Underverse 0.1

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XChara appeared with Y/N. XChara has Sans half soul infront of him and Y/N next to him, still trying to get the paint out of her eyes, and the chains are still on him.
“WE DID IT! HAHAHA! This is half of the original Sans’ soul! Now I have a better idea…Let’s make our OWN UNIVERSE! We don’t need to live in a used, boring timeline, and we can keep Y/N to ourselves! We can make this more interesting…but first let’s absorb this soul. Are you ready?” XChara asked
Y/N hat ears went down and she realized that Cross was probably going to hesitate. She tried to make her way over, stumbling a little bit, but she did find them.
“No matter what you two decide to do, I'm with you until the end, no matter what. That’s what friends are for” Y/N said sincerely
XChara smiled and then switched to Cross, whose eyelights were blank and devoid of hope. Y/N sighed, somehow knowing this and went over and hugged Cross, giving him some comfort. Cross smiled gratefully at Y/N and then noticed the paint on Y/N’s eyes and frowned, sighing.
“I’ll be fine, it’s you two i’m worried about” Y/N said gently
“....I’m ready to absorb the soul…” Cross said, abit depressed
“What’s the matter?” Y/N and Xchara asked in synch?
“Are you scared that I'll break free?” XChara asked
“I’m not sure about this, Chara…Ink was trying to help us…Sans refused to fight…Why do we have to do this?” Cross said
“Are you afraid of releasing me? And if Ink really was trying to help us, he wouldn’t have blinded Y/N” XChara said
Cross went silent and Y/N’s hat ears lowered, and she hugged her friend again, wanting to provide comfort to the black and white skeleton. Y/N wasn’t sure what was happening to Cross, but she guessed that he and XChara were having a mental conversation based on his silence, and the grip on her tightening. Cross sighed and kissed her forehead, causing her to blush and her hat ears to lift up. Cross tried to get the paint out of her eyes, but it seemed pretty stuck.
“I’m fine Cross, i promise” Y/N said, smiling gently
“...Let’s just do it and give ourselves a new home” Cross said
Cross absorbed the half of Sans’ soul and returned to his regular form, the paint chains breaking off of him. He stood up, and helped Y/N to stand up as well, catching them as they stumbled. 
“Try to stay still, i’m going to try and get the paint out of your eyes” Cross said
Y/N nodded and tried to stay still as Cross tried to get rid of the paint with his scarf. It seemed to work a little bit, but most of the paint was still on her eyes. He frowned and tried to carefully get the paint off more, but Y/N moved away a little bit.
“I’m fine. I can see in other ways, you know this” Y/N said, trying to reassure him
Cross sighed and moved his scarf away from her face.
“I know, i would just like to help you somehow” Cross said
“I know and i appreciate it, but i’m not helpless” Y/N said, ears twitching
Cross sighed and hugged Y/N, and you hugged back. Cross let go after a few minutes, and you ‘looked’ around, sensing someone else here based on their energy. 
“So…other Alternate Universe exists?” Cross asked
You tilted your head, but nodded even though you knew he was talking to XChara. Cross’s eyelights seemed to disappear, as if XChara said something to tick him off, but they came back after a few seconds.
“Heh, you’re a very clever guy despite being just a dying peace if determination” Cross said, abit smugly
Y/N chuckled at that, as she was sure that XChara would have made a comment on that.
“Now tell me, how are we going to get to the next world if we don’t know any routes?” Cross said
“I could make portals, but those aren’t really reliable and i don’t know where we would end up” Y/N said
“I DON'T WANT TO STAY DOING NOTHING!! I WANT MY WORLD BACK! I WANT TO LIVE IN PEACE LIKE THEM!!!” Cross said, both eyelights flared up with magic
Y/N ears lowered sadly, but then went back up as she heard something appear next to the both of them.
“Seems like you're not happy for some reason. I can feel it. May I help you with that?” a baritone voice said.
