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“Ow…Where are we?...” Cross asked, rubbing his head
“Sorry, I panicked and brought you here.” Y/N said, rubbing her head nervously
“And where exactly IS here?” Nightmare asked, sounding irritated
“According to the floating eggs, this is Emrub” Y/N said
“Emrub? The dimension where the eliatropes and their dragon siblings fled to 600 years ago?” Nightmare asked, tilting his head to the side
Y/N saw the malicious glint in his eyelight and wasn’t sure who it was directed to.
“...Yes, it’s that Emrub Nightmare” Chibi said, sounded guarded
Cross stood up and walked over to Y/N and hugged her. Y/N smiled and hugged back, and then she saw a tentacle going towards both of them and she moved both of them out of the way. During that, Y/N accidentally let go of Cross, and the tentacle grabbed her and she found herself being hugged by Nightmare. Y/N was beyond confused, and she was sure that if Willow had a physical body, she would be giving her a smug look.
“I see that blush sister” Willow said, sounding smug
“Shush you overgrown reptile” Y/N said, groaning
Y/N heard the eggs laughing, and Cross growl. She sighed and tried to escape the hug, but the grip on her just tightened.
“...Not that I don't mind being hugged, but can i get let go now?” Y/N asked
Nightmare just hummed, and hugged her more.
“From what i have read, Emrub should be filled with the Eliatrope people and their dragon siblings and time works differently here. So my questions are, where are the Eliatrope people and their dragon siblings, how much time is passing in our dimension, and what is that glowing cube?” Nightmare asked, sounding intrigued
“We might as well tell them, Mother said it was ok” Mina said
Qilby sighed, and floated over with the cube.
“The cube is the Eliacube. I took it from a Mechasm to help our people prosper eons ago, as for what happened to our people, well…A Mechasm found it’s way in here and destroyed everything. You, Yugo, Willow, Adamai, and the Brotherhood of the Tofu managed to stop them but it took alot of wakfu out of all of you, so we were sent to rest. When our siblings got reborn, they were tasked with finding a home for our remaining people, but our people kept being killed off by something, so now, you are the only Eliatrope left, dear sister” Qilby explained.
Y/N’s ears dropped sadly as Qilby went back up to the others with the cube. Cross walked over to Nightmare and Y/N and crossed his arms, feeling suspicious.
“And why exactly did you steal something that you knew would cause destruction and what exactly does the Eliacube DO?” Cross asked, eyeing the eggs suspiciously
“We aren’t sure the extent of the Eliacubes full power, but we know it can give any Eliatrope a power boost, but when combined with our Dofus, it can become a weapon of good or a weapon of mass destruction” Chibi said
Unknown to Y/N, Cross and Nightmare shared a look, like they reached a silent agreement. The two nodded at each other and Cross looked at Y/N.
“Did they tell you anything else Y/N?” Cross asked, thinking of scrambled eggs
“Well, they said i was in danger, the original seven eliatropes and their dragon siblings can reincarnate, i am apparently one of the original seven eliatropes, my mom is apparently a goddess making me a demigod, and they introduced themselves” Y/N said, still trying to process everything
“And what are their names and what goddess is your mom?” Cross asked, feeling curious
“ The white egg is Yugo the Eliatrope and Adamai the dragon. Based on how they introduced themselves earlier, Yugo and Adamai were the kings of our people. The brown egg is Chibi and Grougaloragran, based on how he said he was a prophet. I assume he can see into the future. The green egg is Glip and Baltazar, they are teachers. The pink and blue egg is Mina and Phaeris, i’m not exactly sure what they do but something tells me they did rituals. The orange and red egg is Nora and Efrim and they are the playful ones of the group. The red egg is Qilby and Shinonome, their inventors. The blue egg is apparently mine and my dragon sister, Willow is in their…We were apparently librarians. As for what goddess is my mom, well Mina said our mom is the Goddess Eliatrope” Y/N answered
“Isn’t Eliatrope the name of your species?” Cross asked, translating for XChara.
Y/N nodded. Nightmare finally let go of you, and you stepped back a bit. The three, well four if you count XChara, looked at the Dofus and the Cube. Your ears lifted up as you remembered something.
“Oh! I almost forgot! They also said that i’m in danger and i need to train! Chibi also said that someone knows where we are and that they’ll find a way here. Yugo said no one can get in here if i don’t let them, and then i saw the world flare in red, purple, and cyan magic and i acted on my instinct and brought you two here” Y/N said
Cross’s and Nightmare’s eyelights disappeared, and Nightmare’s tentacles lashed out.
“....Do you know WHO is after you?...” Cross said, gripping his wrists
Y/N shook her head, but then got smacked with the Eliacube and passed out. You felt yourself get caught, before everything went black. Next thing you know, you see a lady who appears to be made out of blue energy. The lady approached Y/N, and you wanted to put your guard up, but you couldn’t. You felt safe and at home with the lady.
“My child…You have suffered through so much…Your siblings can’t come back for a while, and your sister is resting in your dofus.” the blue lady said.
“Who are-....mom?...” Y/N asked, tears in her eyes
The lady nodded, and you broke down crying. Goddess Eliatrope walked over and hugged you, sending waves of wakfu into your body to keep you stable. Y/N calmed down after awhile, and Goddess Eliatrope wiped the tears from your eyes.
“There isn’t much time to explain i’m afraid, but your siblings are right. You are the last Eliatrope, so the responsibility of continuing the race falls to you. I would do another dance with your father, The Great Dragon, but he has fallen into a deep sleep. There isn’t time to train you so i will give you your memories of your past lives back. This isn’t a good idea, so i will try to make it as painless as possible” Goddess Eliatrope said
Goddess Eliatrope gently touched Y/N’s forehead, and Y/N remembered all of her lives; her first life, her lovers, her children, Qilby’s betrayal, everything. Y/N’s ears lower in sadness as she knew what she had to do now.
“....So that’s why the Eliacube is still here along with my and my siblings dofus…” Y/N said, depressed
“Yes, and i am so sorry my child. This responsibility should have never have fallen to you, but it did. But there is more than one way to revive our people, you know this my child” Goddess Eliatrope said, full of remorse
Y/N nodded and then she opened her eyes and saw Nightmare and Cross attacking the dofus. She narrowed her eyes in determination and stood up, and made a portal and took an attack meant for Yugo and Adamai’s dofus. She knelt down in pain, but shook it off and stood up. The two attacking stopped and looked at her like she was crazy.
“In the dimension we came from, it has been a few days. Here it has been a few hours. We should go back” Y/N said, eyes shadowed
The two skeletons narrowed their eyes and Cross pulled up a button and pressed it, the wound on Y/N disappearing. The Eliacube floated down and stopped next to Y/N, and the two skeletons looked at each other and nodded.
“You have a choice to make Sister” Mina said, sounding wary
“They want you to choose between the both of them” Chibi said, sounding protective
Y/N tilted her head and her ears twitched.
“What those two mean is, they want you to chose on who you would want as a romantic partner” Glip explained, sounding sad
“....I choose both of them. I can’t decide” Y/N said, sounding sure of her decision

Yandere Underverse x Eliatrope!Reader(discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now