Thanksgiving Special 🍋

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A/N: this is sometime in the future and it is a yandere poly, and yes the kids got reborn. Here are their ages:
Qilby,Shinonome: 9
So yeah. Errors text will always be bold, and the yandere list will be updated sometime. As for what the yanderes are planning, well, take a guess~

Yugo and Adamai ran past Y/N while giggling, while Nora and Efrim chased them from behind, having a race. Y/N laughed and made sure that the food was ready. Mina and Pharis were making paper hats with Chibi, Glip, Grougal, and Baltazar. Qilby and Shinonome were helping Y/N with dinner while the others were playing.
“So, who is coming over Y/N?” Qilby asked
“Well, Cross, XChara, Nightmare, Dream, Killer, Classic, Blue, Fell, Epic, Outer, Error, Ink, and Fresh” I answer
Qilby nods and works on the mashed potatoes. Shinonome smiles and walks over.
“Think they’ll fight again this year?” Shinonome asks
“I hope not, but they probably will” I say
They nod and start to plate the food. I help them with the sharp things, and then call Mina and Pharis over.
“Yes Y/N?” Mina asks
“Can you two set up the tables please?” I ask
Mina and Pharis nod, and start to set the tables up.I smile and pick up the food and start to bring them to the tables. Qilby and Shinonome help and soon enough, the tables are set and have food on them, with empty plates and glasses, with utensils waiting to be used. 
“I should get the others ready before they get here” I say, wiping my hands on a towel
“When will the others get here?” Mina asks
“In about an hour, but they might get here earlier” I say
“We can help round up the others” Shinonome says
I smile.
“Thank you Shi. That would help a lot” I say, grateful
Shinonome nods and runs off with Pharis to round up the kids. I smile and pick up Chibi and Grougal, and start walking to their room to get them ready. I hum and get their clothes ready, or bow tie and top hat in Grougals case, and hand them the clothes. Grougal puts the top hat and bow tie on and runs downstairs. I sigh and chuckle, and help Chibi get changed into his clothes and Shinonome and Pharis come up with the other six. 
“Thank you Pharis and Shinonome. Now please go get ready” I say, nodding my head
They nod and run off to get ready. Chibi goes downstairs, and I get ready to possibly chase my younger siblings around. Yugo and Adamai share a look and grin, and run off, only to run back into the room via a portal. They pout and I roll my eyes, handing Adamai a top hat and bow tie. Adamai puts the hat abd tie on, and then leaves. Yugo tried to leave again, but I caught him before he could make a portal and tickled him, causing him to laugh. I put Yugo down and hand him his clothes, and then turn to the other four. I hand Efrim and Baltazar their hats and ties, and they put them on, then go downstairs. 
“Do you need help with your dress Nora?” I ask
Nora nods and Yugo goes downstairs once he is dressed. I smile and nod, and get Nora’s dress out, and help her change. Once she is dressed, she goes downstairs with me.
“Everyone dressed and ready?” I ask
They nod, and I smile.
“That’s good. Tell me when they get  here if i’m not down by then” I say
“Ok” I hear Efrim say as I walk away
I walk to my room, and nearly squeak in surprise when I see Nightmare in my room. He turns around, sensing my surprise, and smirks, walking over.
“Hello dear~ I hope i’m not too early~” He says, pining me to a wall
I blush, and my ears lift up.
“Y-you’re not that early. T-the others should be coming s-soon. I-i just came up here to get ready..” I say, flustered
“Heh, would you like some help with that~” Noot said, flirting and serious at the same time
“N-no thank you-” I manage to squeak out
“Well~If you need my help, I’m here~” Nightmare said, moving away
I nod, and get my clothes, well aware of Nightmare watching my every move.
“Well…i’m going to change in the closet if you’re going to stay out here…” I say, walking to the closet
I hear Nightmare hum, and I walk in the closet and close the door. Soon, I am wearing the clothes and I almost walk out of the closet, but I am immediately pinned to the closet wall.
