#2; You're Her

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-=POV; Y/N=-

"Okay, sweetheart. Your father and I are going now. Don't do anything stupid while we're gone, okay?" "Okay mom." I gave her a kiss and waved them goodbye. Finally they were gone. I texted my aunt that she could come pick me up. Not even 10 minutes later she was in front of my house. "Hey auntie!" I said as I hugged her. "Hey hun! Do you have everything you need?" She questioned, opening the passenger seat door for me. "Of course! You know me!" I laughed as I sat in the passenger seat. Auntie closed the door and sat down next to me in the drivers seat. "It'll take about 1 hour and 30 to come there." I nodded and we started our gurney to the Winnebago Mental Health Institute.

"We're here." I got woken up by aunt Amber. We were at the institute. "Do you want me to go with you?" She asked. "Yes please, you're the one who can get me inside." She nodded and walked out of the car, I followed her. We opened the door and immediately someone came up to us: "Do you have an appointment?" The woman asked. She had a tan skin color and beautiful long black hair and ocean blue eyes. "No, I'm sorry. But my daughter here would love to visit an old friend of hers. They haven't talked in years." The woman nodded, "What is the name of your friend?" She asked me. "Her name is Morgan Geyser, miss." I answered politely. The face of the woman froze.

"Are you sure she's a friend of yours?" She asked. "She used to babysit me when I was 8." I answered. She nodded and lead us to a room. "Wait here, I'll get her for you." I nodded and sat down on a chair. Aunt Amber did the same. Not long later Morgan came into the room and sat down on the chair. The door closed and we were alone. "Do you want me to go too?" Aunt Amber asked. I nodded, and she left the room too.

"What is it?" Morgan asked. "Hello, Morgan. I don't know if you remember me, but I'm Y/N L/N?" She tilted her head as if she was thinking. "Yes I remember you." A smile formed on my face. "I'm trying to prove that you and Anissa were forced to kill Payton by the Slenderman." Morgan looked at me with interest. "Can you do that for us?" She asked. "Yes, the only thing you need to do is answer some questions." I answered getting my note lock out. She nodded.

"So, Morgan, when did you get the order of the Slenderman?"
"Just a couple months before the incident."
"How did he talk to you?"
"He talks through people's minds with a static noise."
"Did you see him?"
"I did. I saw him begin 2014 in Wisconsin's Nicolet National Forest."
"What happened then?"

Morgan went quiet. "Do you know the Slender sickness?" I nodded. "Before I saw him, I got the sickness. I knew what it was and I tried to run out of the woods, but the trees around me wouldn't let me leave. When I saw him, I fainted. I woke up in my bed at home, as if nothing had happened and everything was just a dream. I was left with a message. He wanted me to prove I was worthy enough to be his Proxy, if not he'd kill me. Anissa texted me and had the exact same thing. We decided to kill Payton because she was the easiest, or so we thought. After that you know the story.

I was speechless. "Does he still try to communicate?" I asked carefully. She shook her head, "Because we got caught he's trying to get us killed. For Anissa it's too late because she's already free, I'm staying here forever so I won't die." I nodded. "Thank you for your time." I said. I wanted to stand up but Morgan wouldn't let me. "One more thing." She said. I nodded and sat back down. "In the forest is the so called Slendermansion. That's where Slenderman, his Proxy's and most other Creepypasta's live." I listened carefully. "He also gave me visions. He's searching for someone. I don't know who, only that it's a girl around the age of 16, he has been stalking her her whole life long. I think she's in great danger" She continued. "Do you know anything more?" I asked. She shook her head.

I held my hand out to shake her hand, she took it and immediately froze. Her other hand grabbed my underarm tightly while the other was stil holding my hand. Her first warm blue eyes became ice cold. "9 lives. 9 lives. 9 lives." She whispered over and over again. The whispers slowly turned into yelling. Before I knew it she was screaming "9 lives at the top of her lungs. I couldn't get my arm free out of her grasp.

3 doctors and aunt Amber ran inside to help me. The doctors took Morgan and pulled her away from me while aunt Amber me tightly held against her. "You're her!" Morgan screamed at me. That was the last thing I saw and heard from Morgan.

Before I knew it me and aunt Amber were on our way back home. "That wasn't 1 of your smartest ideas, was it?" Aunt Amber smiled, trying to light up the mood. I didn't answer I was just staring in front of me.

"9 lives."

-= A/N =-


you're bored what did you expect?


either way, because there's not much to find about Morgan Geyser we had to improvise a bit. for example we didn't know her eye color so we decided that blue was the best choice.


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