Just us two♡

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Its been 4 months after I met Tori and Vivian, we have been hanging out very often.

I have been busy with pending tasks and projects so I usually pass when they ask to hangout, while I was working on my tasks someone was knocking at my door. Come to thought of it, I did'nt expect any visitors or deliveries today. Taking a sip from my coffee and place it back down on the table "I'm coming".

Rushing down stairs straight to the foyer, I open the door and my heart soften when my eyes meets Vivian.


"Hi" I smiled at him as he chuckles "you're so cute Rayne"

My cheeks turn pink as I heard Vivian "still busy?" He asks "yeah, still finishing my tasks and a few projects." I answered him "why don't you take a break?" He suggested, I hesitated for a second. Thinking if I should, I mean its been a week that I have not hang out with them. "I guess" He was thrilled "Lets go then!"

He intertwine my fingers with his, my face turns red from the unexpected interaction. He has'nt done this to me in a while...

"So where are we going?" I asked curiously "somewhere." He answered, "oooh mysterious" I teased "maybe" he smirked. We ended up on a hill with a cute picnic set up "woah." I was mesmerized by the cute set up and the view from here, "I made it for our hangout" he smiles. "Thats so sweet of you Vivian" I said nudging his elbow
"Lets go" he gently lead me to the picnic mat and we sat together, there was Strawberry cake, 2 cranberry juice, a set of sweet macaron and some mooncake pie. "Its been awhile since I ate mooncake pie" I spoke "well what are you waiting for? Try it" he took one of the moon cake pie and pressed it on my lips, I took a bite of it and smiled. "Taste good as always" I continue to finish the mooncake pie, taking one of the strawberries and placed on his lips. He hesitated on trying one "I kinda dislike strawberries." He said as my eyes widen in disbelief "how dare you not like strawberries"

"I'm not allergic to it, just don't like it" he added "atleast try..? For me Vivian" I pleaded as he sighed and took a bite and he was satisfied "mmm! Its so good" he said while chewing the strawbery as I giggled "don't talk when your mouth is full!" I scolded him while he chuckles.

"You're so cute Rayne" he said as I blushed from his compliment, "Thanks Vivian, I find you adorable when your happy" He pursed his lips together not saying a word as he turn his face away from me, "don't look." He said "why?" "My face.. It looks like a tomato." He replied as I giggled. Me and Vivian hung out the whole day having long and deep conversations and joking around.

The cold wind gently kiss my skin as me and Vivian watch the sun set.

"Pretty sunset today huh" he comments, I brought up my phone to take pics of the view and the pretty sunset. I secretly took a photo of Vivian being mesmerized by ths view, after taking pictures I place my phone down beside me and turn to Vivian and surprisingly he was gazing at me. Slowly locking eye contact, I was mesmerized by his emerald green eyes that shines. He gets closer and closer as our lips almost touched, my breathe hitches from this ongoing situation but I placed my finger on his lips to make a gap between our lips. He moves away from my face and looks at the ground "sorry." He sighed "its alright" I tried to cheer him up but its not that effective, I began stroking his hair "Vivian." I called out his name, he looked up at me with his beautiful emerald eyes "thanks for today" I continued, giving him a warm smile "you had fun?" He asks as I nodded.

"Thanks for your time" He dryly chuckles "Exam is coming soon" I began groaning "we can study together if you like" He suggested as I nodded.

He stood up and offered his hand while looking down at my face, I grabbed his hand as he pulled me up. "Thanks" I smiled "no problem Rayne" He smiled back, "do you want to join dinner with me?" I ask him "where do you wanna eat?" He replied as we're walking, "do you have any suggestions Vivian?"

"Maybe.. The restaurant beside the new cafe?" He suggested "sure is it good?" I asked him "Good? Its hella amazing there" He replied with a big smile. He takes my hand and pulls me close to him as he leads the way, "when did you moved here Rayne?" He starts a conversation "hmm few months ago" I answered "ah, what do you think about this place?" He brushed his hair from his face "its been pretty nice" answered him. We arrived at the place where Vivian suggested, "woah this place looks expensive" Vivian chuckles as he saw my reaction "Shall we Rayne? " I look up to him and pursed my lips together then give him a nod, we enter the restaurant and it was so huge. Its bright and shiny by the hanging chandeliers swinging gently, I can hear people murmuring but not as loud as other restaurants. "Table for 2 right this way." The waiter lead us on to a table, me and Vivian sat down facing eachother "so, what would you like to order love birds?" The waiter asked "Oh no we aren't a couple sir." I added "ah I see. My apologies, so what would you guys like?"

I scanned on the menu and found a good-looking dish "I'll take this one" pointing out my order on the menu as The waiter wrote it down on the pad "I'll get my usual" Vivian smiled at the waiter "Sir Vivian, one of our loyal customers. Didnt recognize you from that big glow up" the waiter complimented as Vivian smiled and thank him. After me and Vivian ate, he walked me home how sweet of him. It was a great night with Vivian, I had fun.

I'll Cherish you endlessly (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now