Treat with a Twist♡

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Finally exam week has ended, I got dressed and head to Rayne's house.

The birds chirping as I walk on the quiet street, the cold breeze brushed off my skin. Its peaceful in the morning and calming.

At last! I reached to Rayne's house, its quite small. I rang the door bell "Rayne? You hommeee?" I called out as I hear footsteps coming down the stairs towards the front door, slowly she opens the door as I wave when she saw me. "Oh. Hey Tori" She lean on the door and gave me a smile which made my heart flutter,

"what brings you here?"

"Well I still have to treat you" she chuckles "I see you were not joking about you treating me Tori"

I nodded "wait here, let me get changed." She shut the door and I hear loud footsteps on the stairs, few minutes of waiting she head back down and out of the house. Rayne locked her door then kept the keys, "where do you want to go? Its my treat."

"Hmm I heard there's a new coffee shop, shall we check it out?" Rayne said in a delighted tone.

Agreeing with her as we left her place, its just me and Rayne. The gentle breeze flows through the air as the leaves follows gracefully, trees dancing side by side.

Finally we have reached on our destination then proceed to head inside "welcome! May I take your order?"

"I would like a latte and chocolate cake, what about you Tori?" She shift her gaze at me "hot chocolate and strawberry short cake." the lady in the counter listed our orders on the screen as I payed for our order "alright, you can find a seat and I'll call the number of your order when its finished"

Me and Rayne find a table and settled down, "So have you gotten the exam results?" I began a conversation "hmm not yet, what about you?" I shake my head "Vivian has got his result and moved to Rank C"

"3rd rank, not bad." Rayne smiles,

"order for no. 39"

I got up and head to the counter to recieve my order and went back to where I left, gently placing the order then took a seat.

"It looks appetizing" Rayne commented "It does." I took a bite of the cake and it was worth paying, "oh damn, its so good!" I squealed "hahaha your so adorable Tori." Rayne form her lips to a smile that made my cheeks turn pink.

"Thank you."

"Anytime Tori" she smiles as I smiled back, I took another piece of my cake.

"Shit." Rayne cursed out "whats wrong?" I asked in a concerned tone "I would be a bit busy next week so I might not hang with you and Vivian." She sighs.

'Great.. I was planning to hang out with her next week but NOOO... She is not available..'

Rayne took a bit from her strawberry short cake "this cake so good" she took another bite, satisfied from the taste.

"Rayne?" An unfamiliar voice spoke,

Rayne shift her gaze to were an unfamiliar woman, "Adlyn?" She spoke with an exciting tone "hey rayy, you miss me?" The girl who goes by Adlyn smiled as Rayne stood up and embraced her, 'somehow this interaction I'm witnessing is pissing me off.'

"Oh Tori, this is Adlyn." Rayne said cheerfully as Adlyn waved at me "nice to meet you Adlyn" I replied politely as I can, "Me and Rayne were Highschool sweethearts" Adlyn smiled.

'What's this mf tryna do..'

"Thats just highschool Adlyn, besides it didnt work out" Rayne punched her arm "owh..! alright I'm just joking around..."

'This bitch... '

"Why dont ya'll take a seat" I clenched my hands "ah you're so generous" Adlyn said in a high tone which made my ears bleed, she sat beside Rayne "So when did you move back?" Rayne gaze at Adlyn "oh just a few days ago" Adlyn replied "whats the reason?" Rayne asked curiously "eh no reason, I just miss you Ray Ray" She whines.

"So you went back here from australia just to see me?" Rayne sighs "Yep" Adlyn smiled "geez Adlyn you're clinging to much to me" Rayne groaned.

Both of them started chatting as I was there quiet, Rayne shift her gaze at me "Hey Tori, You okay?" She asks "i'm good" I gave the biggest smile but I think she didnt bought it, Adlyn keep chatting even tho Rayne is not paying attention.

"Adlyn, lets hang another time" Rayne spoke politley, "huh but I just got here-" "and I want to spend with Tori"

'Spend time with.. Me?'

"C'mon Rayne Its been a while-" "I have to work on a project with Tori so may you please leave"

Adlyn scoff in disbelief of what Rayne said and left, "we dont have a project tho" I shift my gaze to Rayne "if you're uncomfortable when I'm talking to Adlyn I can stop or either you feel left out"

Her words surprised me once more, it makes my heart flutter.

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"That was so good, thanks for the treat!" Rayne said as we walk together on a cold night.

"Well thanks for helping me in exam" I giggled "Should I treat you on the next one?"

"Next one?" I tilt my head "yep! I'm taking you on a treat next time" she chuckles "you dont have to-"
"I insist." I pursed my lips together and sighs "fine"

"Aww you're the best Tori" She placed her arm around my shoulder "I know"

She pouts "no thank you?" I laughed at her face "hmm maybe" she began whining like a child "your mean"

"Are you close with Adlyn?" I asked nervously "jealous?" My faced flushed in embarassment "no I'm not! I have no interest in you-"

"Dont worry i'm just messin around" she laughs.

'If you only knew how much I wanna kiss your face right now..'

She stops walking "Its getting late, shall I walk you home?" I felt butterflies, no one ever ask me this before. "But you need to get home too" "I can go home when I see you got home safely."

I was a bit flustered from her words, she really insisted for her to walk me home.

"Fine" I chuckled as we continue to walk, unexpectedly it started pouring. Rayne bend down "hop on." "But-" "just do it."

I hop on Rayne's back as she secures me and started running while we slowly get soaked by the rain, "you know I can run on my own." I mumbled to myself.

At last we made it to my house and its still pouring hard, we rush to the front porch.

"Why dont you stay here till the rain stops?" She pants from exhaustion "its okay I can-" her voice faded as she almost colapsed, luckily I caught her. "Woah you're heavy" I struggle to hold her weight 'what does she eat everyday?.. '

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