#8; The Ritual (2)

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-=POV; Y/N=-

"Well?" Zalgo said furiously. I looked full of rage at Zalgo; "I'll never be under control by anyone of you." I hissed. "You're only making it more difficult for yourself." Zalgo said, with a bit of a surprised look. He looked away from me towards Slenderman. "A weapon won't be needed." He said. Slenderman nodded. "Proxy's, carry Y/N to The Circle." Slenderman said through the Sirenheads once more. The Proxy's nodded. "What are you guys doing?" I asked as they walked up to me. Kate and Hoodie both took one arm and Toby and Masky both took one leg, they carried me like that deeper into the forest. "Let me go! Let me go!!" I yelled at them, trying to break myself free. "We're so sorry." Kate whispered in my ear.

It didn't take long until we were at the place that the Creepypasta's referred to as 'The Circle'. It was a round open spot in the forest. The grass was gray and there were dead flowers. The pasta's made a little smaller circle, with Zalgo and Slenderman in the middle. The Proxy's laid me in the middle, in front of Zalgo and Slenderman. I immediately jumped up into fighting position. The Proxy's took some steps back so they were standing just behind Slenderman and Zalgo with Lazari and Sally. The little girls looked frightened at me for some reason. "Y/N." Zalgo said. I looked at him, still filled with rage. "Do you know why Slenderman chose you?" He asked. I shaked my head. He looked at Slenderman, who nodded. Lazari and Sally stepped forwards with a big fancy mirror. I looked in it. I saw myself, but I... changed?

I had black cat ears poking out my H/C hair, a black cat tail grew out of my lower back, my hands changed into cat claws, my human teeth were replaced by sharp catlike teeth, I had whiskers, and my first E/C eyes have now changed into a bright green cat eye. I was in shock. I slowly stepped forward. When I was close enough I touched the mirror, what broke into a million little pieces under my touch. 7 years of bad luck. "When did this happen?" I asked in a shaky voice. "Since Zalgo made you furious." Slenderman said through the Sirenheads. "Great." I sighed. "Now I finally understand what Morgan meant with '9 lives'! I'm a mother fucking cat!" I yelled while laughing. Everyone fell silent. "Yes I talked to Morgan Geyser, bitches! Slenderman still has contact with her, he's sending her messages. And, oh yeah, I almost forgot; he is a selfish idiot who makes traumatized and depressed kids as his Proxy's because it's easier for them to fall into his trap. Why do you think the Proxy's are like this? Not because Slenderman takes such good care of them. Or should I rather say; Victor Surge." I grinned widely as I yelled all of that through the whole forest.

Slenderman was full of rage. He stormed towards me, one of his tentacles wrapped around my neck and held me up in the air. "She's too precious to kill, think about the things you can achieve with her as one of your Proxy's." I heard Zalgo whisper to Slenderman. Slenderman nodded. He threw me back on the ground, knocking me unconscious.

I came back back by consciousness by a really bad pain. I was being cut in my shoulder. Slenderman was cutting the operator symbol in my shoulder. I wanted to scream but I was in trance. The Proxy's were singing the Slenderman song, while I chanting;

"I’m here to serve,
I will not disobey or lie to my master,
I will be with my partner whether I like it or not,
After I accept this life I cannot return to my old one,
I am nor human nor demon,
I am a proxy,
And I am here to serve my master."

When Slenderman was finally done cutting my shoulder I was free of the trance. I immediately screamed in pain and fell onto my side, trying to hold back my tears. "Bring her inside once the all of you are done." Slenderman told us. The Proxy's nodded and said: "Yes, sir." When Slenderman finally walked off they rushed towards me. "We're so sorry." Masky said. "Fucking Hell." I laughed, trying to hold back the stinging tears that tried to push out of my eyes. Everyone was gone, it was just us 5. "I guess I'm officially a Proxy now." I mumbled getting up. Toby nodded. "Now we're all stuck like this." Kate said, smiling through her sadness. "No, this is actually good. Now I'm safe from the others in the mansion, that's a big deal. Now I can do more research to see how to get us out of this life." I answered. They looked at me questioning.

"You'll see."



was about time.


we'll see if that will ever happen.
I'm not sure it will.


probably not.

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