#6; Not Trustworthy

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-=POV; Y/N=-

"Hey, Jack!" I yelled "Yes?" EJ said as he turned around. "Can I help you with something? I'm bored as fuck and don't have anything to do." I said. He laughed, "I was going to cut the kidneys out of my victims actually, are you sure you want to help with that?" He asked. I looked at him with big eyes. "I guess not." He said as he shrugged and walked further to his room.

"What a fucking asshole, isn't he?" I heard behind me. I turned around and saw a woman wearing a black dress, she has black hair and had a mask on. "I don't know, I've only been here since today." I answered. "You could help me if you want?" She said. I nodded. "I'm Jane by the way, Jane The Killer."
"I know, I've done research on most of you." I answered. "No wonder Slender wanted to take you in." She mumbled. "What?" I asked. "Nothing!"  She replied fast.

Jane led me to a shack just outside the mansion. "You have to help me set a prank for Jeff." She said. "You mean Jeff The Killer?" "Obviously!" She answered laughing. I laughed and helped her getting all the stuff she needed and brought in to Jeff's room where we could set up the prank.

-=time skip to the evening=-

"Liu! I swear to mother fucking Zalgo!! Keep your nasty ass fingers to yourself!!!" Jeff yelled at his brother who tried snatching a pizza slice from his plate. "I'm sorry, jeez." Liu said. I giggled a bit. Liu looked over at me and smirked. I immediately looked back at my plate.

After dinner Jeff ran up the steps to his room. Jane and I followed him. He opened the door what made a bucked full of green paint fall onto his head. He was fully covered and his head was literally in the bucket. Jane and I laughed loudly. "WHO DID THIS!?" Jeff yelled. He yeeted the bucket off his head and turned furiously around looking at us. "I'm going to kill you!!" He yelled at us. We quickly stood up and ran outside the mansion into the forest, Jeff following us up close.

"We have to split up, he can't catch us both at the same time." Jane said to me. I nodded and went to the left, into the darker part of the forest, while Jane went straight that was a lighter part of the forest. "I'm going to get you!" I heard Jeff yell. I looked over my shoulder, seeing him run after me with knife in hand. "Oh come on!" I said. He laughed and speeds up. And so did I.

I looked over my shoulder again. Jeff wasn't in sight. I laughed in relieve. I turned my head back and immediately crashed into someone. Luckily I didn't fall. I looked up and saw Jeff standing there, arms crossed with his knife in hand. "Shit." I said under my breath. He pushed me against a big tree with knife at my throat. I gulped. "Go to sleep." He said threatening. I smiled. "Good night, bitch." And I punched him in his face, making him unconscious. He fell on his back.

"You're strong as Hell." I heard from above me. I looked up and saw EJ hanging upside down. "Thank you." I said. "You know that no one has ever managed that?" He asked as he fell down landing on his feet. "Yup, he's one of the stronger Creepypasta's." I answered. He nodded, "You're lucky Slenderman gave the Proxy's the mission to kidnap you instead of kill. He doesn't like people who know a lot."
"I know, but what's life without the danger of getting killed?"
"You have a good point there."
We laughed. "We have to get him back to the mansion though." He said. "True. How though?" I asked. "What do you think? We have to carry him." He answered. "Or we ask Laughing Jack to carry him, he's stronger and he can carry him easily." I said. "Good point. You're smarter than you look like, you know that?" I laughed.

"I'll get LJ, you can stay here." EJ said. I nodded and sat down against a tree. Not long later EJ came back with LJ. "What is the pro- oh my Zalgo! Y/N what did you do!?" LJ asked. "She's hella strong, LJ. What do you think she did?" EJ laughed. LJ shrugged it off and carried Jeff back into the mansion, EJ and me following him. We talked and laughed until we finally were back in the mansion. "Hey guys!" BEN said as he looked over at us from the couch. His smiling face quickly turned to concern when he noticed Jeff was unconscious. "Who-?" He started "Y/N made him unconscious with only one punch." EJ said. BEN looked terrified at me, and so did a couple others, under which Jane. "I told you not to cause any problems." I heard in my head. I laughed it off. "We'll bring Jeff to nurse Ann and doctor Smiley. You stay here." LJ said. I nodded and went to sit in the kitchen.

"I heard you punched my brother unconscious?" I heard behind me. I turned around and saw Liu leaning against the kitchen counter eating an apple. "Yup." I answered. Liu gave me the creeps. "You know..." He started as he stood up and walked towards me. "That's kind of hot." He smirked as he were going to touch my face. I couldn't move, I was frozen. Luckily I heard a shot. I towards the person who shot Liu; it was Masky. "Get away from her, Liu." He said. Liu looked furious from him, to his shot hand, and to me. He walked slowly away towards the singular hospital room in this mansion, keeping an eye on me.

I let my shaky breath out, not knowing I was holding it. Masky walked towards me. "Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded. "Thanks." I said. He nodded and walked away. I noticed he still hadn't taken his mask off. "Masky and Hoodie are the only 2 who will stand up for you." I heard. I looked at the source of the voice and saw Kate the Chaser. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Just like I said it. Toby and I are mostly busy with missions and stuff. The Creepypasta's are unpredictable and untrustworthy. We, the Proxy's, are like a family. Yes Slenderman took us for his own selfish self, but we still have each other." She explained. I nodded. "If I were you I would leave an eye on Liu, but especially EJ."
"Why EJ?" I asked confused. She looked at me with pity, but didn't answer. Instead she just walked off.

What does she mean with 'keep an eye especially on EJ'? He was so far the only one who was kind to me...



you mother fucking liar.


you said you would write this chapter immediately after the last chapter.


do you promise to write the next chapter now?


pinky promise?


good enough.

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