Chapter 8: The New Kitty

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  • Dedicated to Kitties and wolves

A/N: Dedicated to everyone who is reading this and following me! I love you all!

Chapter 8: The New Kitty

Harry's POV

Kitty didn't come upstairs for a while...I think it's been like six minutes.

"Do you think she's coming back?" I asked Logan. She hesitated until she came up with her answer.

"Knowing Kitty, she probably isn't coming back."

"Let's go find her!" Louis yelled and dashed down the stairs.

"Kitty! Kitty!" We were all screaming out to her. Well, she wasn't in the kitchen or the living room or anywhere else in the house.

"We won't make you play the guitar! It's just a game!" Niall yelled out.

"Let's walk around outside. For all we know she could standing right out there." Liam told us being all Daddy Direction like. He always came up with reasonable ideas.

"Or she could be in outer space in a UFO, while the aliens are eating carrots right in her face!" Louis told everyone. Boo Bear came up with the...weird ideas.

"Ok... let's go outside." Logan said looking at Louis weirdly.

We all went outside to the hot summer air. I wonder when the girls get off of school, maybe they can  stay over at our apartment for the Summer.

"When are you and Kitty getting off of school?"

"This Tuesday. I'm so happy! No more homework!" She exclaimed throwing her hands up in the air.

"Aren't we suppose to be looking for Kitty?" Zayn asked.

"Kitty!" We were all yelling again. Well most of us were. Louis kept looking up at the sky, looking for the UFO that had her. I sometimes wonder if he was hit on the head when he was a baby.

We all walked up and down the street for her. After a hour we all gave up and decided she will come up eventually. We were all at the house until I heard light snoring in a bush.

"I think I might have found her." I whispered to everyone. Maybe she fell asleep in the bush?

I slowly crept toward the bush once I reached it and I screamed "Wake up Kitty!"

"Meow!" I jumped back and looked closer. It was a black cat. It was very cute if I might add. It was staring right at me.

"Looks like I got the wrong kitty." I joked. This actually made me real sad. It reminds me of Dusty. I miss him a lot. (A/N: Taking a guess that Dusty is a boy.)

"It's ok Harry. Dusty is in a better place now." Louis said hugging me

"I'm so sorry for your loss and I know how much Dusty meant to you." Logan said hugging me too. Soon everyone was hugging Harry.

Then the weirdest thing happened. The cat walked over to me and started rubbing against my leg purring. I was about to pick it up when...

"Harry! No! It could have rabies or something!" Liam was going Daddy Direction all over me.

"Don't worry. This cat hangs out in my neighborhood a lot. It's a stray." Logan told me.

That's it. I have to pick it up. I picked it up and it started to cuddle with me. That's so adorable!

"I'm going to keep this cat and name it..." I said looking to make sure it was a girl.

"Kitty." I said smiling.

I looked at everyone. They all seemed happy for me except for Logan. She looked like she got a whole lot paler.

"Are you sick Logan?" Niall asked feeling her head. Looks like someones not a crazy fan anymore. This time she didn't look like she was going to faint from Niall's touch...or maybe she's really sick.

"I'm fine." She said kissing his cheek. He smiled a bit.

"Let's bring you inside my new companion." I said looking at my brand new friend.

Kitty's POV (Cat Form)

So many things went wrong and so many mistakes I've just made. The first thing that couldn't leave my mind was that Harry 'owns' me now and that he checked to see if I was a girl. That was embarrassing

"I wish Kitty was here to see her." Harry said looking around the house.

"Kitty seen this cat before. You could say they're the same person." She said staring at me.

I couldn't help myself. I felt bad that Harry's cat died and I wanted to make him feel better. Logan even messed it up more when she said I was a stray. Everyone always feels bad for strays. I'm really in deep poo.

"Well me and the boys are going to go back to the apartment now." Harry said.

"We got to take Kitty home." 

I looked at Logan. She really couldn't do anything.

Don't tell my mom about this. She will only freak. I'll figure a way out of this. In the mean time tell my mom I'm at your house. I told Logan.

She nodded to say she understood. She can speak to animals too if you hadn't already see.

"Tell Kitty where ever she is that I'll call her tomorrow." Harry told Logan.

"Harry, she can't call you from outer space." Louis told Harry.

Outer space? What did I miss when I was asleep?

"Will do." She said ignoring Louis' comment. I can tell she is freaking out in the inside. Animals know that kind of stuff. They see things that humans can't see.

They brought me into the car and Harry put me on his lap. He kept stroking my neck and that's my weak spot. I silently purred through the whole ride. 

What am I going to do?

 A/N: Finally I got to where I wanted the book to be about! I have great plans!


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