~🍋Slight Lime warning🍋~
I open my eyes, only to get kissed and have my hands pinned above my head. I squeak in surprise when I see that it’s Nightmare doing it. He pulls away, and I gasp for breath. Nightmare smirks and nuzzles his skull into my neck, causing me to blush.
“W-what are you doing?-” I ask, confused and flustered
“Making sure the others know you’re mine for the day~” Nightmare hummed
His tentacles wrapped around me, holding me in place. I chuckle nervously.
“C-can’t you just tell them that?” I ask, feeling more flustered
He chuckled, and licked my neck, causing a moan to leave my mouth. My mouth quickly got covered by one of his tentacles.
“As much as I would love to hear you moan out my name, that is going to wait until later my dear~ For now, I want to see you struggle and squirm while I mark you up~” Nightmare said
I blush more and try to look away, but he just put my head back where it was.
“Now~Now~dear~I want to see the look on your face as I do this~” Nightmare said, his canines sharpening
I blush more and squirm. Nightmare chuckles, and then bites my neck. I gasp and squirm more, and then blush a lot when his hand slides up my shirt. Nightmare smirks and starts to mark your neck to the point that you will definitely need to cover the markings up. Nightmare let’s go of my hands and pulls away from my neck, and smirks.
“Heh~You look gorgeous my dear~” Nightmare said, smirking
“T-thank you-” I say, blushing
“Now, how about we have some more fun~” Nightmare said, his eyelight a heart
“W-we still have the kids here, a-and the others should be here soon Nightmare” I say, finding it hard to look away
Nightmare chuckles and tilts my head up, one hand still up my shirt and getting dangerously close to my bra. I blush alot and my ears stand up straight.
“Then how about I make this quick before the others get here~” Nightmare says, leaning close
~~~🍋Lime over🍋~~~
“We are already here brother” Dream said, walking over
Nightmare groans and pulls away, taking his hand away. I sigh in relief and look at Dream gratefully.
“Thank you, Dream. I owe ya” I say, gratefully
“You can make it up to me later sunshine~” Dream says, smiling
Nightmare huffs and walks out of the closet. I pick up my old clothes and also walk out of the closet, putting the clothes in the hamper. I suddenly squeak in surprise when I get spun around and held in Dream’s arms. I look up and see Dream looking concerned and angry, one eyelight being a dark gold.
“Did he do anything to you that made you uncomfortable sunshine?” Dream asked
I shake my head, and rub my neck.
“No. He just marked me to let all of you know that I'm his for the rest of the day. But I will need to cover this up so the kids don’t question it” I say, sighing.
Dream nods and sighs in relief and takes off his scarf-cape and wraps it around my neck, causing me to blush.
“Wha-? But Dream-” I start
“It’s ok, besides, it looks good on you dear darling~” Dream says smiling
I smile back and go to walk downstairs. I pause and look at the two of them.
“Are you two coming with me or are you waiting for a bit?” I ask
“We’ll come with you~” Dream says, smiling
I nod and open the door, walking out, the two following me. I walk downstairs, and then to the door when I hear someone knocking on the door. I open the door and smile, seeing the others.
“Hey guys! C’mon in!” I say, moving out of the way
They smile and walk in, giving me a few hugs as greetings.
~~le timeskip of plot from future~~
No one’s POV:
Everyone is now sitting at the tables. The adults at the big table and the kids at the smaller table. Everything is peaceful and everyone is eating, until Epic decides to start a food fight by throwing some mashed potatoes at Cross. Cross, of course, throws some corn at him in relation, and soon the food fight starts. Y/N stayed out of it with the kids, and sweatdropped. Y/N sighed, knowing they would have to clean this up later. Y/N then squeaked in surprise when mashed potatoes hit her face. It goes quiet, then Y/N starts to grin mischievously, and she joins the food fight. The food fight lasts for a good 30 minutes before they stop, and laugh. Y/N giggles and starts to clean up, with Sans, Blue, Fresh, and Dream helping you. The kids watch TV or play outside, while the others cleaned up the kitchen. Soon everything was cleaned and Y/N walked to the guest bedroom to get some spare clothes for them. 
