Zombie Bad Boy

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I was reading a book in my hospital room. The doctors aren't sure I'll make it but there is still hope I guess. I signed and closed my book. I got up and walked over to the window. I looked and saw the wall that keeps the town's separate. On the other side is the zombie town. The agreement was we wouldn't enter the zombie territory and they won't enter ours. It's the only way they found to keep the peace. I opened the window and felt the night breeze. I signed as I leaned on the ledge. I feel lonely. I wish I had a boy friend who was also a bad boy. I tried dating bad boys only to find out they are complete turds. However I just love the idea of dating a bad boy. Not the kind that do drugs or are in gangs. Never those kind but more of the kind that do adventures and stuff that is against the rules. "Boo" said a man appearing in front of me. I fell back with a yelp. The man entered my room and put his hands on his hips.

"You sure are one ugly shank" said the boy. "Thanks" I said annoyed. The,machine I'm hooked up to started beeping. One of the wires must of been moved or something. "Here, sorry about that" said the boy. He helped me stand up and fix the wires. The machine stopped beeping. "I'm Minho, what's your name shuck face" said the boy crossing his arms. "Thomas" I said. "I like you Thomas" said Minho. I smiled a little. "Thanks but uh what is a zombie like you doing here" I asked. "I got bored. Decided to scare some people, and do something entertaining" said Minho. "I wish I could go outside but I'm stuck here in this stupid hospital" I said. "Well you could, if you were a zombie like me" said Minho. "Wait I thought that was just a myth" I said. "Nope, humans can become zombies. I was a human till Gally found me and turned me against my will but I don't care any more. I can't get sick after all" said Minho. "That must be nice" I said sadly. Minho held out his hand. "You know Thomas, I can turn you into a zombie" said Minho. I swallowed.

"Will it hurt" I asked. "Depends on how you are turned but I'll just bite you and get it over with" said Minho. I slowly took Minho's hand. "Okay, but please try and be gentle" I said. "Do I have to count to three" asked Minho. A nurse entered. "Hey get away from him freak" said the nurse. The nurse broke us apart. "You freaks are suppose to stay in your own town" said the nurse. "Ya but i got bored. Besides I know my soulmate is human. Maybe I want to find him" said Minho. He winked at me. I blushed and looked away. "Whatever just leave" said the nurse. "Okay, but Thomas starting right now I am your zombie bad boy" said Minho. I wanted to moan from the thought of that. Minho sat on the window ledge. He blew me a kiss and disappeared into the night. I felt butterflies in my chest. I actually love that guy. He was so handsome. The nurse did a quick check up on me. She also said that Minho isn't aloud to come back here. However that doesn't mean he can't come back here. Every day since then we met in secret. It was perfect. It would be better though if I had the guts to ask Minho to turn me into a zombie.

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