Chapter 17: In the Middle

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A/N: I dedicate this chapter to Skylar78! She gave me some of her ideas for this book, so thank her!

Chapter 17: In the Middle

 Niall's POV

I open my eyes slightly to darkness and a little bit of drool. I wipe my mouth and rub my eyes.

"Where am I?" I groggily ask myself. I take in my surroundings and realize I'm in my closet.

"Oh shit!" I totally forgot about what happened! I have to fix this.

I pick up my phone with my hand, thank God I'm a human again, and look at my missed calls. Most of them are from the boys, but I have at least three from Logan. I have to go see Harry!

I walk out of the closet and past the mirror that's in my room. As I'm passing the mirror I take a quick glance at myself. I continue walking, until I freeze. Did I just see wolf ears and tail? My hands rapidly go to my head and sure enough I feel wolf ears.

This has never happened to me before. They said that it would work. That I would never have to change, again. They promised. (A/N: My friend @taylore543 added this part and she didn't tell me why, so this is going to be fun.)

But I have to see how Harry is doing. It's all my fault that he's in the hospital.

I'll just put a beanie on my head and stick my tail in my pants. That'll work. And it sure won't be painful!

Logan's P.O.V

"I just got a text from Niall!" I scream to everyone.

"What does it say!?" All the boys plus Kitty ask me.

"He'll be here shortly." I tell them.

I start to get extremely happy. My boyfriend's not a psychopath!

Kitty gives me the I-told-you-so look. I just roll my eyes at her.

"I'll wait at the elevator for him!" I excitingly tell them.

"Sure, leave the concussed kid to go see your boyfriend. I'm not hurt at all." Harry puts his hand to his heart. He looks really well to have a concussion and it's great that he woke up. Too bad he doesn't remember how he got knocked out.

I hurriedly run to the elevator doors. I can't wait to see him!

The elevator doors ding open and I jump old man?

"I'm so sorry Sir." I quickly pick him up and his cane.

"I'm a married man. Maybe next time though." He takes his cane from my hand and wobbles away. That was weird.

"Are you cheating on me?" I hear someone from the elevator ask me.

"Niall!" I immediately hug him, but something seems strange.

I hold on a while longer and, I know this is weird, but I sniff him. Funny thing, he's smells exactly like a werewolf. It can't be possible. He would be in werewolf form. I realize that I've been hugging him for too long.

"I like the cologne your wearing. Smells really nice." I lie to him. I know he's not wearing any.

"Uhh, thanks." Hmm. He's lying to me too.

"Let's go see Harry." He breaks the awkwardness of the situation.

"Yeah, just follow me." I take his hand and lead him to Harry's room.

"Niall!" They all scream and pile onto him.

"Where were you buddy? We thought you might of ran away." The boys are lying too. They definitely thought Niall did this to Harry.  Is everyone lying today?

 "I...uhh...was hiding outside when we had our pillow fight and no one ever came looking for me, so I went to get some food." He slowly said. He seems unsure. Should I be worried?

"Well, it's good to have you back." They took his answer. What the hell? He was definitely lying!

"You know, Niall and I are going to step out for a second." I grab Niall's arm and start to drag him in the hallway.

"Logan! I just got here! Why are you acting so strange?" He yells at me.

So I'm guessing we're having our first fight. This sounds great! Note the sarcasm.

"Why are you lying to me and the boys!?" I scream at him.

We get a few strange stares from passing nurses, but they don't dare intervene.

"I'm not." He says nervously.

"Lying again! Can't you just stop lying? I never knew it was going to be so hard being your girlfriend, but it is. Not because of your fans, but because of you!" I leave him with that thought as I head for the stairs. I need to calm down or else I'm going to transform.

"Logan wait!" I hear him yell for me, but I keep running.

As I reach the stair's doors, he grabs my shoulder.

"I didn't mean to hurt you." He sincerely tells me.

He takes a deep breath before saying, "I'll tell you everything."

I calm down a bit, and worry about what he's going to tell me. Do I actually want to know the truth?

"Okay." I finally say.

"Let's go on the stairs. No one takes the stairs when there's elevators." I would have laughed at his remark, but we're being serious.

We go to the staircase and a wait a few moments. My heart is pumping fast. Do I still want to know the truth?

"You have to promise me that you won't run away when I show you." Show me what?

"Promise." I honestly tell him

He slowly reaches his hand up to his beanie and slides it off. And on his head were two perfect wolf ears. I stare in awe as I watch them twitch a bit. He must be nervous. I've never quite seen anything like this before.

"This is amazing." I finally tell him.

He sighs in relief as he smiles at me.

"You're not afraid?" He asks.

I think it's time to tell him the truth.

"Do you remember Princess?" I ask him, smiling down at my feet. It seemed so long ago.

"Yes?" He gives me a questioning look.

"Well, surprise! I was Princess!" I smile at him. I'm kind of excited now. I never thought I was going to meet another werewolf, let alone date one.

His jaw drops. I'm surprised him being a werewolf, that he didn't know I was one too, but I guess I should have known that he was one also.

"That makes so much since!" We're probably both smiling like idiots now, but I really don't care.

I take his beanie from his hand and place it over his ears.

"Let's keep this between you and me" I whisper in his ear. I don't want Kitty know...yet.

"Agreed." He whispers in my ear and passionately kisses me on the lips.

A/N: Sorry if this is a sucky chapter, but at least I updated and I'm proud of that!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2014 ⏰

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