Underverse 0.0

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A skeleton wearing a black and white outfit and a giant scarf is crying purple tears while hugging a girl wearing a red hat with cat ears on it and fluff at the bottom of the hat, and a black crop top with black shorts and a black cloak. The two were clinging to each other and crying. Unknown to them that the skeletons' tears attracted someone. A colorful skeleton leapt through the tears and introduced himself as Ink. The skeleton from earlier introduced himself as Cross, and the girl introduced herself as Y/N. Cross and Y/n knew that XChara was still there in Cross soul and watching them and waiting, for what, they didn't know. Ink brought them paper, crayons, and food, and company with himself and broomie. One day a glitchy skeleton named Error came and wrapped the two of them in strings. Error took Cross' soul and decided to keep Y/N in his strings. Ink appeared and fought Error, but Error fled with Cross' soul and dropped Y/N on the ground. Ink was pretty injured, and Cross kept flicking from himself to XChara. The form settled on XChara, who walked over to Y/N and kissed her forehead causing her to blush. XChara grabbed Y/N and teleported away. XChara sat down and pulled Y/N into his lap and pet her head, causing her to purr. They were in the white void for a while when they heard footsteps. Y/N turned around abit to see a skeleton wearing a blue and white hoodie and pink slippers. She tilted her head and nudged XChara abit to get his attention and when he looked at her, she tilted her head towards the strange skeleton. He nodded at her and grinned, knowing that he would soon have a body again. The two heard the skeleton walk around in the void, but stayed where they were. The skeleton tried to speak, but found that he couldn't.

"Your voice can't be heard in this place" XChara stated

Y/N noted that the skeleton's eyelights went blank, and got ready to fight if she had to.

"You don't need to introduce yourself. I know who you are. You are Sans, and you are living in a True Pacifist Timeline. Dude, it has to be great having monsters and humans living together on the surface. Your brother...Your friends...Even you...Everyone is so happy, aren't they?" XChara said, wanting to put his plan into action

Sans looked at Y/N and couldn't help but feel curious as to why she wouldn't look at him.

"There's no need to fight again, right? You don't need to use your powers now right? After all, nobody is going to hurt you" Xchara said

XChara put Y/N to the side and stood up, causing her to stand up as well. Y/N's hat ear's twitches as she looked at Sans whose eyes seemed to be trained on the both of them, watching them in case they made a wrong move. Y/N thought that was smart to keep your guard up, but kept watching.

"Do you understand what I'm trying to say? Oh, don't worry. Your timeline won't change when you-...Well...Let's just say no one will notice anything is different when you've gone...Because....I...am....You" XChara said, flicking to Cross as he said the word 'you'.

Sans eyes went even more blank and he summoned blasters and his eye ignited. He was ready to fight, so Y/N summoned her portal blasters and got infront of her friend. Like hell she was going to let a Cross look-a-like kill XChara. XChara glared at Sans, but decided to keep up his act and waved his arms infront of him as a peaceful gesture.

"Hey, wait! Calm down! I'm j-just joking with you! Y/N please calm down!" XChara said, while appearing to be sweating slightly

"I just...I just want to be happy before I die...I only have one day left to live and I want Y/N to find a good home...We don't have anyone else....Please...Let me spend time with our loved ones. Let me stay in your timeline for a while. I won't hurt anyone and-" Xchara said/

Sans desummoned his blasters and started to walk away which caused Y/N to desummon her portal blasters. XChara got ticked off and growled.

"HEY! WHERE ARE YOU GOING? I HAVEN'T FINISHED YET!" XChara stated in a somewhat calm, but furious voice

Yandere Underverse x Eliatrope!Reader(discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now