Minecraft player or entity part 2

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As I played I started to see Minho. He likes hiding in the shade. At one point I forgot about Minho and built a penis in the ground. "Nice, but it's not accurate. There is no head" said Minho. I was embarrassed after that. Minho moved into my house I built. We played together till I had to sleep. It has been a week and I love playing with Minho. I heard a crash in the kitchen and bolted up. I grabbed my phone for a flash light. I went to the kitchen and looked around. There was a glass bowl on the floor. I didn't like that bowl anyway. I was grabbed with my mouth covered. "Hello Thomas" said Minho. Wait he's real? I thought he was just in Minecraft. The shuck did I sign up for? Minho licked my cheek. He was surprised. "It's you" said Minho. "What" I asked in Minho's hand. They are soft and feel perfect. Too feel him hold me like this as we shuck. Oh that would be everything. "You're my soulmate" said Minho. I blushed. Minho let go of me. I turned around and looked at him.

Minho looked cute. "Like what you see Thomas" asked Minho. I blushed harder. "Um, ya. Yo,you're cute" I said. Minho pulled me closer and kissed me on the lips. I closed my eyes and kissed back. "I'm sorry Thomas" said Minho as he broke the kiss. "What" I asked. Minho bit me and injected the venom. It burned. "Minho what the shuck" I asked. Minho said nothing. I fainted in his arms. I woke up on a bed. "Hey shuck face, enjoy your nap" asked Minho. He brushed my hair back. I noticed we were at the hospital. "What the shuck happened" I asked. Minho sat on the bed. "Remember how I was looking for my soulmate threw Minecraft" asked Minho. "Ya" I said. "Well, I'm a zombie. The government hides us from the public. They agreed that I can use Minecraft to find my soulmate. I was really lonely and knew you were human. I turned you into a zombie and brought you here. Are you mad" said Minho. "No, I love you. Besides I probably would of said yes if you asked" I said. "So you don't mind being a zombie" asked Minho.

"Nope, and between us I always had a thing for them" I said. Minho blushed. I remember I would always dream about a sexy zombie being my boyfriend. My class thought it was weird. They were okay with me being gay they just didn't understand the love for a zombie. Minho gave me some pork. "I assume you're probably hungry" said Minho. I took the pork and started horking it down. I don't think I even tasted it. "Wow slow down there Thomas. You'll choke or get sick" said Minho as he made me slow down. I slowed down my eating and tasted the raw pork. It was amazing. I finished the pork and snuggled with Minho. I was later tested and released from the hospital. Minho and I moved on with our lives. We still play Minecraft with people. We came out as dating and people loved it. There was also times we tried shucking in Minecraft but someone walked in. Minho and I also had sex in real life. Which was better then in Minecraft. Believe me, it didn't really work. Minho and I spent the rest of our lives together. I'm glad I created that world. I knew what I signed up for but I didn't think I was actually Minho's soulmate. I'm glad I was though. I have the perfect boyfriend and future husband.

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