Chapter Thirty-Seven | The Deal

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It smells like death.

Ah, he should not be surprised at all, with how a certain someone seems to head first into trouble. But it'd still pained him everytime.

A wound or two was expected, it’s the norm. But this...

The smells of blood was what comes first, follows by the weariness that reached his back.

He couldn't stop his mind from slowly dipping into the void of darkness.

He reaches out to check, his hand was  cold, compare to the warm skin. He haven't gone mad yet, trying not to. He’s trying to reassure himself that it's not true, but his shaking body will lose control if his anxiety get worse.

That person seems to be fine, in a sense. Except closed eyes and being in the middle of the pool of blood that grow continuously without any signs of stopping soon.

He want to vomit, it’s nauseating, unpleasant, painful. No matter how many time, it still make him feels as if his blood has freeze.

Dead bodies are nothing to note, there's a dozen of them on the battle field.

He have seen corpses that're hundred fold messed up beyond recognition. He certainly have seen worse that his mentality is no longer something would faze upon a single corpse.

Dead bodies are nothing to note.

That is, until you put a face on it.

And how unfortunate.

The face before him is of the one he love.

And so, he chose madness.


The glass greenhouse inhabited exotic plants that lit up under the moonlight, but they required mana to turn on. Right now, only the doorway was lit up with unfamiliar mana, making the gleaming moon in darkness of the night more pronounce.

Somehow, the atmosphere gave Veronique uneasy feeling, making her prepared witty comments stuck inside her throat.

Most importantly...

"..Young Master Gassian? "

First born of Duke Wilbraham stand facing the fountain at the central of greenhouse, his back facing her and almost blend into dark. If not for the light reflect off of his unique crimson hair, Veronique would actually missed him. Without looking back to her direction despite hearing her voice, he looked almost like a ghost.

This just make Veronique a bit nervous, her gut felt the need to catch the man before it's too late. But before what too late? She really couldn’t catch that thought.

She also couldn't explain which one was the reason her breathing became erratic, the fact that Gassion Wilbraham who's supposed to be cripple for over a decade was standing straight with two definitely not disabled legs or the fact that he could enter her greenhouse without triggering any security alarms and traps that she applied and even lit a branch of mana required glowing plants by himself.

Her hand has already move before she could pull her mind back and thought any longer, she held on to his shoulder as she asked in the most normal voice she could.

"...You can walk?"

With the light from outside, she could see Gassian's expression, or was supposed to. Mage princess doesn’t know how to describe it. She honestly can't see clearly, couldn't make out what this man was thinking about.

She just felt like Gassian right now seems…lost, not as in when he doesn’t know what to do, it just seems like Gassian knows for sure what must be done and he was doing it, just that the result is not satisfactory and left him confused about what was the best step to take next. Similarly to when a rock block your road, you could choose to either move it with a lot of people, or blow it up, which is the best option depend on your situation.

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