Exam week♡

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"Ughhh" Vivian slightly groaned,

"I hate exam week." Tori mumbled out "how come you're so calm Rayne" she whined as I turn my focus to Tori "I just try to make seem interesting I guess?"

"How could it be interesting?" Vivian hit his head on the table gently, "I just make it seem like it is" I said in a calming tone as I turned back on my book. A few minutes had pass and Vivian had fallen asleep, 'he looks cute when he's asleep.' I gaze at him looking at his sleeping face. I turn to Tori who seem to still be struggling to understand the topic, I quietly moved closer to Tori. She gasped looking alarmed "R-rayne you scared me.." She whispers "I'm sorry" I apologized "its okay" she smiled.

She rests her cheek on her palm while smiling at me, it made my heart flutter. "Do you want me to help?" She asked as I shyly nodded, then Rayne changed her position. Her hand is on my book "this topic is a bit tricky" She said "so listen carefully." She said in a calming tone which excites my heart, she starts discussing the Topic and explaining the definitions for me to understand. Her voice is so beautiful and calming I have'nt paid much attention to it in a while, "Tori, did you understand?" I snapped out from my thoughts "yeah, kinda." I replied "okay so take notes, I'm going to tell the important stuff that you need so you can understand it more." She moves my book in the middle so she can easily have access on the pages, I grabbed my notebook and ready my pen. "Listen closly." She says as My heart flutters again as she discuss, I took notes of what she is talking about. Once she finish her lecture she checked on my notes and chuckles "is there something wrong?" I asked nervously "not at all, you're such a great listener." That made my heart raise as my cheeks flushed. "You will have a high chance you will pass, just remember what I lectured you" she smiles "thanks Rayne" I smiled back "I shall treat you in return of your hard work" "fair trade." She chuckles.

"We can head out of the Library once Vivian wakes up" I nodded and rest my head on my folded arms "Rayne." She turned to me and tilt her head "hm?"

"Do you like someone?" I asked "Nope not interested in anyone." She sighs, my heart stopped 'theres no way I might have a chance.' My smiled turned down "oh, I see" I hid my lips in my arms shyly not making eye contact. I felt her hands on my cheeks and turns my face to hers "eyes here when you're talking to someone" she said as I blushed a bit. 'She's damn fine.. Fuck.'

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I got dressed and ready for the first exam, I feel a bit confident thanks to Rayne.

Rushing out of my house I ran to the station and glad I made it.


The train doors slid shut and the train starts moving, I had my earphones on listening to musicals.

My head was facing on the floor, later on I saw someone standing infront of me. I raise my head on who is it and it was Tori, I took my earphones off "Good morning Tori" She closed her notebook and turn to me "Good morning Rayne~" she smiles "Have you been studying?" I nodded "what about you Tori?" "Yep! Feeling a bit confident thanks to you"

"Aw thats flattering" I teased as I see her flushed cheeks which made me laugh, 'she's looks adorable when she gets embarassed' "hey, I never got a chance to treat you" she sighs "what do you want?"

"Maybe some Ice pops will do" I smiled as shs giggles "sure! We can go to the minimart nearby after our exams"

I nodded and we both got silent as we wait for our stop, after we got down from the train we proceeded to walk in to the university in a windy day.

We parted are ways to our classroom, I took a seat in the corner top right area. Placing my things on my desk, silence filled the huge classroom. Some of the students are reviewing, while others do a quick review quizes.

"Alright Students, please place your notes, books and reviewers away." The professor walks to her desk and fixed the exams papers in her hands, "I expect all of you to pass, if not your rank will go down." (The ranks are for to organize the students from highest to lowest, the smartest students are in Class A and it goes down till D)

The Professor passes the exam papers from the front row and the students in the front will pass the papers behind them until it reached to the back row, "if you did not recieve or have any questions please come forward. Now you may start"

I took a deep breathe and looked at my exam paper, it seemed less complicated. 'I'll definitely pass this exam'.

Question by question it gets a bit tricky 'I should have not get cocky earlier..' This is not that easy than I thought it would be..' I was stuck on a problem in page 2, I'm starting to get nervous. It took a while for me to come up with a solution, "5 more minutes." The Professor announced as the atmosphere feels tense from the pressure.

"5 minutes is over, please pass your papers." The Professor said as she recieves some of the papers,

-lunch break-
"Rayne!" I turned to look and spotted Vivian waving his hand then ran towards me "Hey Vivian" I greeted him "Tori and I are planning to eat lunch on the roof top, wanna join?" I nodded as he grabs my wrist gently, my heart is beating fast then lead me to the stairs. Finally at the roof top, he's still holding my wrist. "I'm back Tori, with Rayne" He let go of my wrist and we both sat beside eachother "so what did ya'll did on break?" Tori asked "I was finishing some tasks then Vivian asked me to hang out with him" I said as he nodded in agreement "Oh. What did you guys do?" She asked "he took me somewhere with a pretty view" I said excitingly "so thats what you guys were up to while I was away" She dryly chuckles. 'Why do I feel like I made Tori upset somehow..? '

"So wanna go to the beach after exams?" Vivian break the awkward atmosphere "I'm down" Tori said excitingly,

'Tori and Vivian in swimming attire...? Bro I might even have a heart attack.. Hanging out with two hot people... Shit Im lucky.'

"Rayne?" Vivian tapped my shoulder as I got shocked from his interection "y-yeah..?" "Are you coming with us Rayne?"

I gulped just imagining those to in a swimming attire, 'hold up.. That shits wrong I should stop...do I like them both that way or.....just one of them?'

"Rayne you're zoning out again-" He sighed "Ah. My bad" I scratched the back of my neck "so are you coming or not?" He asks again "I'll join in" I answered as he smiles "thats great! It will be fun" Tori said as she drinks her strawberry milk, "You like strawberry milk?" I asked "yeah its obvious, why did you asked such a dumb question?" She giggles "eh you dont seem to be the type of person who drinks strawberry milk" I teased as Vivian tries to hold his laughter "dumbass.." she mumbled out her breathe "new nickname for me? " I chuckled seeing her flushed face from embarassment, Vivian couldnt hold it anymore and burst laughing. Time flies fast as I heard the bell rang, "aw. Lunch is over already?" Vivian sighed as all of us stood up "what's your last period?" I asked "I have Drama class" Tori whined "P.E." Vivian said "I have chem today" I added. We all parted our ways and focus in class, the professor passed the papers and all of the students started answering after she signals to start. I sighed and already know I'm going to fail, I answered most of the questions but stuck with the essays. Finally turned the paper to the professor and expecting to fail in Chemistry, I walked out of my class then proceed my way to the girls bathroom to wash up. Its has been stressful til this day, if passing exams were easy my plan will be a success. I dont exactly have goals in my life but I'm planning to move in Korea and work there, maybe in a high paying company will do. If not then marry a rich man, so I dont have to do much work.

"Hey Rayne" Tori walked towards me bringing a warm smile, "Hey Tori, where's Vivian?" I asked.

"He left early, he wants to make to time for study" she said "very unlikely of him" I chuckled, "yep!" She said in a cheerful tone.

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