#9; Her

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-=POV; Y/N=-

"What do you mean 'you'll see'?" Masky asked. I giggled. "Let's go back." I said and I started walking in the direction of the mansion. Toby grabbed my shoulder and turned me so that I faced him. "What do you think you're getting into? It's not the great life everyone thinks it is!" He said, confused and angry. "As I said; I have a plan." I grinned. "So excuse me, but I'm going back to the mansion and make Slenderman's life Hell." I said smiling as I knocked his hand of my shoulder. I turned around and continued walking, the other Proxy's following close behind me.

"I see you made it! What a pleasure you're finally one of us!" Jeff said, he stood waiting for us in front of the mansion. I walked smiling up to him, and without hesitation punched him hard across his face. Due to the impact his head slammed to the side. "You bitch." He said, he grabbed his knife and tried to stab me but I dodged. Liu came from behind Jeff. "Jeff, she's one of us now. Keep your manners." He said. Jeff growled and walked away. "Hey, Y/N, I was wondering..." He started. "Not interested." I said and walked inside. He grabbed my arm. "I didn't even finish my sentence." He said stern. "Go on, finish the sentence then." I said looking him in the eyes with my never ending grin. "I was wondering if you would be interested in a date with me."
"Just like I said; not interested." I said and I tried to walk away again.

Liu didn't like that. He grabbed my shoulder tightly and whispered in my ear: "It's not like you can do anything against it." I laughed and slashed his face open with my claws. He screamed and grabbed onto his face. "Buh-bye!" I said and waved, walking towards the attic where the Proxy's always slept. I heard them behind me trying to help Liu with his wounds.

As I walked past the office of Slenderman I heard him and Zalgo talk inside, well, Zalgo at least, Slenderman can only talk in people's minds. I laid my ear against the door to try and hear the conversation. "I know she's strong, but... I know... That's true... No, you-... Listen Victor, she's going to make you strongest of all, everyone will fear you!" By that I heard someone walking towards the door. I jumped up and ran quietly behind a drawer. Zalgo was looking around the corner of the door, I was relieved he didn't see me and went back into the office.

I sighed in relieve. I stood up and walked towards the stairs that lead to the attic. "Y/N!" I heard behind me. I turned and saw Hoodie running towards me. I looked confused at him, since when did he talk? Without saying anything he gave me a black pen and little book bound in leather, and ran away again. Confused I walked up the stares, looking curiously at the book, turning it in my hands.

I went and sat down on my sleeping bag, letting my hand stroke over the cover of the little book. I opened it. The pages were old and damp, the pages had turned an ugly yellow and it was a bit crumbled. It was definitely an old book. There were some drawings in the book, and some sketches. And there was a layout from the whole mansion, with every room in detail drawn. Hoodie wanted me to come and save them from this living Hell.

-=time skip to a couple days later=-

I started doing research and making my plan, I even went as far that I barely slept or ate. The others grew worried about me, but whatever they did couldn't make me sleep or eat. They were the only ones that cared together with Slenderman, but he was just worried that his power would get weaker if I continued with this.

"Y/N, you really need to eat." Kate said. "Not now, Kate, I'm almost done." I answered, not looking up at her or the plate of food she was holding up for me. "You said that 3 days ago too!" Toby said frustrated. "Fine." Irritated I took over the plate from Kate and ate it. They were leftovers from the pasta's, but I didn't care. It was food, I was hungry, and I didn't want the Proxy's to grow too worried about me.

-=time skip to midnight because I'm ✨lazy✨=-

"Are you still awake?" I heard a tired Toby ask. "Yeah, why?" I asked him, not looking up from the book. "You've been doing this for days now, almost a week. Do you want to end up like Nightmare Ally?" He asked. I stopped reading and looked at him with a questioning look. He sighed, stood up, and walked over me. He sat down next to me, looking at me. He didn't have his mask on, in the dim moonlight I saw that he had a wound that exposed a part of his jaw. I never had noticed it before, probably because he almost always wore his mouth guard and tried to keep himself in the shadows, not to get seen by anyone.

"Nightmare Ally," he started, "was one of Slenderman's first Proxy's. She was strong, and smart. She did everything Slender asked her to do, he made her do the dirty work and shit. But it didn't even take 3 months before he got to Tim and Brian, he made them go crazy until they had no other choice than become a Proxy too. Ally felt like she was getting replaced, but she kept fighting for Slender to please him. A month later, he made me a Proxy, and not that long after Kate. Ally felt furious because of the replacement. She turned against Slenderman. He was furious and made her into the doll she is now, forever serving him. There's no hope for her anymore."

Toby ended his story. He let a tear drop. I hugged him. "It sounds like you knew her." I whispered. He nodded. "I tried to save her but failed." He said sadly.

"It's okay, Toby. We'll be okay."





now we do. and we're planning on finishing this book tonight. why? because we have 46 more fanfictions we want to write.


but now we'll have to go so we can finish the book and continue to the next one.


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