“...Have you anything to do with Ink or Error?” Cross asked
“How rude! I’m offering my help and you attack me with your stupid questions. No, I have nothing to do with them. I found you two thanks to your negative feelings” the same baritone voice said
“Can you travel through positive feelings too?” Y/N asked curiously
“No dear, but why should i? Beings who are happy are fine on their own! Beings like YOU are the ones who need my help” the baritone voice said
Cross looked to the side and seemed to be thinking about something, and Y/N tried to get the paint out of her eyes.
“Pacifist worlds don’t deserve to be happy either…” Cross said
“Ah, I like your intentions…Well, I guess I can give you the ability to access any Au you want…But I want a few things in exchange. Wherever you go, I want you to hurt somebody but not physically, you know what i’m talking about. As for the other thing, i want her to join me and my gang” the baritone voice said
Cross glared, but thought it over. 
“...Do I get a say in this?” Y/N asked, even though they already knew the answer
“Heh, you got yourself a deal. Besides, Y/N is a trouble magnet. I’m Cross” Cross said, agreeing to the deal.
Cross summoned his knife, and Y/N tried to get the paint out of her eyes again.
“I’ll try to be careful” Cross said
“Now then, let’s get the paint out of her eyes before she gets permanently blind” the baritone voice said. Slightly irritated
Y/N looked in the direction of the sound of footsteps approaching her and jumped when she felt something cold and goopy touch her face.
“Calm down, it’s just me” the baritone voice said calmly
“You haven’t even introduced yourself” Y/N said, ‘looking’ at him.
“How rude of me, I’m Nightmare” the now identified Nightmare said
“Nice to meet you, you already know mine and Cross’s names” Y/N said, ears twitching
Nightmare just hummed and carefully put some goop over her face, and then removed the goop. Y/N blinked and realized that she could and smiled. In her excitement about being able to see, she hugged Nightmare. She felt him stiffen and she let go.
“A-ah, sorry. I should have asked first” Y/N apologized
Nightmare got over his shock and nodded, well aware of the jealousy that Cross and XChara are feeling. He fought off the blush and grinned.
“Ready to get started?” Nightmare asked
Y/N and Cross nodded. Y/N’s ear twitched as she heard footsteps start to approach. It seems like Nightmare heard it too, but just chose to ignore it. 
“Hi! I’m Dr-” a feminine, but masculine voice said
To Y/N, it seemed like Cross and XChara didn’t notice the skeleton. Y/N would admit that the skeletons seemed familiar somehow, but kept those thoughts to herself. She heard a soft twinkling noise and looked over, but saw nothing, so she thought that the skeleton must have teleported away. 
“So, what are you?” Nightmare asked.
“Pardon?” Y/n asked, confused
“I asked what are you. You don’t look like any creature i have ever seen, and i’ve been around for awhile” Nightmare stated.
“I’m an Eliatrope, and as far as i know, i’m the last of my kind” Y/N said
“So what can you do?” Nightmare said
“I can make portals, portal blasters, and weapons with my magic. I can also see if blinded by using magic” Y/N explained
Nightmare nodded, and Cross examined his blade.
“The deal was that I would make pacifist timelines suffer and Y/N would join your gang. Would Y/N help me with that?” Cross asked.
“Only if they want to. I want to see the full extent of their abilities” Nightmare said
Y/N sighed, having the feeling that something big was going to happen. Nightmare suddenly grabbed you and Cross and teleported to an au. The place looked red, and you were sure that there was dust mixed with the snow.
“Here we are. The first pacifist timeline. People are a bit rude, but they manged to be happy thanks to a little human and a stupid flower” Nightmare explained
“Thanks Nightmare” Cross said
“...Have fun you two” Nightmare said before teleporting away
Cross summoned his knife and you summoned your scythe, and the two of you started to walk into Snowdin, a line being drawn behind Cross’s knife.

Yandere Underverse x Eliatrope!Reader(discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now