Chapter Thirty-Four | For What Reason

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As usual, it was futile trying to avoid getting entangled with Rashta. Each time, it was either her or Sovieshu that netted me and Navier in, but this time it was Sovieshu.

I returned to my room, leaving behind those two brothers back in guestrooms along with tiresome thoughts. I wanted to take a warm bath to relieve my fatigue of the day. Seanna and Melanie also seemed exhausted, so instead of having them follow me, I sent them away to take their rest.

However, before I could even finish drawing the bathwater, a palace guard came to see me. I had a sinking feeling the moment I saw him. In recent month, Sovieshu summoned me out of the blue more times than he ever had in my whole life and each of had been unpleasant encounters.

What on earth did he want this time? My mood felt heavy to the point of annoyance as I walked through the long corridors, but I managed to control my expression to that of stoic nonchalance. I hoped I could maintain it in front of that stupid brother of mine instead of snapping again…



The sight of Navier also on the doorway of Sovieshu's bedroom only boasted my unpleasant feeling to another degree. He summoned both of us, which definitely could be for the sake of that white thing.

Finally, we entered Sovieshu's bedroom in the eastern wing. Sovieshu was seated on a chair by the bed, and I also noted Rashta on the bed with a towel on her forehead. I turned back to Sovieshu again, who had his eyes fixed on Navier.

"…I'll take my leave."

The guard captain who lead Navier and his subordinate who came for me closed the door, and the atmosphere became even more oppressive. Sovieshu slowly opened his mouth to speak.

"Do you have anything to say to me?"

His voice was curt.

"I'm leaving tomorrow."

I spoke to him just as bluntly. That is the only thing I have to say.

"You're not allowed. And I'm asking the Empress."

"Not allowed? Who do you--"

Navier grabbed my wrist and stopped me before she said in calmer tone.

"Why did you summoned us."

"Is that the only thing you want to say?"

"That's what I'm most curious about now."

"You do not even blink at this situation."

The first thought that came to my mind was, 'Navier must be doing a good job of controlling her facial expression,' and the corners of my mouth tipped upwards. Sovieshu seemed even more offended by my smile.

"Are you happy that everyone thinks Rashta's a runaway slave?"

"Well, it's a fact so who cares."


I rolled my eyes mockingly while Navier sighed exhaustedly beside me.

"Are you going to take your anger out on us?"


"I heard about Miss Rashta at the grand hall. I know you're upset, but don't take it out on us."

"Did you think I called you two to vent?"

"You did not?"


"Then why did you call us?"

He did not call Navier and me to be angry at us, but weren't his remarks derisive only a while ago? He probably thought Navier was happy that Rashta was discovered to be a runaway slave. Well, even if she's, is that any of his business?

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