Unexpected event♡

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Today is the day where I'll not be a pussy and have the balls to tell her how much I like her.

Its currently few weeks before new years eve and its about to be a new year, so I want this year to be memorable.

I guess you may think that confessing is stupid or embarassing, but I want to so I can know in advance how they thought about me and I dont want to miss my shot. What if she does like me?

My heart started beating loudly inside.

Ugh. I'm crazy for this girl, she just broke my standards.

She's so fucking pretty and hella hot plus she is smart. I want her to pin me. OH GOD TORI DONT THINK OF THAT!


What if I'm not in her standards, maybe sees me as just a friend. It ends there. But fuck that I'm still shooting my shot, she might like me. Ofcourse she would! Maybe? What if she thinks I'm weird..

I started to overthink things quickly and started to jump into possible conclusions that can happen if I confess but theres 2 main endings for it:

She feels the same way or Rejection.

Brushing my hair while feeling axious is the worst, I placed bright and colorful clips to fix my hair and keep it in place. Taking some of my hair and braiding it at the side and pin it on the spot where it should be, Taking deep breathes and try to help myself to ease a bit. I dont want to panick and startle myself. Wewww.. take it easy Tori, you'll be okay.

My phone vibrates on my bed, then I picked up my phone to see a message from Vivian.

Vivian: You alright? I have'nt heard from you since yesterday. I'm concerned.

Aw-he's worried about me, well as he should. I mean why would he not?

: Yeah! All good :)

Vivian: Glad you're doing good, Rayne did'nt told me anything. She only said you guys ran to eachother but wont go to further details.

: Don't worry we just bump to eachother and greeted then say out goodbyes :>

Vivian: I see

: see u at school :))

Vivian: Aight :)

Well I better get ready.

"Hey Tori" Vivian smiled and look at me up and down "woah. Going on a special event?"

"Kinda like that" I answered while I try to cover my flustered cheeks, "Thats nice" he replied and gave me a hug "so who's the lucky person? You know you can tell me anything Tori, I'm always here for you"

"Well, you'll see later" I smiled at him "oh by the way Tori, I'll be confessing to someone I kinda like and I hope she would feel the same way"

"Good luck Champ, Bet she will like you with your charm and personality" I fixed his soft fluffy hair "Aww shucks! Thanks Tori" he gave me a warm smile and caressed his cheek "Vivian, Just be yourself." "Glad to have you in my life Tori" he gave my shoulder a pat and left.

I went straight to the library and started roaming around finding a book to read, something caught my eye at the moment and my hand came to reach it.

As I touched the book another hand was placed on the same spot.

We both looked at eachother and came to realized it was Rayne, I gaze at her pretty face and her dark brown hair.

She's so pretty up close- "oh uh you can take it Tori" she smiled as I took the book off the shelf.

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