Unanswered questions

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Cross’s and Nightmare’s eyelights widened, not expecting that as Y/N’s answer. Y/N could tell that XChara, the dofus, and her sister were shocked as well.
“...Are you sure? What if one of us hurts you? What if you start to hate us?! What if-”Cross started to ramble
Y/N swiftly walked over and kissed his cheekbone, quickly shutting him up and causing him to blush purple.
“We will get there when we get there. I have faith in all of you” Y/N said, smiling and blushing
“By all means you have no reason to trust me. The only reason I am here right now is because I sensed both of your negativity and fell for you instantly. Why would you want this?” Nightmare asked, mentally smirking
Y/N sighed and smiled gently, ears flattening.
“Because i know everything now. I may not have known what you have gone through, but i can see it in your eyes, and i want to help you, all of you, so please let me. You may not want to talk to me, and that’s fine, i’m not going to pry, but i want to be there to comfort you if you let me” Y/N said, tearing up slightly
The two skeletons and the ghost had their eyes shadowed as they smirked.
“Well, i can’t really say no to that can i dear?” Nightmare said, smirking
“XChara agrees, and besides it’s not like we will stop protecting what’s ours” Cross said, also smirking
Y/N blushed, and made a portal to XTale. Cross and Nightmare walked through the portal and Y/N was about to but a voice made her pause.
“Sister wait” Willow said
Y/N turned around and looked at the Dofus and Eliacube.
“There will be more skeletons after you. You know who else might be after you” Chibi said
“Take the cube, it will help you in the days to come….and please be careful sister.” Mina said
Y/N nodded and the Eliacube floated down and shrunk itself down to make itself portable. Y/N carefully put the cube in her pocket for safe keeping and went to exit Emrub, but got paused when she heard another voice.
“Be wary of those three. I can sense their desires, all of us can and i know you can to. When you want to train more, come back here and we will help you to the best of our abilities. I know you don’t forgive me, i wouldn’t forgive me either, but we have to put our differences aside and think of our people” Qilby said
“...Wouldn’t it make more sense if i brought your dofus with me?” Y/N asked
“Unfortanlty no, we have to stay here in case our Mother somehow wakes up Father and makes more of our people. And this place has a lot of Wakfu so it is easier for us to regain strength” Chibi said
“...Then i will see you around brothers and sisters” Y/N said, walking through the portal
Y/N closed the portal and walked next to Cross. Y/N looked around and noted that this was Underfell’s Snowdun and that everything seemed glitchy. Cross nodded and walked in a direction and you followed. Your not sure where Nightmare went, but you had faith in him. Cross stopped infront of a house, so you stopped next to him. You noted that is was his house when you were underground.
“Snowdin…finally is ours…and we finally have Y/n!” Cross said, staring at the house
Y/N raised a eyebrow, and looked at Cross in concern. Y/N noted that Cross wasn’t paying attention and the wound you were trying to heal earlier, disappeared, so you assumed he was talking to XChara.
“....I’m…a tool….” Cross said, looking depressed
Y/N was about to say something, but a arm wrapped around her waist, causing her to shriek slightly and jolt.
By this point Y/N was getting pretty uncomfortable, so she tried to get to Cross, only to find him sweatdropping and glaring death daggers at the brightly colored skeleton. Cross wrapped an arm around your waist and teleported away. The two of you appeared in a house that has mustard bottles, clothes, and weapons everywhere. The house seemed like it wasn’t being taken care of, and you huffed, wanting to clean this up before one of you hurt yourselves. You suddenly found yourself being spun and pulled into a kiss, causing you to blush. Y/N kissed Cross back, ears lifting up, and then Cross pulled away with a blush, averting his eyelights.
“Sorry…I didn’t like the way he was looking at you” Cross said, mentally plotting murder
“I-it’s fine, i liked it” Y/N said, blushing bashfully
Cross smiled and looked around. 
“When will that guy be leaving from here? I can’t understand anything he’s saying” Cross said, sighing
Cross walked over to the couch and plopped down on it, and then pulled you on it next to him. You’ll admit the couch was comfy, but Cross’s fluffy jacket was comfier. You yawned and snuggled into Cross, mentally wondering when this hell would end.
“It’s not that bad….I guess.” Cross said, eyelights blank
Y/N tilted her head and looked up at him, then looked around and allowed her eyes to glow blue. She hugged Cross as she saw a blue outline of XChara next to her leaning back on the couch with his arms crossed behind his head. She felt Cross hug her back, and she smiled up at him.
“I’m not going anywhere, i promise, you giant oreo” Y/N said, trying to lighten the mood
Y/N had to stop using her Wakfu eyes, as she called them, due to a feeling that things were about to get much worse and that she would need all the energy she could get. Y/N noted that Cross put his hoodie up, but also noted that he wanted to fidget with something.
