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The updated yandere list:















The types of yandere they are:


Seeking to bring joy and fulfillment to the lives of their love interests, they take care of all of their love interest's needs and see to the perfection of their education, emotions, and soul with the greatest care. They might even give up marrying their love interest, so that their love interest can peruse whomever they wish to.

A harmless yandere character may have the same amount of obsessiveness as other yandere types would, though won't do anything violent towards those that also like their love interest, and will leave them alone.

Often times depicted as having their kindnesses and devotion being taken advantage of, they really just need their love interest to look out for their best interests in order to form a great relationship.
The yanderes who are harmless are Passive, Dream, Swap, Outer


Unwilling to entertain the possibility that anything else is more worthy of their attention than their love interest, they always want to know what their love interest is doing, how they're doing, what they're thinking, what they need or want, and so on.

If they can't find out these things, they may daydream about their love interest or plan their future together. They will almost always think and talk about their love interest. Everything they do and see will also remind them of their love interest. They will wonder if the love interest has done the same things as they do, if their love interest will agree or disagree with their actions, or if their love interest would like or dislike something.

Although they may seem like they'll never amount to anything because of their level of single minded devotion, once they're happily married, they'll need to assist their love interest with other things and so their horizons will broaden a bit.

These are the most common type of yandere characters used in media and they are also the type closest to megadere if seen in isolation of other yandere types.

The obsession type is the most common in yandere characters. In and of themselves, they aren't really all that shocking, it's when you add in the other types on top of their obsessive behavior that a shocking narrative unfolds.
The yanderes who are obsession are literally all of them, some more than others


Wishing to know everything possible about their love interest, they pursue their love interest learning what they like, where they go, what they do, and who they associate with.

Stalking gives them the thrill of being near their love interest all the time and of knowing if their love interest is being honest with them.

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