First Meet♡

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I'm taking a stroll at the park early in the morning as the wind brushes my hair.

Today is a quiet and kinda windy, I got hungry in the middle of my walk so I proceed to find a store near by. At last after and few minutes I found a mini mart across the street, Then proceed to head there.

Both sliding doors slid open once I entered, there where lots of food and drinks filled on the shelfs. 'Maybe they restock the items a few minutes before I get here.'

I went to get something to eat but what should I buy, there so many delicious foods, then I started to crave for Takoyaki and try to search for it but there was nothing. So I went up to the counter "Good morning ma'am" the lady in the counter greeted me "Good morning, say do you happen to have Takoyaki in this minimart?" I asked, "Yes we do" she answered "we just keep them in a machine where stays warm in there"

"Ah. I see" I replied "how much would you like?" The lady asked "just one." I answered as she nodded and went to the staff room, later she came back carrying a plastic bag. "Here you go" The lady placed it on the counter "that would be $0.18 for your total" I grabbed the exact amount of money and placed it on the counter as the Lady took it and put it on the cashier "have a good day ma'am"

I took the plastic bag and left the mini mart, this smells so good.. Then I decided that I'll just have a picnic by myself here at the park. Sitting down on the bench making myself comfortable, I grabbed the box out of the plastic and take my wooden chopsticks. Excitedly opened my box filled with Takoyaki, took one and take a bite.

'It was soft and tasty.. All the flavors satisfied my taste buds... It was so delicious..'

I check the time on my phone as I kept eating, I can't help myself the food was so good.

6:30 𝚊𝚖..!? Shit! I better get going then.

I finished my Takoyaki as fast as I can and disposed it on the trash, I began to sprint my way back home so I can get change to my uniform. Luckily my place is quite near at this park, I unlocked my door and rushed upstairs to change.
Took me 10 minutes to get ready and lock the door, Pressing my lips I take a deep breathe and started running again to go to the train station. My train leaves at 6:50 and currently its 6:43, I can still make it.

Finally I got in the train and sighed in relief as I sat down, "good morning" an unfamiliar voice spoke. Lifting my head up I saw a beautiful girl, my heart tightened when I saw her.

'She is stunning...'

"O-oh. good morning." I greeted her back "you're wearing the same uniform as me but I never see you, are you the new student?" She asked politely as I nodded. "Ah I see, The teacher assigned me to tour you around the university. Glad to meet you this early" My heart wavers when I saw her warm smile, "By the way.. What's your name?"



Not even a minute me and Tori are getting along very well, we have so much in common. We both love cats and dogs, have the same favorite foods and etc. I was enjoying the conversation I'm having with Tori, She's so cool.

We both got down of the train and hurried to the university, "we're here! " she said in a cheerful voice. My jaw dropped as I saw how pretty the university is, "c'mon Rayne" She gently grabbed my wrist and pulled me in. Dragging me around and touring me.

Then I heard the bell rang for homeroom, I began to freak out. I don't wanna be late, Tori notice me panicking and tried to calm me down "don't worry Rayne you wont be late,You're excuse half-day" she said cheerfully.

2 periods has passed and its break time, "c'mon Rayne, lets go eat" Tori dragged me to the cafeteria. "TORI" a guy who's taller than me ran towards Tori, "Hey Vivian" Tori greeted him. "Is that the new student?" He turned to me, "yeah! This is Rayne"

"hi." I greeted him, "Welcome Rayne" He smiled.

"Anyways-" Tori cut off the short silence, "Vivian, you can find a table for us while me and Rayne get some food"

"How about I go with Rayne, I want to get to know her more" Vivian suggested, Tori hesitated a little but agree with him. "Shall we get some food Rayne?" He offered his hand, "Yeah" I took his hand as he lead me to the food area. "What would you like Rayne?" He asks "hmmm..I am not that hungry so maybe a little snack, I'm unfamiliar with the food so you suggest" I answered "How about....Moon Cake pie?" He looks at me waiting for my answer "sure" I said as he got excited "Its actually good and its my favorite so maybe I think you will like it too! " He smiled as my heart starts beating little faster but I brushed it off.

"What would you like today?" The lunch lady asked "2 moon cake pie and 1 raddish cake"

The lunch lady gave the requested order to Vivian who is still holding my hand, I tried loosen my grip to separate my hand but he gripped my hand and intertwined it with his. "I can't let you go, you might get lost in the crowd." He said as he led me to where Tori found a place to eat while holding the order with his free hand, My heart beats faster seeing my hands intertwined with his. Its driving me nuts "you're back!" Tori smiled "yep I got your raddish cake" Vivian said to her as Tori squealed and thank him, I slowly remove my fingers from his but he pulled me beside him "c'mon Rayne, eat. " he said gently letting go after I sat beside him. "I didnt know you like Moon cake pie too." Tori pointed at my food "Ah I havent ate one so this is my first time, Vivian suggested it for me" Vivian smiled as he heard my words.

He grabs my moon cake pie and moves it towards my lips, "less talking, more eating."

Slowly, I open my mouth taking a bite and began to chew "how was it?" He asked as my eyes widen "This is so good! " I squealed. He started to chuckle when he saw my reaction.


Rayne started to pout when she saw my reaction, "sorry Rayne, you just look cute" I laughed as she froze while her cheeks turned light pink. Tori seemed quiet today, she's usually cheerful and hyper but right now she isnt. "Tori, you alright? Is the radish cake not good?" I turned to Tori "Y-yeah! Sorry I was zoning out" She apologize "Im a little concern." Rayne added "ah don't worry Rayne" She smiled, But I know Tori is not okay. I have known her for years now. Is she jealous in a way? Does she like me for a while now?

I should discuss with her later about this, "Vivian...? " a soft voice called me, it was Rayne looking worried. "Hm..?" "You okay Vivian.? " she asked, "yeah! Just swimming on my thoughts" I dryly chuckled "oh I see, did I bother you in a way?" She asked politely.

'Fuck.. Rayne why are you so cute...'

" not at all." I answered while tucking her hair behind her ear, she turned rose red and I found that adorable. I never adore someone like this before, never do these things to any other girls. This feeling I have for Rayne, is this love at first sight for me?

I brushed those feelings off and shook my head, no it can't be. I thought to myself and besides I just met her today and barely knew her, "Hey Rayne would you like to try my raddish cake?" Tori got her attention, "Sure, why not?" Rayne replied as Tori smiled and feed her a piece of Raddish cake. The both giggled and started making a conversation, "Have you been to the new cafe Vivian?" I turned to Rayne "Not yet, have you?" I asked politely. "Nope!" She replied "I heard from one of the students that the cafe there is good" Tori joined in, "Really? We should go there sometime" a warm smile appear on Rayne's face and it made my heart soften as it beats slow and loud. I slowly gaze at her smile just adoring it "Earth to Vivian? Hellooo?? "

I snapped out back to reality once I heard Rayne "Y-yeah what?"
"You were spacing out Vivian." Tori said with a concern face "what ya thinkin about Vivian~?"

"Thats non of your concern." I scoffed "hmp c'mon Vivs tell me" Tori whined. Rayne chuckles on Tori's behavior "you're such a baby" She teased, Tori suddenly pouts "I'm not." She mumbled.

I'll Cherish you endlessly (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now