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Its the next day and I'm in my bed full of thought, Yesterday was surprising I was left speechless the whole time.

Tori and Vivian confessed that day, well I like them both but I don't know. Do I??

Currently. I'm confused of my feelings, i'm not sure if I like them. Lets start off by thinking, then i'll discover myself.

Okay, Vivian. He took me on a restaurant one time and it was so amazing there, then he theres a time where he invited me for a picnic. We almost kissed, was I down for it? Sort off.. Before his volleyball game it was another close kiss.

But time passes by and I think I like him but not in a romatic way, more on platonically.

What about Tori?, Well. She's a kind, heart warming person, she took care of me and stick by my side. We spend in the library alot and talk about the things we read in common and different genres we like, She is a pretty fun person to hangout. I like her presence with me, it makes me happy.

I like her beautiful gorgeous face and her soft hair, I get alot of butterlies when she looks at me with those mesmerizing eyes.

My eyes widen when I came to realized but I'm certainly unsure if I'm correct- do I like her?

The way I talked about her was alot, so many details and the fact I felt happy. So overjoyed by talking about Tori, maybe its because she's my friend for a long time and I like her platonically or I have been denying this feelings for her without realizing that I have this way of liking her but more on romantically??

Maybe I do like her.

But I really need to make sure what I am going with this, do I really like Tori?

Based on how I describe her is something a person who likes that person very much would do, did I ever grew feelings for her without realizing?

My head started aching from wondering if I do like her or not. I decided to take a brake.

Headed down stairs straight to the foyer and put my shoes on then grab my keys, I exit my house and walk going to the mini mart nearby my place.

I entered the mini part and start roaming around the shelves filled with goods and such, glancing to find something craving to eat. Then someone bump into me "Sorry-" they apologized "its alright" Im surprised when the person lift there face up to make contact.

"Oh Vivian, fancy seeing you here" I greeted him "You too" he smiled.

"So what brings you here Rayne? Stash of snacks ran out?" He chuckled "yeah, got a little hungry and I'm to lazy to cook so here I am"

"Got any recommendations?"

He started to ponder for a while, took a glance on the section were at.

His eyes sparkle once he spotted it, "why dont you try this" he grabbed the item "its a 8 pc mochi"

"Thanks Vivian, I'll be sure to try it" He gave the item "well I must be going" we both said our goodbyes and he left. I went towards the counter to pay and leave the mini mart going back to my house.

Arriving at my house I sat down on my couch excited to try the mochi.

Took a bite from it and all the sweetness melt on my tongue, it was so delicious I could eat this all week!

I finished eating the 8pc mochi and dispose the plastic the came with it, eating that made me calm down and now I can manage to think properly. Staring blankly on my phone, deciding if I should give both of them the answer. Have I made my final decision, is it the thing I would be happy and it would be worth it or I have perhaps wanted?

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