A new au

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I am sorry for this my child, but it is necessary. Goddess Eliatrope said in my mind. I wondered briefly what she meant, but a portal opened up beneath me and I got teleported to a different place that held a large forest, flower fields, and from what I can see, an ocean.
“Mother, why did you bring me here? I was in the middle of something!” I exclaimed
‘I am sorry my child, but it is for your own safety, as well as the eliatropes’ Mother replied
I sigh and look around, desummoning my scythe. I sigh and see that there is a cabin nearby, so I walk to it. The cabin looked nice and it seemed like no one lived there.

 The cabin looked nice and it seemed like no one lived there

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(That's what the cabin looks like btw. It's just bigger, and the image doesnt belong to me. I found it on Google)

‘Yet. This cabin is for you and your siblings to live when they hatch from their dofus. As for the place you are in, it is an AU that is empty. I created everything that you see and your father has started to wake up, so there is hope for our people’ Mother said.
I nodded and went into the house, and then very suddenly got a bad feeling as the area went cold. I suddenly portaled away to the next part of the living room as an arrow and a tentacle impaled right where I was. I looked over and saw Nightmare with a skeleton who looked like the literal embodiment of sunshine with a positive aura surrounding him. I looked at them with visible confusion, and got the feeling to check their stats, so I did.
*Nightmare: LV 99, ATK 99, DEF 99, 🖂︎🕈︎✌︎☠︎❄︎💧︎ ❄︎⚐︎ 😐︎☜︎☜︎🏱︎ ✡︎⚐︎🕆︎ 💧︎✌︎☞︎☜︎ ✌︎☠︎👎︎ 🕈︎✋︎❄︎☟︎ ☟︎✋︎💣︎ ☞︎ ⚐︎ ☼︎ ☜︎ ✞︎ ☜︎ ☼︎🖂︎
*Dream: LV 99, ATK 99, DEF 99, 🖂︎🕈︎✋︎☹︎☹︎✋︎☠︎☝︎ ❄︎⚐︎ 😐︎☜︎☜︎🏱︎ ☟︎✋︎💧︎ 💧︎🕆︎☠︎💧︎☟︎✋︎☠︎☜︎ 💧︎✌︎☞︎☜︎ ✌︎❄︎ ✌︎☹︎☹︎ 👍︎⚐︎💧︎❄︎💧︎❞︎🖂︎
I furrowed my brows in confusion at the last part, but looked at them.
“How did you two get here? I don’t even know the name of this AU” I said, looking at them
“We teleported, and some idiot decided it was a good idea to follow me. How did you get here?” Nightmare said, not looking pleased in the slightest.
“I got portaled away by Mother and ended up here. Apparently this is going to be the new eliatrope and dragon world” I explained
Nightmare nodded and glared daggers at Dream, who was staring at me with a certain look, but I don’t know what it was.
“Soooo, where are we and who are you?” Dream asked
“An empty AU that was filled with Mother’s creations. I’m Y/N the Eliatrope” I introduced myself
 At my name Dream seemed to get excited, and rushed to hug me. I was very confused but hugged the sunshine looking skeleton back.
I was confused for a brief moment before I remembered that in my previous life, the one before this one, I was with them until the incident…I started to tear up, and carefully pulled Nightmare into the hug. Nightmare tensed, glared at Dream and shoved him away, and then hugged me back.
“What the- BROTHER! That was rude!” Dream said
Nightmare just smirks and hugs me closer. Dream glares and takes me away from his brother and hugs me close.  Nightmare glares and pulls me away from Dream again, but Dream decides to kiss my cheek, causing me to blush and Nightmare to glare. I sigh and portal out of the hug, and land by the kitchen.
“As much as I want to go back and help XChara, I don’t think i’ll be able to leave until I get this place sorted out” I say
They huff and cross their arms.
“And what makes you unable to leave?” Nightmare questioned
“My mom” I say with a deadpan face
“Well…the good thing is that you can’t get hurt while you’re here!” Dream said, hyper
“I could always get hurt by tripping or doing other things Dream-” I say.
Dream huffs and Nightmare rolls his eyelight.
“As much as I don’t want to leave you alone with him, I have to check to see if the idiots are alive” Nightmare says.
We nod and he teleports off. Me and Dream look at each other for awhile in awkward silence, though i’m sure it wasn’t awkward to him.
“...I’ll see if I can make a portal to XChara-” I say
Dream frowns as I make a portal, but it immediately gets closed by Mother. I sigh, and turn to Dream.
“So since I know that i’m now stuck here, want to talk or do something?” I ask awkwardly
Dream grins, as if I asked him who his favorite person was and what they like about him.