“I don’t want to go back there” Cross said, eyelights blank
Y/N took a deep breath and took off her hat, causing Cross’s and XChara’s eyes to widen. She handed her hat to Cross, who looked at it in confusion and wonder.
“Why?-” Cross started
“You looked like you wanted to fidget with something, so i gave you my hat” Y/N stated
Cross nodded and started to fidget with the hat
“....Chara wants to know what those things on your head are” Cross said, translating for XChara
“They are wings made from Wakfu. They allow me to fly, and when under my hat, they act like cat ears” Y/M answered
“What’s Wakfu? I keep hearing about it, but i don’t know what it is” Cross asked for himself and XChara
“It’s…like magic and my lifeforce. When it is drained i will die and my wakfu will go back to my dofus, the blue egg, to recover and regain wakfu so i can be reborn. Everything has wakfu, and some attacks can be made from wakfu, like my scythe and portas” Y/N answered
“Is that how you see when you get blinded?” Cross asked
“Yes. Everything looks like a blue outline and i used it a few minutes ago and saw Chara looking chill floating next to me” Y/N answered
“...Is there a opposite of wakfu?” Cross asked, translating for XChara
“It’s called Statis, and our dragon siblings have it. Since wakfu is the energy of creation, statis is the energy of destruction” Y/N answered
Cross nodded and fidgeted with her hat more. Y/N could tell he had more questions and she smiled gently and pulled him into a hug.
“I can answer more questions, i don’t mind” Y/N said, smiling
Cross blushed, then looked to the side and frowned.
“...I’m not asking that-No, well yes. Chara no….fine….Do you know anything about your world or race?” Cross asked
“Since Mother restored my memories of all my lives, yes. I also know the full extent of my abilities now” Y/N answered
Cross eyed the cube a bit and sighed. Y/N noticed him eye the cube, and sighed as well.
“I don’t like it either or what my brother Qillby, the red dofus with hearts, had done to get it” Y/N said
“...What did he do?” Cross asked, feeling curious
“The Eliacube was once a heart of a Mechasm, but Qilby stole it for his own purposes and used it as a power source for the Eliatrope people. Because Qilby stole the heart, the Mechasms declared war and slaughtered the Eliatrope race, but my brothers, Yugo and Adamai used the Eliacube to put our peoples children in Emrub so they would be safe from the destruction. I saw an attack heading for Yugo, so I pushed him out of the way and got killed. When i got reborn, i saw how guilty Qilby looked, and he wouldn’t even look at me in that life. I wondered why, but soon found out. The Mechasms found us again because Qilby told them where we were, so we had to put our peoples children in Emrub again. Yugo and Adamai used most of their wakfu to defeat the Mechasms and seal Qilby in the white dimension, but at that the cost of most of there wakfu…well, they wouldn’t be reborn for centuries. I did get killed in the attack as well, and got reborn at the same time Yugo and Adami was, with my dragon sister Willow” Y/N answered
Cross’s eyelights went blank and he tensed up, and all of the sudden the room got freezing and Y/N felt a deep sense of dread.
“W H A T” Nightmare asked, appearing from nowhere with food
Y/N’s ear wings lowered, and Nightmare walked over, after putting the food down, and gave Y/N a look that very clearly said ‘explain or i will make your life hell’. Y/N sighed, and shifted a bit, not wanting to make anyone uncomfortable.
“...Do you want me to explain the whole thing again or-” Y/N asked, feeling small
“I heard the whole thing, i just want to know why you kept helping him” Nightmare all but growled out
“Only Qilby and his dragon sister, Shinonome, can remember our past lives. If they regret what they have done, i don’t know. The only reason any of us remember our past lives is because of our Mother” Y/N explained
Nightmare growled and crossed his arms. Cross sat up and fidgeted with Y/N’s hat more, his eyelights still blank.
“...You said you had more than one life right?...” Cross asked
Y/N nodded and raised a eyebrow.
“Yeah. This is life 300 now, Eliatropes age slowly and don’t show signs of aging until later in life. What brought this up?” Y/N asked, feeling curious
“...So that means you could have had a lover and kids….you could have had multiple lovers and kids…” Cross said
At this point, Nightmares eyelight went blank and the room became colder, making Y/N shiver. Cross looked at her and took off his jacket and put it around her, and pulled her closer. Y/N looked at him, and the look in his, well their because XChara was also in control, was terrifying. Y/N had trouble not backing down, but she could feel her ear wings lowering. Y/N glanced over to her side and saw Nightmare giving her the same look, but worse.
“Well? D i d y o u?” Nightmare asked
Y/N took a deep breath and nodded, looking away. She heard Cross, XChara, and Nightmare growl and saw Cross raise his hand and Y/N flinched back.
“DON’T HURT ME CIWO!!” Y/N said, tears starting to run down her face
Cross paused, then put a hand gently on Y/N’s cheek and frowned at how violently she flinched away.
“....It appears someone has hurt what is o u r s. Shall we fix that?” Nightmare asked, his eyelight never leaving your shaking form

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