Two ai generated shitshots

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Luz has been struggling with depression and is feeling suicidal. She goes to the bridge and tries to jump off but Amity, a person who is in love with Luz, stops her. Amity tells Luz that she loves her and will always be by her side.

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Luz and amity are a happy couple, but they are not happy with their lives. They want to do something great, something that will make them remembered. They decide to kill their child. The child is born and they name him jacob. Jacob is the happiest baby ever, but Luz and amity can't take the happiness away from him so they give him up for adoption.

They go on with their lives and eventually decide to have another baby. They name her julia. Julia is an unhappy baby and never smiles or laughs, but Luz and amity love her anyways. When Julia turns two years old she tells them she wants to be adopted as well because she doesn't want to be a burden on them any longer. Luz and amity agree and find a family who will adopt her.

The next day Julia died in her sleep from SIDS, Luz and amity were devastated by the loss of both children but knew it

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