#7; The Ritual (1)

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-=POV; Y/N=-

It's late, around like 11 PM, and I'm tired. I'm just sitting here at the kitchen table with my head sitting on my hand, trying to keep myself awake. "Why aren't you asleep yet?" Slenderman asked. He just came downstairs to see if everyone was already in there rooms or not. "I have nowhere to sleep in." I said. "The Proxy's always sleep in the attic. I'll bring you to them" He said. I nodded and followed him to the attic. I know I said I didn't want to become his Proxy, but I was too tired to argue that.

"I thought at least one of you showed Y/N that she would sleep here." Slenderman said angrily. I looked up at him, with confusion and anger on my face. "Sorry, sir." All 4 of them said at the same time, looking at there feet and hands folded into each other as they stood 6 feet away from us in a perfect line. "Next time be better, all of you know what happens when you don't do good enough." He continued. I got angrier at him. "Yes, sir." The 3 said again. "Don't let this happen again." Slenderman said. And with that he turned around and walked back downstairs. I watched after him angrily. When he was finally out of view I turned to the Proxy's. They all were sitting in there sleeping bags. The attic was small. There was 1 window where was an old brown sleeping bag laying under with obvious blood stains on it, and 4 other old brown sleeping bags; 1 at each corner of the room.

I went to the last sleeping bag that was free. It smelled horrible and there was a dead rat inside of it. I picked it up by the tail and threw it out of the window. "How do y'all live like this?" I asked the others. They looked at each other. Masky sighed and answered. "We don't have much of a choice." He said. "What do you mean?" I heard Toby softly sob. I walked over to him and gave him a hug. "If we don't listen to Slenderman we'll end up like Nightmare Ally." Masky continued. "Slenderman Doll." I whispered. Toby nodded. "That sleeping bag you're going to sleep in was ones where she slept." Masky said. I stood up and walked towards the sleeping bag. "What if I help you guys escape Slenderman?" I asked. Kate quickly shook her head. "No, others will end up like us. We don't want anyone to live in the life that we do." "I'll see what I can do." I answered. I got into the sleeping bag and fell asleep.

I woke up by someone slapping me across my face. "What the-?" I yelled as I sprung up and punched the person in there face, but my fist was catched. I opened my eyes and saw Kate holding my fist. "Sorry." I said. "Don't worry." She said and let my fist go. I saw Masky and Hoodie cleaning and reloading there guns, and Toby was sharpening his hatchets. Kate gestured that I had to follow her.

"We just got the message that it's time for you to make your first kill and become one of us." She said cold, way different than last night. We walked outside where almost all of the the Creepypasta's were, only Zalgo and everyone from his castle weren't here. Slenderman stood, while holding Sally's hand, at the end of the path that was created by all the pasta's that were standing in 2 lines. Some cheered for me and others were whispering or just staring. When I stood 6 feet away from the Slenderman he started talking through 2 siren heads that were standing at each side of him:

"What kind of all of you that you all could make it to the ceremony. Today we will accept Y/N L/N as the new part to our family." The crowd cheered until Slenderman started speaking again. "Of course L/N has to do some challenges. But first of L/N has to get a weapon." I gulped. "It's tradition that Zalgo and his team choose the weaponry the newbie will use. And we don't break tradition." The crowd cheered again. The ground beneath us started shaking. Surprised I looked behind me and saw that a hole was creating in the middle of the path. Zalgo and his men climbed out of it. Lazari climbed after her father, Zalgo, to the top. She held his hand as they walked. When everyone was here the hole closed. Zalgo walked over to Slenderman with his men behind him and his daughter holding his hand. Slenderman got out of the to let them pass. Zalgo stood still and turned around facing me. His men were giggling and standing all around me. The crowd was still cheering. I heard the door behind me. Masky, Hoodie, and Toby came out and walked towards Zalgo. Kate grabbed my hand and took me with them. All the Creepypasta's gathered around us to take a look.

"Y/N L/N, may I ask you; do you accept your fate as Proxy?" The crowd became quiet. I looked over at the other Proxy's. They nodded wildly as sign that I had to say yes. I looked back at Zalgo. I grinned and giggled, closing my eyes. "Never." I whispered as I opened my eyes again. The crowd was in shock. I felt a tentacle from Slenderman wrap around my neck. I looked around me and saw a person close to me had a hunting knife hanging on his belt. As fast as I could I launched myself towards that person and stole his knife, I quickly turned around and with a fast swing I chopped Slenderman's tentacle off. He screamed in pain. I threw the tentacle off of my throat and stood in fighting position. The crowd growled and yelled angrily. Zalgo looked at me in disbelief. The Proxy's? Well they tried to hide there happiness.

In just a second 5 Creepypasta's launched on top of me. I swung the knife at them and succeeded to wound 2 of them really badly. 10 more Creepypasta's launched on top of me. They punched me in the head, bit my hands, slashed my arms and legs until I finally collapsed. They gave the knife back at the original owner who growling took it back. 1 Creepypasta held me in place on the ground. Zalgo cane forward, and asked on a furious tone:

"I'm going to ask this one. Last. Time; do you accept your fate as Proxy?"



you actually kept your promise?


yeah yeah, for everything is indeed a first time.


yeah, sure 🙄.


yup, and that's super mean.


because you're going to leave us on a cliffhanger for another month.


we'll see...

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