Chapter Nine | Unbelievable

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It could be called explosion of mana that happened to a mage inside their body in simpler terms.

It is a very dangerous situation that could cost a mage their life or their whole career with a single mistake. It mostly occurs when a mage's body couldn’t handle excessive amount mana and on rare cases, due to excessive emotional changes.

Most mages suffered from it during breakthrough from one tier to another. When it happens, the mage would lost their rationality and go berserk.

Therefore, the more powerful a mage is, the more dangerous mana-deviation is, both for the mage and their surroundings.

However, if a mage could safely passed deviation, their mana capacity will rose to unimaginable degree and would even promoted to another tier. While failure would crippled their magical abilities and affinity to mana.

So imagine the surprise of the Empire, no, the whole continent when the most powerful mage of east, Princess Veronique Vict of Eastern Empire, suffered mana-deviation and passed another breakthrough safely when she's already a highest leveled first tier mage?

Frankly? There's not even a level left for her to pass through.

The mages in first tier level are refered as Archmages, the highest title a mage could got, and she's already one a long time ago so what did she promoted to now? Grand Archmage? Unbelievable.

Moreover, the reason she got into this unnecessary deviation in first place was because her brother's mistress angered her?

Definitely unbelievable.

Heinley feels like he should reconsider his strategies of conquering the Eastern Empire after hearing this information. More so when one of his most trusted allied seemed to be occupied more than necessary with a certain princess who's supposed to be their enemy.

Forget it.

He might as well just go scouting to the imperial palace again for more information.

Heinley was strolling through the gardens at the Western wing of Imperial Palace from above the sky, when he saw a beautiful, elegant woman in red dress with fair skin and blond hair.

From one glance, he's awared that that woman must be the Empress of Eastern Empire for there's only one person who held such resemblances with Princess Veronique around her age. Thus out of pure curiosity, he decided to approached her by perching on a huge flower nearby.

"What a strange bird."

As Heinley wanted, the Empress approached him carefully by herself. When she reached out her hand, he quickly hopped on. Then he shook his wings and nuzzled his beak against the back of her hand, too engrossed in acting his role as a bird.

As she stroked his small head, she noticed a small piece of paper tied on his foot. She opened it, and found a handwritten note in small script.

– I’m a foreign guest who will arrive at New Year’s Day. Wrote this after drinking.

Clearly, it was something he wrote and tied on himself with a gambling attempt to approach the Empress. Idea credit to Ergi who used Mckenna in gaining connection with Princess.

Unbeknownst to it, the beautiful Empress let out a laugh, and her ladies-in-waiting came over to see what had happened.

"Oh, that’s new.'


"What a handsome bird. What is it called?"

"I know it’s a bird that’s difficult to tame…isn’t it used for hunting?"

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