Chapter Thirty-Nine | Confession

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Sovieshu called out to Navier in a stern voice and frowned.

“You’re with him?”

Navier didn’t want to answer, as her feelings about Sovieshu were still unresolved.


She offered him the bluntest reply, and the crease Sovieshu’s forehead on grew deeper.

“Prince Heinley. How long are you going to remain here?”

Prince Heinley replied with a broad smile, even though he had an argument with the Emperor only a few days ago.

“About two to three weeks, I think.”

“Isn’t that too long? The Western king is not in the best health, and it’s not good for the crown prince to stay away.”

Sovieshu was not shy in hiding his dislike for Prince Heinley, which had built up since Prince Heinley’s conflict with Rashta. Sovieshu’s observation wasn’t wrong, however.

“Thank you for your concern.”

Prince Heinley responded with a simple smile and said nothing more. A strained silence reigned over the group.

“I’ll take my leave first, Your Majesty. ”

Navier quickly said goodbye to Sovieshu, as they would only hurt each other’s feelings if she stayed any longer. However, Sovieshu looked offended and called out to her again.


That look...did he just want to insult her in front of Prince Heinley? That was Navier's first thought going by past experience. To her misfortune, or perhaps it was a blessing, he spoke to Prince Heinley first.

“I need to talk to the Empress, and I hope that you will go your own way.”

“I was already walking with her, Your Majesty.”

“I have something to say to the Empress, Prince Heinley.”

Sovieshu cut between Navier and Prince Heinley, and he held out his arm for her to take.

When Navier looked at Prince Heinley, she saw his lips were pressed tight, as if he wished she wouldn’t follow her husband. Yet she took Sovieshu’s hand, feeling sorry for Prince Heinley who looked like a sad golden retriever, while Sovieshu shot a glare at him.

“Why are you looking at the Empress with a miserable expression?”

Sovieshu stared down at him as if he found him pathetic.

“The Empress was showing me around, and the Emperor has taken my guide.”

“The Empress is my wife, not a tour guide for a prince.”

Sovieshu wrapped his arm possessively around Navier's shoulder. Navier could not deny him, and sighed and walked alongside his footsteps. It wasn’t until when Prince Heinley was out of sight did he drop his arm.

“Why are you showing around that womanizer?”

“I ran into him on the way from work.”

“Let someone else handle it from now on. There are many other people in the palace, yet he wants the Empress to guide him?”

“Prince Heinley is the successor to a powerful nation with extensive wealth and military power. We don’t have to be on bad terms.”

Sovieshu glanced towards the knight, who took a bow and stepped away. Sovieshu rested his arm against a pillar and gave Navier a reproachful stare. She suspected he didn’t want her to cultivate relations with the man who demeaned Rashta.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2022 ⏰

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