Chapter Twenty-Eight | Abhorrence That Born

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"One would have mistook we have two Empresses in our Empire from those behaviors of yours, Lady Rashta. How funny would it be, isn't it?"

Duchess Landegre said with joking tone while tearing her eyes away from the direction of Princess Veronique whom immediately responded with a glare for her insulting statement. Meanwhil, Rashta seemed to have come into idiotic conclusion that Duchess was praising her and tilted her head to one side, acting coy and innocence even if the other person is of same gender.

"Well, Rashta is also His Majesty's woman so---"

The Duchess's sudden bell like laughter rang in the hallway and cut Rashta off from speaking out something absurd again. Laughing, the Duchess gently pressed the top of her folded hand fan upon her red lips. Amusement dancing in her eyes when Rashta noticeably flinched and gone red on side, not from shame unfortunately.

"You're truly funny."


"Oh, don't be offended. I mean it in good way, presumably. Well, see you tomorrow then, Your Majesty, Your Highness, Lady Rashta."

"Of course, Duchess."

After the Duchess left, Rashta seemed to have overcomed being confused by her and turned to look at Navier, asking in an amiable voice.

"Shall we continue, sister?"

She's still being absurd, but there was no convention or precedent that Navier could use to stop her without ruining their own images.

'It's not worth it.. bear with it... I could get back at her later with multiply if I wanted.'

Veronique repeatly chanted in her mind. Navier also seemed to be telling her to do the same with her eyes.

Navier deliberately broke away from Rashta and approached Marquis Samonew, one of their allies and Rashta followed her footsteps again. She smiled coquettishly at him, making the Marquis laugh. She continued this until there was only Grand Duke Kaufman left.

Did she have to courage to approach him? She came up to him, speaking in a gentle voice.

"My Lord."

At that moment, goose flesh erupted on Veronique's skin. Her voice had suddenly changed. Earlier, she had been bright and playful, but now her tone had taken on a deeper quality. She was imitating Navier's voice. It wasn’t a perfect recreation, but creepily close.

"Will you be attending the special banquet tomorrow?"

Her words evaporated in the air as the Grand Duke passed them in silence after a cold glance. It was more embarrassing that Rashta attempted to imitate Navier, rather than the Grand Duke Kaufman passing by them as well.

"Miss Rashta."

She smiled and said in her usual sweet voice.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

It was not the same person who looked at Navier like she betrayed her in the dining room. Veronique suppressed her feelings and Navier spoke as calmly as possible.

"I planned to ask you this after the New Year's celebrations, but now I have to know."

"What is it?"

"Why did you lie to everyone and say that Princess and I sent you gifts?"

Rashta’s eyebrows lifted in confusion while Veronique froze.

She presumed Navier already know that Sovieshu is the one who caused that case, with the level of her intelligence. But there's no way she would be asking that to Rashta in public if that's the case.

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