#4; This Will Be Hell

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-=POV; Y/N=-

"Where are you guys taking me!" I yelled through the bag. I don't know how they were moving me but it seemed like they threw the bag over there shoulder holding it. "S- shut up!" A stuttering voice answered. "Be nice, Toby!" I heard the masked man say. "Yeah Toby, be nice." I jokingly repeated. I felt a kick. "Hey!" I yelled. "That w- was Hoodie." Toby answered. "Hoodie is the one with the hood on, right?" I questions. "Yes, s- stupid." Toby answered. "Hey! Toby, you promised to be nice!" The other said. "Yes, Toby!" I yelled. "C- can't she be m- more quiet!?" Toby asked frustrated. I kicked in his back. "He can't feel pain." The other person said. "Well, at least I could try." I mumbled.

I got thrown on the ground. Due to the impact I rolled out of the bag. We were in the forest. "You stupid little-" I got stopped my a hand on my shoulder. I turned around. It was the boy with the blue mask. My facial expressions turned angry. "Oh wow, the whole gang is here! Is fuck face here too!?" I yelled. I heard a footstep behind me. I turned around and punched the person sneaking up on me in his face. "Apparently he is." I mumbled angrily. "Ha! Fuck face! I'm gonna use that one!" The boy with the mask said. "Why am I even here?" I asked. "Ask the operator." I froze. "Slenderman?" I asked. Hoodie shushed me. "As Proxy we're not allowed to say his name." The masked figure said. I rolled my eyes. "Alright, just take me to that mansion already." I sighed. I turned around and walked to the mansion not far from us.

I stormed through the big wooden doors from the mansion while yelling: "Guess who's here, bitches!?" A couple turned confused to me. The other 5 who I already had 'met' came running to me too. "We're so sorry." The masked man panted. They walked further into the mansion, I followed them like I owned the place. Suddenly I got a very heavy headache with static. I instinctively grabbed my head and squeezed my eyes shut. The pain was so unbearable that I fell to the ground, but someone caught me. The pain and static noises got so much worse that it gave me a bleeding nose. "Slenderman, where the fuck you are, get away!" I yelled. The pain and static noises quickly got less. I felt released and opened my eyes, only to be met with Slenderman's face.

A grin crept onto my face. "Hello, Victor Surge." I said, looking straight at him.

For the people who didn't know;
Even though we don't know much about how Slenderman became how he is now, we do know his name before he got named 'Slenderman'. His original name is Victor Surge.
Google it if you don't believe me :)

I heard the static noise again, it sounded aggressive. "Okay, okay! I'm sorry!" I yelled. He stopped. "Why am I here?" I asked. "You've been chosen to be my next Proxy." He answered. "Hahahah, no." I answered. I stood up again and walked towards the kitchen to clean up the blood from my nose. "How do you know so much?" I heard behind me. "I have my sources." I answered while drying my hands. I turned around only to get pushed against the counter. "What the fuck!?" I yelled. "Masky, leave it." I heard the blue masked boy say. The masked guy, apparently called Masky, growled and backed off. "Thanks." I muttered. I stood up and walked towards the living room, not even giving a glance to the blue masked boy. "I'm Eyeless Jack, by the way." He said. I stopped in my tracks. "Y/N." I answered, and continued walking.

"BEN Drowned, am I right?" I said towards the Link cosplaying boy with black eyes with red pupils crying a weird black goop. He looked confused at me. "Yes, how'd you know?" I shrugged it off and jumped onto the couch, sitting down. I took the coca cola from the table and drank it. "That was mine." BEN said pouting. "Too bad, it's mine now." I said, taking another sip. "This is gonna be a Hell." I heard mumbling. "Yup, you should get used to it." I answered, taking another sip.

A little girl came downstairs. She was wearing a pink dress and was holding a teddy bear. "The operator wants to talk to you." She said in a sweet voice. "Oh boy." I answered. I stood up and started walking upstairs. "My coke!" I heard BEN. Without looking I threw it at his head. I heard him yell: "Fuck!" It made me laugh. I knocked on a big door at the top of the stairs. The doors swung open and I saw Slenderman sitting at his desk. "You wanted to talk to me?" I asked. "Yes, please sit down." I sighed and did as he ordered. The doors closed behind me when I sat down.

"So, what did you want to talk about?"



hell yeah.


fuck yeah.


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