(21) Training Part Two

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"What? No way. That's disgusting." Eda whispered, talking to the Owl Beast in her mind. "Ugh.. But why so many?" She complained. "Okay, okay! Deal! Sheesh." She opened her eyes and looked at you kneeling in front of her.

"Uhhh, what's up kid?" She asked curiously. You looked her in the eye and said the thing you've never said before.

"I love you, Mom." She opened her mouth in surprise and tears started filling her eyes. She leaned forward and gave you a tight hug.

"I love you too, kid. But we're not going anywhere. Don't think that this is goodbye, alright?" She whispered aggressively.

You chuckled nervously, and nodded your head.

"I promise."

You started crying a little as she let go, and she wiped your tears off your face. "Now c'mon. Let's try your trumpet now. You haven't played that in a while!" She exclaimed. You nodded your head, remembering how much you used to love your brass horn.

"Plus, it's one of my most powerful instruments," You recalled, summoning it. You played a low B, pressing your middle finger down. Everybody shouted and covered their ears. "Oops! Sorry about that!" You apologized, quickly taking the instrument away from your mouth.

"No biggie!" Willow sweetly said.

"Wait," Gus joined in, "Will anybody hear our super loud training? I mean, there are rooms right next door, right?" He asked nervously.

"Don't worry about that! I've replaced the insulation to the room with abomination goo, so it's basically soundproof in here! Nobody can hear what's going on in here, and we can't hear anybody outside!" Amity assured everyone.

You hadn't even thought of the noise you were all creating, so you thanked your lucky stars that Amity was as smart as she was.

Gus drew a circle in the air, and made the entire room look like his room. "Woah! This is a serious illusion, Gus! Great job!" You said with surprise, feeling the wall that was now painted a light blue. He stopped the illusion and bowed as everybody clapped happily.

Even though you were all training mostly separately, you were happy that you all got time to spend together; especially if your mom was wrong, and this was goodbye for some of you.

Willow and Amity were trying out different types of attacks, like a wave of abomination goo, being pushed forward by a giant vine. Or a sharp vine covered in goo to make it sticky, so it'll wrap around Belos better. They high fived after every single one, which you thought was sweet.

Eventually Hunter felt confident enough with his glyph skills that he started practicing teleportation. He knew how to do it, sure, but he wanted to feel more in control of it. He started by putting a sticky note on the ground, and spinning around a few times so he would be dizzy.

Then he would stop spinning, open his eyes, and look for the sticky note until he found it. The second he sees it, he forces himself to try and teleport to it, so he can be more precise. He had to admit, it was definitely helping, because he was getting closer and closer to the sticky note with each teleportation.

Lilith was now trying to get in touch with her inner raven beast, wanting to become a harpy woman too, but as of right now, nothing was working.

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