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I sighed as I stare at my phone, today is a quiet Sunday morning as for tomorrow will be back to class with lectures.

Getting off from bed as I tie my hair up then proceed to head down stairs,

ding dong!

'I don't expect visitors on Sundays..' I walked to the foyer and open the door "Ah, Vivian." He smiled and let out a chuckle "Morning Rayne" he greeted "morning Vivian, what are you doing here.. This early?"

"I heared you were sick yesterday so I came by" He smiled,

'Geez... This killing me inside.'

"Well Im better and I dont want people wasting there time worrying about me so, have nice day" slowly closing the door on him but he used his hand to stop me from closing the door.

"Cmon lets hang out" He whines "dude, I'm not really a morning person who goes out this early" I groaned, "Please Rayne, I beg you!" He said with puppy eyes on his face which weirds me out. "No Vivian." I sighed getting annoyed "I give up, fuck you." He took his leave as I close the door 'tsk.. He wont be mad for that long'

I shut the door and step out of the foyer, walking towards the couch and dropped myself on it.

The soft material texture made my body sunk in a bit, its quiet and calming. I love spending alone sometimes, trying my best to clear my mind so I wouldn't be bothered.

At last I could relax, feeling the cold breeze brushed on my skin. taking deep breathes as I sunk in, its an amazing feeling.

After a good long nap I checked on my phone for notifications, I got one from Tori:

Tori: How are you feeling, Vivian is sad that you did not want to hangout with him earlier lmfao xd

:yeah, I'm not a morning person :))

Tori: Ah I see, good thing to know since I was planning to head there with Vivian earlier

:No its fine

We end the conversation shortly, I decide to grab my laptop to find jobs in Korea for advance planning after my graduation in Uni.

The plane ticket there is quite expensive tho, I have to arranged and remove some of periods on my class sched so I can make space for my temporary part time job. Deeply sighing from working on my tasks in the course I'm currently taking, I never expect it to be easy.

Few hours later my phone started buzzing, glancing at my phone I see Tori calling me.

Excitingly picked up the call "Hi" hearing her soft tone flutters my stomach "Hi Tori" I spoke "are you free right now?" she asks as I shift my gaze to the laptop that I left on "yeah I'm free"

"great! I thought I was bothering you" "ah no." "alright, see you at the library"

She hanged up first, I placed my phone on the table and head upstairs to change. For somewhat reason I feel excited, but I brushed it off. Maybe i'm just excited because I love libraries, but something telling me it could be a different sign.

I wear my black shirt and Dark brown coat over it revealing my shirt on the middle matching with my jeans.

fixing my hair and tied it up to a ponytail, checked my fit infront of my tall mirror and did a small twirl.

Satisfied with my fit, I rush down to the foyer and put on my shoes then stood up and left my house. I placed my earphones on while I find a song to play, picked a nice song on my phone while I walk going to the library.

Finally Arrived at the library that Tori was talking about, I spot her from a distance as she caught my gaze.

"you're here!" She ran towards me and gave a warm embrace, a cold wind flows by "its getting cold" I look at her "well december is coming after all" She smiled as she took my hand and pulled me towards the library "Lets head inside and stay cozy shall we" She giggled.

We entered the Library and it feels warm, Tori pulled me in the deeper areas of the Library.

"Do you come here often?" I asked,

"I come here most of the times, when I'm alone" she replied in soft tone.

She stopped pulling me and paused, I was confused why she stopped. Slowly, Tori begin to feel the books on the shelf. Then paused at a certain book, she pulled it out and I saw a glimpse of a lever.

Tori gently place her hand in the space where the book from earlier was placed, she pulled down the lever as the shelf beside us moved.

She placed the book back and stood up, "are we going to get in trouble?" I asked in a concerned tone.

"Nope, My Aunt owns this Library" she said as she pulled me in the room then pressed a button that closes the entrance, I gaze around mesmerized of my surroundings.

The room was huge and cozy, it includes comfy seatings surround with shelfs filled with new books.

My jaw dropped, "you own this place?" I asked Tori,

"Yeah, my aunt let me have this place" she said as she sat on one of the comfy seats, "make yourself at home" I nodded in my response.

Something caught my eye, it was my favorite series Lora and Amelia. I grabbed the first part of the book "feel free to borrow" Tori smiled, "thanks".

I sat beside Tori getting comfortable with her presence as I gently open the book and started reading, I love GL novels. Lora and Amelia Series just dropped the first new copies a week ago but  it was sold out quickly and I never got a chance to get my own copy.

Few hours had passed and I finished part 1-3 books of Lora and Amelia series, currently half way of my 4th.

Unexpectedly I felt a heavy weight on my shoulder, I shift my gaze on my right. I spot Tori resting her head on my shoulder. My heart slightly flutter, I felt baby butterflies in my stomach.

'She looks adorable..I wish its could be like this always'

I lost count of how long I was admiring her, a smile appears on Tori's face that caught me off gaurd, her smile really got me.

I'll Cherish you endlessly (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now