Y/N’s POV:
I hum as I get the spare clothes from the dresser, and bring them down for the guys.
“I got the spare clothes!” I say as I walk down
The guys look up and smile, and I swore I saw their eyelights and pupils turn to hearts for a split second again. I sigh and hand them their clothes.
“You all can change in the bathrooms, guest bedrooms, and my bedroom. I’ll change when you all are done” I say
They nod and teleport off, leaving XChara behind. I look at him and tilt my head.
“Do you need something or is something wrong?” I say, hat ears twitching
He nods and walks towards me, putting the clothes down. I tilt my head more and I hear the kids laughing and having fun. I smile softly when I see Qilby and Shinonome get dragged off by Adamai and Yugo to go make a leaf pile. I give a soft hum and look at Xchara as he puts a hand on my cheek.
“Something on your mind Charchar?” I ask
He hums and gets closer, tilting my head up.
‘Damn shortness’ i think, looking up at him
He pulls me close and kisses me(he is in his adult form). I squeak and blush, kissing back. He smiles and deepens the kiss. I squeak and blush more, but kiss back more. He eventually pulls away for air, and we smile at each other. We hear a cough and jump, looking at the source, only to see the others. I smile and chuckle nervously, and XChara glares and holds me close, getting more food smeared in our clothes.
“Get dressed you two, and you saw the marks XChara. Y/N is with the octopus for the day, unfortunately” Ink said, pouting
XChara huffs and lets me go, grabbing his clothes and walking to a bathroom to change.
“You can put your dirty clothes in my laundry basket. I’ll wash them and give them back to you when they are clean” I say
“Or, you could keep them until we come back to pick them up~” Killer said, alluding to something
“Are you sure? I don’t want to be a bother…” I say, feeling wary of what they have planned
They nod, and I sigh, making a portal.
“Put your clothes in the portal. They’ll go in the laundry basket” I say, ears twitching off some mashed potatoes
They nod and put their clothes in the portal, with a certain glint in their eyes. I ignore the glint, and close the portal as XChara comes out.
“I’ll put your clothes in the laundry basket, and i’ll start washing them when i get done changing” I say, looking at XChara
~~mini timeskip bc plot~~
No one’s POV:
It is now 9pm, and Y/N has just put the kids to bed. At the moment the guys are downstairs, discussing on what to do to make sure Y/N stays in this AU.
“She has to stay here. She can’t know what we have done” Ink says, serious for once
“We know, but she is getting suspicious” Outer said
“We could always have a few of us to stay here and watch them to make sure she stays distracted” Epic said
“She would get suspicious of that, and want to know why we have kept her and the others here” Sans said
They think for a moment before one speaks up.
“How about Cross and XChara stay here. It is already known that they don’t have a home anymore, and Y/N is closest to those two in this life, so it would make sense” Nightmare said, abit annoyed as usual
“That is true, and Ink could create a house for them so she doesn’t get that suspicious and they could keep an eye on her for us” Dream said, agreeing to the idea.
“And what about Qilby and Shinonome? We know they remember their past lives, but we don’t know if they remember what happened while they were in the dofus” Fell said
We watch them. We can’t get rid of them because she would feel more suspicious and upset. I get the feeling that she knows, and is probably not telling us.” Error said, thinking everything over
“AND WHAT ABOUT HER MOTHER AND FATHER? WON’T THEY GET IN THE WAY?” Swap asks, eyelights flicking to hearts to a second before returning to normal
“Well, I got a solution to dat broski. We put her mother and father to sleep for a bit while we get the totes rad dudette with us safely” Fresh said
The guys nod and Y/N calls them up to tell them their rooms are ready. The guys walks upstairs and go into their respective rooms. Nightmare follows Y/N to her room, and goes in the bed, after closing the door. Y/N smiled at him from next to him, and he pulls her close.
So, imma pull a sneaky on y'all and do many different multiverse but as oneshots just to see how y'all would like that. And yes, the lemons/limes will have a lemon on the title so y'all know

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