Chapter Twenty-Two | Sting Of Betrayal

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Unlike the first day, second day's banquet doesn't have dressing theme, so everyone dressed on their personal preferences.

I was in a black string sleeved, low back dress with mermaid-tail skirt and elbow reach lace gloves. My hair was pulled up into a simple updo using a shiny black obsidian hairpin at the back.

As soon as I entered the hall, I met almost everyone there, including Navier and Princess Circe from the Southern Kingdom.


Princess Circe was the typical southerner ideal, sweet and generous and a skilled conversationalist. We know each other during my travel to Southern Kingdom under some circumstances and I lived long enough there for us to be considered close friends.

"You're as beautiful as ever, darling!"

She skipped cheerfully to my side with exaggerated words as I simply rolled my eyes with a snap of my hand fan.

"And I could see you're still full of energy as usual, Circe."

"Oh you little hard to pleased darling, are you still mad at me for last time?"

Circe pouted, clinging on my arm without any decorums and childishly rubbed her head upon my shoulder, to which I could only responded with a tired sigh.

"Although a certain someone called me petty, I'm not that petty to still picking on something that happened a year ago. I'm simply stating the fact that you're way too energetic for my liking."

Circe arched an eyebrow at my word, presumably disbelieve to what I said and she had no qualms with pointing out bluntly.

"Really? Are you really no longer mad at me for tried matchmaking you with my brother?"

"Really. I won't even remember it if not for your reminder."

"So my brother really didn't stand a chance with you, huh?"

The southern princess mumbled under her breath with a dejected look, which got brighten in a single second anyway as she bounced on her endless energy again.

"Oh well, it wasn't like he's perfect enough to be with little darling like you anyway!"

I couldn’t restraint snickering at her word and questioned while walking to the center of ball.

"You said that and still tried matchmaking me with him?"

While keeping up with my footsteps, Circe frowned and answered seriously at my question.

"I wouldn't have done that if you've just decided to stay a little longer in our kingdom."

At such childish and unreasonable reasoning of her, I could only sighed exhaustedly.

"You know that I was only there for sightseeing."

"Still, you could have lengthen yoyr stay. There's still many fun things I have yet to show you in our kingdom."

"In the end, you just wanted to use me as an excuse to make your brother let you play around."

"Same difference, darling~"

As we arrived to the center, both of us greeted to Navier who returned our action with a friendly smile. She  was in her signature red dress and surrounded high ranking noble ladies including her ladies-in-waiting.

Circe dived into their conversation circle without much effort like a fish into water. Due to her friendly and cheerful demeanor, everyone’s attention was drawn to what Circe said, when she suddenly looked over her shoulder and motioned.

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