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Me and Vivian have been close recently, same goes with Tori and I.

But I started to feel something for both of them in a way?

I roam around my room in circles as I pondered.

Vivian and I almost kissed like how many times already, but theres always people cutting it off so we never touched our lips together.

Tho I see Vivian as my friend while at the same time maybe liking him??

How about tori do I got attracted to her- wait what am I thinking! No.. I dont think so.,?

I groaned from these weird feelings existing in me.

'I dont like girls but I'd be gay for Tori.. '

I wanna bury myself. Sighh...

My phone started ringing, its annoying me but I have to pick up. "Hello?"

"Hi sweetcakes" I cringed from the nickname "what."



"You're no fun" she scoffs

"Why are you calling me right now?"

"Because I miss you" she whined.

"Gross. Piss off-" I hanged up and sink my face onto the comforter 'she's clinging onto me while I'm here having a crisis!'

It has been stuck in my head for a while and there was no minute, not even a second that I'm not questioning about it. This is hella frustrating-

I was interupted from my thoughts by somebody knocking on my door, I walk to the foyer and open the door as she embraced me.

"Rayne darling!" Adlyn squealed 'what is she doing here?'

"Adlyn I dont feel like hanging out right now." I pushed her off me, Adlyn Scoffs "c'mon Rayne, don't be a bat in a cave"

My blood is boiling just from her presence "Look Adlyn I- just don't feel like going somewhere nor spending time with you, so you should go and leave me alone. I don't want to be bothered by anyone!"

"Ah. I see, its fine." She brushed her hair with her fingers, "I'll see you sometime again" Adlyn left and I finally had my alone time. I locked my door then move towards my couch while I let my body sink in.

I dozed off, felt relaxed and calm. Until Vivian's face appeared on my mind, he was smiling and gazing at me like I'm a pretty star.

Butterflies was felt on my stomach then Tori appeared, Oh how lovely she looks like always. Her adorable giggle makes me smile, "oh Rayne, have you ever thought of liking a girl?" She spoke. "That have not crossed my mind" I replied "then what if-I sit here and wonder, if ever we happened to like eachother" she glanced at me "like eachother.." I mumbled.

"Do you ever thought of whats it like?" She said in a calming tone,

"Of what?"

She went silent for a moment "whats it like to kiss me.."

'Whats it like to-kiss..her....?'

I pondered from her words, do I ever thought of kissing her? Probably maybe at one point.

"I- am not sincerly sure." She nodded "thats okay Rayne, it takes time to really discover things about yourself"

I was confused from what she said, what does she mean by discover myself? I clearly know myself but not quite with everything and thats correct.

I'll Cherish you endlessly (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now