Sunday, December 2nd, 2013 𓃗

206 7 1

"Applejack, are ya almost ready? Y'all have to leave in 5 minutes!"

Granny tells me this as I rush to put on my boots. As much as you would think they're just quick pull-ons, they actually have a half-a** system and take forever to tie. Luckily I finished in the nick of time. I run past my coat hanger and snatch my stetson off of it.

I made it downstairs, already seeing Applebloom and Big Mac there, sitting on the couch, both glued to their phones. Bloo is on her phone, texting her best friends Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, while Big Mac is texting his girlfriend, Sugar Belle.

"Alrighty, let's get a move on! I bet those kids are so ex-" I start talking, making my announcement as practically the head of Sweet Apple Acres (they all don't want to admit it, but they know it's true). My siblings are distracted. They're not paying attention to me.

I walk up to Apple Bloom first and snap in front of her face, then the same to Big Mac.

"Uh, hello? We have an event to attend here." They both quickly look at me and fall to a state of realization. They slide their phones into their jean pockets and stand up.

"Bye, Granny! We'll see ya in a couple of hours." I led my siblings out the door, and we hopped into the car.


"This is it." I say, and stop the engine. We all step out of the car on cue, and unload all of the apple consumptions and place them on a red cart.

As Big Mac pushes the cart, we make our way to this large, dark blue gate. Above it states the words: CLOUDSDALE ORPHANAGE.

To the side of this gate, there's a red button and a speaker above it. I press the button, and there is a long pause. After about five seconds, I hear a beep.

"Hello, who is this?" A sweet voice says on the other side.

"Hiya, this is Applejack from Sweet Apple Acres. We're here for the visit with the children."

"Oh, yes! I'm Merry May. I'll meet you inside, please come in!" The gate slowly starts to open up, allowing us to walk inside. We soon make it to the door, and we are welcomed.

"Hello, it's me, Merry! Thank you for coming here once again. The children always love your visits!" Merry May grins wildly and gives us all hugs.

I chuckle. "Heh, yep, us too."

"Ok, I don't want to keep you all waiting. Come right this way."

The four of us hop into the shiny chrome elevator and go up to the 5th floor. The elevator dings and we step out, and make our way to a large multi-purpose room. As the doors open, I see the children laughing and playing with each other.

Merry May claps her hands twice to grab their attention. The kids immediately freeze and turn their heads to pay attention.

"Thank you. Anywho, do you all remember the people from Sweet Apple Acres?" They all nod their heads.

"Well, look who's here to visit us!"

The children cheer and come a bit closer and prepare for the apple juice. Apple Bloom passes them out to each and every kid and then comes back to grab the regular apples, and does the same with them. Once she's finished, Bloo comes back up to the front of the room where Big Mac and I stand to join us.

"Thank ya, kids. I'm so glad we have the opportunity to do this every month." I start to say. "Now, let me tell y'all a story. My parents passed away when I was pretty young, so I know what it's like to grow up without parents. We all do. But luckily, I had my great ol' Granny Smith to help me along the way. So with that, I hope you all find your own Granny Smith to take care of y'all." Once I finish, the audience all clap. They then open up their apple juices and start sipping out of them.

My siblings and I then start to play with the orphans, using blocks, drawing tools, and all sorts of toys.

A couple minutes later, my best friend at the orphanage, Amethyst Beat, comes up to me. She's only 7 years old, but she's super kind to all of her friends. The two of us always share the best memories and really bond together.

"AJ, look out the window! Look how much it's snowing. Isn't it so pretty?" She says. I have to agree, the snow is beautiful.

"I'm so excited. We're all going to be allowed to play out there tomorrow!" I giggle, but then my face lights up.

"Hold on, Amethyst, I'll be right back. I have to make a phone call." I wave a short goodbye as I make my way out to the hallway.

I take out my phone and glance at it, swiping over to my favorite contacts.

I click on Rainbow's name, and then click on the call button.

Here is the point of view of Applejack-
I want you all to know that it will be like this,
Rainbow's POV, and other times
Applejacks. Most of the time 
though, it will be
Rainbow's. Thanks for reading!
More coming soon!!

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