Volleyball Game♡

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Today is my volleyball game that me and the team will be againts with a different university.

I have been practicing but a little distracted lately, For some reason I can't stop thinking about her. She has been stuck in my head "Vivian!"

I cleared my thoughts as my Coach called me "yes-?"

"You seemed full of thoughts, is there something that bothers you?" Coach rest her palm on my shoulder "well Coach, I have been distracted lately because of this girl which is my friend and I dont know why she has been in my mind lately"

"Friends with benefits?" She teased,

"Its nothing like that I swear-" I said looking embarassed as she laughed "I'm just messin with ya kid."

"Have you ever thought of dating her? Or perhaps it never crossed in your mind."

What Coach said made me ponder, "I'm not sure but maybe I could imagine it" I shift my stare back at Coach "why not invite her to watch your game?" "I have been thinking of that, guess I will ask her" I said with courage.

I was exited to ask her, it made me do well in my last practice before the competition againts a different university.

"Nice serve!" Coach smile to my improvements in serving,

Rushing to my postion as my teamates pass the ball, it flew high in the air but also in a perfect range for our secret move.

After multiple times of practice, Coach decided to let us have our water break and take a breather.

"Hello?" An unfamiliar soft voice echoed in the Volleyball gym,

Shifting my gaze to where the voice came from, I spotted an unfamiliar face "hey" I gave her a small smile."Uhm Hi, Do you happen to know where Rayne is?" She asked in a shy tone "Pretty sure she is in class right now" I answered "you new here?"

"Yeah, My name is Adlyn" She introduced herself "Vivian" I spoke.

"Well its nice knowing ya" she smiled and quickly left before I said anything else, 'she's akward..' I thought to myself.

"Water break is up!" Coached clapped as I and my teamates stood up and started training again. We served and receive and be eachothers opponents and improve our moves and blocks.

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"Alright Great work everyone! Time for clean up" Coached said as we started taking off the net while others get the balls and place it back on where it belongs.

"Vivian!" A familliar voice came,

I shift my gaze and saw Ezra the volleyball's team manager, all my teamates love her beauty.

I can admit Ezra is pretty, she has soft black hair that smells like roses and her soft light brown eyes and her glowing skin as white as the clouds. No guy would deny her, "Hey Ezra" I smiled at her.

"So Vivian, you free today? I mean I understand if you're busy" She said in a nice tone, I could feel stares from behind stabbing my back.

"Sorry Ezra I'm currently have a game going later and Im heading out to ask my friend to come" I replied. "Oooh thats lovely! Who are they?" She smiled cheerfully, "Oh her name is Rayne and She is a really nice friend" Her cheerful smile faded to a cute small smile and I can sense the guys are adoring her behind me.

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