“Yes! Yes! I want to know where you have been all these years and what you have been doing without us and if you got together with anyone!~” Dream said, a dangerous glint in his eyelights at the last part
“Let’s sit down first. This will take awhile” I say, gesturing to the couch
Dream nods and skips to the couch and sits down. I hum and walk to the couch, sitting on the opposite end of it. Dream frowned a bit and sat closer with me, and then scooted closer when he saw no argument. I hummed and started to talk.
“Well, after I died, I got reborn in a random au with my sister Willow. You remember her right?” I ask
“Yeah I remember her. I remember her dying in a alley between houses” Dream said, staring directly into my eyes.
“Well, she died again in this life, but I don’t know how, but that’s not till later. Anyways, Adamai found me and Willow, but then fought off a Xelor who wanted to take mine and Willow’s wakfu.” I say
“....and what happened to the Xelor?” Dream asked in a sickly sweet voice
“Well, he got killed, but I don’t know what killed him. All I know is that whatever killed the Xelor, also killed Adamai. I had panicked and created a random portal, and Ad threw us in it, and we ended up in XTale” I say, tearing up slightly
“Oh..That must’ve been tough…being in a world you don’t know and seeing your brother die infront of you…But don’t worry, I’ll be here with you~” Dream said, smiling
“Thanks Dream Boat. Anyways, XGaster found me and Willow and raised us alongside XFrisk and XChara. We were raised normally, and one day, when me and XChara were playing in the flower fields, I created a portal accidentally, and then shortly collapsed due to feeling Willow die through our mental link…I still don’t know what killed her, but all I can do is try to be my best self because that’s what she would want me to do” I say, smiling softly and sadly
“Did anything else happen?” Dream asked, getting closer
“Well, XGaster found our suffering amusing and he started to OVERWRITE everything. OVERWRITE is like the RESET button, but it overwrites whole timelines and changes them on a whim. We suffered through 10 OVERWRITEs and even more RESETS. Me, XFrisk, and XChara started to rebel against XGaster, but we would always fail. One day, XFrisk lost his determination, so he and XChara had to fuse and share a body. That was the timeline that we found out that XGaster was only using the RESET button…We found Cross and tried to convince him to help us, and we almost succeeded, but we got distracted and we had to try and convince the others of our au to help us. We succeeded and we almost got away with killing XGaster, but I got trapped and XGaster killed the others except for XChara, XFrisk, and Cross. Cross appeared and tried to beat XGaster, but couldn’t. Cross almost died, but he took half of XChara’s soul and absorbed it into his own body and managed to free me, and suddenly XGaster disappeared, and we were left in a void of our au. We cried for stars knows how long, and then Ink appeared.” I say, taking a deep breath
Dream tilted his skull, and he started to hug me.
“You met Ink?” Dream asked
I nod.
“Yeah, he was nice at first, but me and XChara started to notice changes in his behavior. He would start to glance at me with hearts in his eyelights and then look away, and he would blush whenever I said something. It was weird, but one day a glitching skeleton named Error came into the void that used to be our au, and wrapped me and Cross in strings. Error took Cross’ soul, but did not take mine. I’m not sure if he knows that I saw him blushing when he looked at me. Anyways, Ink came along, and he had to choose between me and Cross or fighting Error and taking back Cross’ soul. Ink freed us, and then fought Error, but got blasted back by Error’s blaster. He was injured and Error fled. Cross kept flicking between himself and XChara. His form settled on Xchara and then-” I say, before getting cut off
“And then everything else happened?” Dream asked, tilting his skull to the side
I nod in confirmation.
“Yeah, but somewhere in the middle of all this, I got together with Nightmare and Cross, and I also think XChara as well because he and Cross share a body” I say, humming
Dream didn’t appear to like this, because next thing I know, I am pinned to the couch, with Dream above me.

Yandere Underverse x Eliatrope!Reader(discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now