How much is to much

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Y/N was crying, remembering what Ciwo did to her and what he forced her to do before her siblings got involved. She didn’t notice Nightmare’s tentacles expanding or Cross’s eyelights turning into hearts, or the fact that XChara was infront of her trying to calm her down, but going right through her. Y/N screamed when she felt something wrap around her waist, and she summoned her scythe and swung down, only for her scythe to get caught. Y/N suddenly felt cold, then felt her panic fade away. She looked around confused, then saw the skeletons and ghost staring at her. Her ear wings lowered, and she wiped her eyes.
“...sorry about that” Y/N said, wiping her tears away
The three said nothing, and just kept staring. Y/N squirmed abit, and fidgeted with a bracelet on her arm. Nightmare walked over and gently cupped Y/N’s face, and Y/N carefully moved her head away. Nightmare narrowed his eyelight and sat down next to Y/N.
“Look at me” Nightmare said, refusing to take ‘no’ as an answer
Y/N’s ear wings lowered, and she looked at him. Nightmare tilted her head up and wiped her tears away, and she blushed a bit.
“What happened?” Cross asked, carefully hugging her from behind
“I just….remembered something from one of my past lives…” Y/N said, starting to look down again
Nightmare’s eyelight narrowed more, and Cross put her hat back on her head. Y/N smiled sadly at Cross and mumbled a ‘thanks’.
“Y/N, who is Ciwo?” Nightmare asked, wanting to get straight to the point
“Ciwo is…a past ‘lover’ of mine….I never liked him in the slightest” Y/N responded in a whisper like voice
The two skeletons and ghost visibly glared, and Y/N’s hat ears lowered as she looked down.
“...Did you two have kids?” Cross asked, translating for XChara
“Yes, and they are gone now. I miss them, but i know they are resting peacefully” Y/N responded, not looking at them
“At least i got your first kiss in this life” Cross stated proudly
Y/N chuckled softly and nodded, but Nightmare grabbed Y/N and kissed her. She squeaked in surprise, and then he pulled away. Y/N glanced over at Cross and could just tell that he was talking to XChara. Y/N looked back at Nightmare and saw him closer than he had been, causing her to squeak in surprise.
“Is there anything else that you should tell us?” Nightmare asked, trying to keep his eyelight from turning into a heart
This got Cross’s and XChara’s attention as they looked over at Y/N, also wanting to know the answer. Y/N sighed and nodded.
“Well what is it?” Nightmare aksed
“How much do you want to know?” Y/N asked, eyes shadowed
“As much as you can” Cross said, translating for XChara
“I have the worst luck in my love life. Even if i do love them and they love me back, i end up hurt and betrayed. Either i catch them cheating on me, they hurt me, or they never loved me. Only one of my siblings knew this and actively tried to warn and stop me. I wish i had listened” Y/N said
Nightmare reached a hand out and brought you into a hug, a glint in his eyelight as he finally allowed it to turn into a heart. You hugged back, and you could have sworn you felt XChara hugging you as well.
“Well we promise to never hurt, harm, or betray you” Cross said, his eyelights being hearts
Y/N smiled gratefully at all of them, and then blushed in embarrassment when her stomach growled. She chuckled and rubbed her head nervously.
“Sorry, i don’t remember the last time we ate” Y/N said in embarrassment
The bag of food is suddenly shoved in Y/N’s face, and she takes it and looks in it, and smiles. She takes the food out and splits it up and gives some to Cross and Nightmare. Cross thanks you and eats it and you eat your food. Nightmare stares at his food, before eating it. Y/N thanks Nightmare for the food, and goes to get off of his lap, but gets pulled back in it. You blush in embarrassment, and Cross crawls over before nodding at Nightmare. Suddenly you find teeth on your lips, and then you feel dizzy and sleepy as something is forced down your throat. The last thing you saw before everything went black is eyelights in the shape of hearts looking at you with victorious smiles. In your dream all you could see is blackness and then your mother appears. You notice that she seems distressed so you try to speak, only to notice that you can’t speak.
“You cannot speak here, my child. I only did it for safety reasons. If you were to speak here, one of them would be able to listen in” Goddess Eliatrope said
Y/N nodded and looked around abit more and then saw a figure that was all purple sleeping, so she pointed to them in confusion. Goddess Eliatrope seemed to understand you unsaid question.
“That is the Great Dragon, your father. He has been asleep for centuries. The last time he was awake was when you, Willow, Yugo, and Adamai were supposedly the last two eliatropes and dragons in the World of Twelve” Goddess Eliatrope explained
Y/N nodded, and asked what happened with sign language.
“...They knocked you out with a sleeping pill. You have been asleep for a few hours now, and at the moment the ghost is petting your head while the octopus is trying to get in here. The walking x is holding you while the ghost is petting you” Goddess Eliatrope answered.
‘Do you know why they knocked me out Mother?’ Y/N signed
“Unfortunately no. Your father might, but we cannot predict what everyone will do. I am trying to find a place for the Eliatropes to make a home, but since you are the only living Eliatrope at the moment, you will have to be their queen until Yugo and Adamai reincarnate. Can you do this my child?” Goddess Eliatrope asked, concerned for her youngest
Y/N nodded, full of determination. Goddess Eliatrope sighed in relief and waved her hand and Y/N woke up. Y/N sat up, well tried to, but found herself restrained by Cross. Y/N looked at him, but found him asleep, so she let it be. She looked around more, and saw that Nightmare had left to go somewhere.

Yandere Underverse x Eliatrope!Reader(discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now