Chapter 7: The Dangers of Truth or Dare

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A/N: It seems like every One Direction fan fiction has truth or dare in it. I just wanted to add to that list! All the boys are going to be single. I've decided that would be easier for me to write. Just in case if I make Aisha and Raven in the book more.

Chapter 7: The Dangers of Truth or Dare

Kitty's POV

"I love Truth or Dare!" I screamed out. I can be pretty evil with this game. The best part of it I know a lot about One Direction and Logan. This will be good.

"I'll go first!" Louis yelled. Everyone covered their ears except for me. If I'm use to Aisha's loudness than  I should be use to Louis' too. I should introduce the two...maybe it will go somewhere.

"Truth or Dare...Harry." Louis said smiling evilly. Harry's face got a whole lot paler.


"I dare you to wear red lipstick all over your lips and post it on twitter. Oh and don't forget to include Kitty in the picture too." Louis said. Wow. I guess we're dating, so it shouldn't be a problem.

I walked over to my dresser and found red lipstick from when I was in middle school. I remember when me and Logan would go to school and act like we were all  cool, since we were allowed to wear makeup. Those were the good old days.

"I'll sit on your lap, while Louis takes the picture." I laughed looking at his red lips, that reminds me.

"Why are you putting the lipstick on too?" Harry asked.

"So it looks like I did this." I told him and went in for the kiss. I'm so happy he kissed back. Our lips were moving perfectly together when I heard a click.

We both stopped and saw Louis with Harry's phone. Harry grabbed it back and looked at the post.

"With my girlfriend Kitty Mann at her house and doing the usual. Kissing her while I wear the makeup." He read out loud.

"Does that mean you two are officially together?" Logan asked us both.

"I don't know..." I looked up into Harry's eyes. Those two green orbs seemed to make me say "yes."

Everyone cheered in joy and even me and Harry couldn't stop smiling. He put his gigantic hands in my small ones. I couldn't help but think we were meant for each other for always.(A/N: Like the commercial!)

Harry's POV

I couldn't help my myself, but smile. Looks like the flirt of the group is now gone. I looked in the corner of the room and saw a closet. Maybe I should start things up with Niall and Logan.

"Niall truth or dare?" I asked him.

"Truth." He answered back.

"Ok dare then. I dare you to go in the closet with Logan for seven minutes." I smiled at him. I gave him no choice at all. Logan seemed to enjoy my dare. She couldn't stop smiling.

"Well, let's go in there!" Niall exclaimed to Logan.

They both disappeared into the closet.

"Let's take a break and go eat lunch." Kitty said.

"Agreed!" All the boys yelled, well except for Niall of course. He is going to be pissed that we ate without him.

~15 minutes later~

Kitty's POV

I looked at the clock in the kitchen and realized we forgot about Logan and Niall. They've been in there for 15 minutes!

"Come on guys. Let's check out how Logan and Niall are doing." I started walking up the stairs to my room. I stopped and took my phone out and got it on the video camera.

"Wow. You're evil." Liam whispered in my ear.

"Thanks. It keeps me up at night." I told him with quiet evil laughter.

I tiptoed to my closet door and put my three fingers up. I put down the first two and pulled open the door and recorded Niall and Logan kissing. If I do say so myself they were very into it. They didn't even notice me and the boys.

"Well there you have it fans! Niall Horan is now taken by Logan Holland!" I yelled to my phone.

Niall and Logan stopped and tried to fix themselves. Logan's hair was a mess and so was Niall's.

I secretly sent the video to Harry who posted it on his twitter. Soon all the fans were commenting back saying Liall Hollran! 

"Check out what our ship name is!" I asked Harry.

"Looks like ours is Hitty Sann. Do you like it?" He asked.

"Couldn't be better!" I said back and pecking him on the cheek.

"Ok it's my turn for truth or dare! I pick Kitty!" Niall said while pointing at me.

"I choose dare." I told him. He doesn't seem like the type to come up with good dares.

"I dare you to play your guitar!" Niall said. I felt like I was going to puke.

"I don't have a guitar...What are you talking about?" I lied to Niall while rubbing my hands. I rub my hands when I feel overwhelmed. It keeps me calm.

"Don't lie. I saw your guitar case."Niall told me. 

Well I'm screwed or maybe not...

"Ok...let me go get my music sheets which are downstairs..." I trailed off. I don't own any music sheets. I taught myself how to play the guitar with no help from anyone.

I walked out of my room to go out the backdoor. I hid in a bush and I started changing into a cat. No way in hell was I going to play the guitar. I would wait there until they decided not to make me do the dare. I'm stubborned that way.

I slowly laid down my head and started to drift off into sleep. I could vaguely hear people screaming out my name.

A/N: Hopefully the next chapter will get me to where I want the story to be about. If not, the book will eventually get there. Read on my kitties and wolves!


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