Teen Wolf (Thomas also has PTSD)

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After being taken out of the maze we were returned to our families. Basically WCKD kidnapped a bunch of kids and created clones of them before returning them to their families. Us clones were experimented on and had our genes mutated. What they did to us depends on our job in the glade. So me being a runner means I'm stronger and faster then most humans. Not superman strong or flash speed but still noticeably different. Minho was adopted by a family since his family didn't want him. He told me how he has a brother named Scott now. Newt and a few other gladers are about a hour or so away. Newt and his sister Sonya now live together. I still keep in contact with some of the gladers but some like Gally and Teresa now live over seas. I laid in my bed looking at the ceiling. I hardly slept. It's so weird here. Peace and quiet. You have to understand I spent the last five years in the maze with grievers that screamed every night. I screamed as I heard a alarm. 

"THOMAS" my father yelled. 

Stiles and our father came to my room. 

"Are you okay" asked our father. 

"Ya, why is there a alarm" I asked. 

"It's to get you up for school" said Stiles. 

I looked at the clock. 

"It's not even 7" I said. 

"Well we have to be there by 8. Plus it's better then having to map a giant maze and run from monstrous spiders. All you have to worry about is hours of boredom and homework, mean teenagers, and how to be on time" said Stiles sarcastically. 

Well that is comforting I guess. I got to school with Stiles and was excited to see my boyfriend Minho goes here two. The bells at school were so weird. Some of the kids would laugh at how we would jump a little. After lunch was counselling. Basically it's just to help the gladers be outside the maze and adjust to normal high school life. Plus I have PTSD from the maze. I'm scared of being outside at night after that one night in the maze a year ago. I barely survived. Minho has been helping me cope with it. After school was over was practice for a sport. I made the team and tied with Liam at first but Coach put me as backup since everything that happened with the maze. At night I was at home with Stiles. I had every light on in the living room and closed all the curtains so I can't see outside. 

"Uh, right now" asked Stiles as he was on the phone. 

"Okay, just give me a second. I'll be there" said Stiles. 

He hung up and entered the living room. 

"So uh, I have to go to Scott's quick" said Stiles a little nervous. 

"But it's dark out" I said. 

"I know, but I'll be back" said Stiles. 

I can feel my anxiety. 

"Came I come with? I'm not ready to be by myself yet" I said. 

"Okay" said Stiles. 

I quickly got a stuffed bear and went out to Stiles car. God it's so scary out here. I closed my eyes and as we drove there. I was worried we were going to crash into a griever or something. We finally made it and entered Scott's house. 

"You brought Thomas" said Scott. 

"I can't leave him alone. Besides he will be fine as long as he stays in the house with us" said Stiles. 

"Okay, but don't freak out. I might of bit someone" said Scott. 

"Oh my god who" asked Stiles. 

I was a little confused. Scott called Stiles because he bit someone. 

I will end the idea here. I don't have many ideas for this chapter and honestly feel sad while writing it so it will end here for now. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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