Father's visit?♡

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'My father,Wants to see me.'

This is very frustrating for me, I never saw my father in like— years! Sighhh.

I feel a bit nervous but mostly pissed, he left my mom heartbroken. My mom's mental health got worse and I was her only loved on with her side.

"Tori dear" mom open her arms "coming!" I giggled, she embraced me as I snuggled in her arms. "Tori."

"Yes mommy?" I looked up at her as she cupped my face "promise mommy that you wont leave me, You will stay here with me right?" She said in the softest tone, I nodded with a big smile on my face "mhm!!”

She hugged me tight " You dont know how much I love you"

My mom smiled in joy, I never seen her smile like that before. I mustve be her new joy and miracle that ever happen in her life, I have to cherish her.

"Is mommy able to make it..?" I sniffled as tears slide down my cheeks "I'm sure she will! But we will never know exactly Tori so be strong for her okay?" My aunt carried me "O-okay.."

"I'm sorry but she didnt make it, the disease really took her over. She had it for 3 months now" the doctor told my aunt. She started tearing up infront of me, she embraced me "I'm sorry baby, she's gone sweetie. The doctors did what they can do.."

I realized the my mom is gone, I saw her lifeless peaceful body laying on a so called coffin. "Your mommy will turn to a beautiful angel and fly up, dont worry she will be watching us from up there. "
My aunt tried to make me feel better but I kept crying, at this time I was 3 or 4 years old. My biggest fear was being separated by a loved one.

My phone interupted me, I came to check and it was a message from Risha:

Risha: Your father is in the Manor, I'll be picking you up at 5 pm.

Alright, let me get ready and we can meet at my front porch.

Risha: all set I'll see you later at 5.

Thank you Risha :)

Risha: its my job.

Its currently 4:30, I walk towards my closet and finding an appropriate outfit.

It took few fits before I was satisfied then I heard a beep outside, rushing down the stairs I hurriedly put my shoes on and walked straight to the foyer then head out of my porch. "Good day Ms. Tori."
"Hello Risha"

"Lets go" she lead me to the vehicle, its a black tesla the newest model. I sat at the back, the seats where comfy and cozy  I even fell asleep for the rest of the trip.

"Glad to see you dear, you've grown so much.." A tall old but still look youthful smiled,

"What had finally changed your mind and come looking for me." The young girl furrowed her brows, not making contact with the man.

"C'mon Tori, I'm sorry I have left your mother. But I regret everything even the divorced I had with Tiffany and I'm back to fix everything I-"

Tori cut him off "fix everything?.. How!? Can you bring her back from the dead!?.."

The man's eyes widen in shock "I- Tori-"

"Mother was sick with a horrific disease and you did what to help?. You left me and mother!"
Tori started tearing, the man pursed his lip and stayed silent while he regret to leave but it was sincerly too late.

"See.. Staying quiet because its true!" She yelled.
"I hate you for leaving me and mother! You left her to suffer with that disease! Didnt even cared to check up on us!"

"Tori dear-"

"I dispise you. Father." Those words shattered the man's heart, its his first time to hear his daughter to say those words but he tries himself to not breakdown.

"I understand that its my fault, I'm sorry for being a bad father. But as a father I would still care for you and cherish you dear, this time I wont let go."
After her father spoke, the girl was silent. The man sighed "I'm sorry Tori sweetie, I was a asshole."

"I won't forgive you that easily." She replied coldy,

"I understand, you may leave as you like" the man spoke, Tori left with no hesitation as her eyes starts to water.

She was expressing negative emotions that reached on her limit, she slowly tearing up keeping on a fast pace. Her vision was blurry but she kept running, unexpectedly bumped on someone "sorry I-"

"Tori-?" I looked up and saw Rayne, she looked concerned,

"What happened to you? Why do you seem in a rush??" She held me into her arms, I felt safe and cozy. I manage to calm down a bit "its okay, take deep breathes and when you're ready. You can tell me what's going on" she stroke my hair as I sniffled, 'whoever ends up with Rayne is hella lucky'

"My dad came to visit." I spoke "I couldnt control my emotions, He wants my forgiveness but I just can't. I can't forgive him! He is just selfish and—”

"Tori I understand your father left you when you were a little kid and didnt help your mother when she was strucked by a disease, then sadly she passed away. But you can't forgive him, tho he is still your father that help your mother bring you to the world. He might have reasons why he lef-"

"He left because, he fell " in love" with another woman." I pressed my lips together.

Rayne paused at the moment, "He regret it didnt he?" I nodded "but he left my mom heartbroken, so I was mad and felt bad for my mom."

"I'm so sorry this is happening to you" she replied sincerely, "Bet your parents are still together" I mumbled "Actually, you're wrong." She sighed "My parents are divorced since my mom cheated and on my dad multiple times and he had enough, I was a kid at the time too. Living in two houses, in the weekends I stay with my mom and in the weekdays I stay with my dad."

I felt guilty for what I said, she cupped my face "if I were you, I would be mad too but. One day I would forgive him because it sounds like he is sincere about it. You dont have to forgive him right now, take your time and forgive him when your ready"

"I envy you."

"Oh Tori" she giggled, "you feel better now?"

I gazed at her pretty eyes "Yeah.. Thanks." I smiled at her as she smiled back.

Sorry for the late publish, I had no motivation to write and I was busy of my personal life. I have school as well so thanks to all who waited :)

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