Chapter Twenty-Seven | A Tiring Meal

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Rashta was the first person to greet when Navier entered the dining room. She covered her mouth in surprise, then smiled and corrected.

"Your Majesty!"

I could see Navier's smooth expression almost crumbled. It was understandable. Even my diplomatic smile was wipe away from that white thing's action and my conservation with Grand Duke was abruptly cut short.

A moment later, Prince Heinley, Sovieshu and Princess Circe entered the dining room.

Sitting down beside me, Circe looked at me as if to say, ‘What’s wrong?’ but I shook my head and remain glued on my seat as Navier also went to her seat, which is on my other side.

Prince Heinley said hello to Navier and me, and we both only gave him a slight nod. I could see the gossip hungry eyes of Circe aiming Navier, but the Empress didn’t acknowledge it and took her seat calmly.

It was only after a servant poured water into our glasses that Circe leaned over and whispered quietly to us.

"I thought it was a joke until a while ago."

Her voice was so low that we could barely hear it.

"What was?"

She glanced over at the Prince.

"Prince Heinley. I believe the rumor that he is a womanizer is true. He acts so sweetly to Miss Rashta in front of His Majesty. As sweet as a cream puff."


Her expression sent Navier into a coughing fit as she drank from her glass.

"Cream puff? With his colors, he would be more of a human custard."

I rolled my eyes sarcastically without bother looking in their direction this time and I sent a short glare toward Circe for making Navier choke. The Southern Princess smiled in amusement.

Prince Heinley's, Rashta's, and Sovieshu's attention turned towards three of us at the same time, and Navier quickly schooled her expression and covered her mouth with a handkerchief.

Now that Circe pointed it out, the atmosphere did seem strange.

Prince Heinley was aloof and mysterious as always, but Sovieshu seemed more on edge than usual.

From time to time he shot glances between Prince Heinley and Rashta. And Rashta…she seemed to be enjoying the situation. Her cheeks were more flushed than usual at the attention of both the Emperor and the Prince.

'Can't she be less obvious that she's enjoying all the attention like some attention seeking whore? Even I feel embarrassed in her stead.'

On the sidenote, if it had been Prince Heinley that who found Rashta caught in the trap from the beginning, then what would have happened…? Would relationship between Navier and Sovieshu remain as it was? Lukewarm, yet still peaceful, as it should and as it was?

My brain throbbed at the sudden thought, but I soon shook it away.

'Even if it wasn't Rashta, Sovieshu would have still brought in a concubine one day and he would still hurt Navier.'

Soon after, the table filled up with all the guests, and the servants brought in the first course— mulled wine, fresh celery, salmon with potatoes, and chicken poached in wine.

It was well into the middle of a long meal when, suddenly, there was a sharp crash. The dining room turned silent. Sovieshu was staring at Prince Heinley, his glass spilled over his plate. Everyone watched them with bated breath.

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