heard of the story of the four maidens..

Washington/Jaune: well yes I remember hearing about that for my dad ever since I was young before I was reincarnated.. why do you ask..

Ozpin: because the story that your parents told you was real...

Washington/Jaune: so what you're saying is that were four maidens that existed in this world and has actual magic..

Ozpin: that is correct and that is why Carolina will be the one that will inherit the fall maidens power...

Carolina: why me.. why not someone else..

Ironwood: for what we could tell.. that you have been a pretty good soldier that had experience with combat on my compared to students in Beacon or in any other schools you are pretty good soldier compared to any one of the atlas soldiers...

Carolina: okay you do got a fair point there..

Washington/Jaune: don't tell me it reminiscence over that time that you had a headache with those two AIs..

Carolina: I really hope that doesn't happen..

Washington/Jaune: trust me, I'll be here for you..

Ozpin: and that is why we're out of time..

Washington/Jaune: for some reason I get the feeling that we're not fight against some ordinary foe.. something dangerous lurking around in this world something that is way more evil than anything across the Galaxy...

Glynda: well it certainly seems you really have gotten a lot smarter..

Washington/Jaune: let's just say I know something is on this world dangerous and evil that only craves destruction... Is there something you're not telling me headmaster..

Ozpin: *sigh's* just say the grimm do have a leader..

Washington/Jaune: but that's impossible I thought the grimm's don't have a leader..

Ozpin: well you see they do.. and her name is Salem..

Washington/Jaune: and I'm guessing it's Salem isn't going to be easy to take down..

Ozpin: that's right.. she is immortal.. meaning she can't die..

Washington/Jaune and Caroline were disbelief that they were going to fight against someone can't die but deep down they knew that they can't just surrender.

Washington/Jaune: that's where you're wrong.. sure she can't die.. but there's always a way.. for us we do the impossible possible...

Ozpin: I like your spirit to see things that are down even for you to shine a light in the darkest of days..

Glynda: you really do got termination of a soldier..

Washington/Jaune: I'm not just any Soldier, I'm a hero that wants to protect those that are in need so that they can fight for what they believe in.. for their loved ones, their cities especially the friends..

Ironwood: good cuz I really do admire that from you...

Washington/Jaune: thanks.

The five of them finally came across the machine that kept Amber inside and another one that was ready for Carolina to receive the powers of the Fall maiden.

Ozpin: Miss Carolina are you ready..?

Carolina looked at Washington/Jaune, he nodded his head. Carolina took a deep breath in and out and went into the machine ready to receive the powers of the Fall maiden.

Ozpin press the buttons on the machine to get ready for to transfer the powers to Carolina.

It only took a few minutes for Carolina to grow in a bit in pain, but luckily she managed to make it true.

Carolina was unconscious for the time being for about 6 hours.

Washington/Jaune John went to inform his team especially the Reds and people of course about this new threat.

Everyone of them felt nervous but they knew that they fought against the worst, they all were ready for this upcoming battle.

Meanwhile with Carolina was in the medical room with Dr Gray examining her.

Carolina finally woke up.

Carolina: where am I..

Dr Gray: you're in the medical Bay..

Carolina: how long was I been out for..?

Dr Gray: for 6 hours.. everyone else is getting ready..

Carolina: what the hell, are they preparing for..?

Dr Gray: to fight against the leader of the Grimm..

Carolina: aren't they crazy, they're going to get themselves killed!!

Washington/Jaune: not just that Atlas is also going to help us as well.. sometimes there's always hope for us to fight..

Carolina: I just don't want to lose you..

Washington/Jaune: I know but still there's always a way that we can make the impossible possible!!

Carolina: you're right you can't just get up and let those people die on the grim Grimm...

To Be Continued...

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