Monday, December 3rd, 2013𓃗

170 7 6

It's about 20 minutes before school starts.

I'm rummaging through my locker, when suddenly, I feel hands creeping up on me from behind.


I turn around quickly, with a smirk on my face.

"Rainbow, did ya really think you could frighten me that easily?"

"Uh- maybe a little."

I laughed, and continued to gather all my school items.


3:00. The school bell rings, and I make my way out of my last class of the day, Language Arts, and walk over to the front gate. The girls and I planned to meet there for our little hang out.

Once I arrived, I wasn't shocked to be the last one there. My classroom was all the way on the other side of the school, so most of my friends had a much shorter route.

"Heya, girls." I said.

"Hello, darling! Shall we make our way to the local park?" Rarity declared. The funny thing was that everyone was wearing the usual winter items- mittens, hats, scarfs, and jackets. But Rares? She was over the top as always, her whole outfit shimmering with sparkles and gems, glittering all the way down to her boots. She was just the fashionista we needed in life.

"Ok, sure, but Rarity, are you sure you need all that?" Sunset said. Good thing she took one for the team and said something about Rarity, or else someone else other than her could be ripped up to shreds right now.

"Sunset, I assure you that I'm fine. Why play in the cold snow and not look fabulous while doing so?"

I rolled my eyes. Rarity is so extra.

Eventually, we all started walking. I traveled alongside Rainbow, of course, one reason being because the sidewalk was too small, and the other being because she was my best friend.

"Rainbow, quick question. How do you keep your rainbow hair in check? Like, doesn't it ever just go out of whack and the colors mix up or something?" I asked curiously.

"AJ, you dumb or something? It grows as a rainbow. It doesn't get messed up!"

"Hey, I'm not dumb. It's an honest question!"

"Okay, but what if I was like: 'Jacki, does your solid blonde hair get mixed up with its colors?'"

"Alrighty, I have to admit that sounds dumb."


We both laughed over the hilarious conversation we just had. Then Rainbow looked at me.

"Ok, when we arrive: Me, you, snowball fight. You in?" Bowie proposed.

"You betcha I'm in. May the best man win."

"Best woman."


Now we were at Sweet Sundae Park.

Bowie and I started to set up small forts that were made by ourselves with snow. They were just some shields for the snowball fight. They were just a couple yards away, and soon enough, we were ready and prepared.

Pinkie was the referee for this competition. May the games begin.

"Okay, folks. 3..2..1.. Go!!"

We both started throwing snowballs at each other. The two of us were starting out strong. Snow was going back and forth, for quite some time. At one point, Rainbow almost hit me, but I ducked and dodged it.

"F***! I was so close!" Rainbow shouted from afar, and I smiled.

"I am gonna get you now, Rainbow." I whispered to myself, as I arose from behind my fort to throw a snowball at Rainbow. But then she ducked, and the snowball got caught onto the fort. Rainbow's shield then collapsed, covering her in snow.

ok but honestly, does rainbow's hair
stay straight (unlike her) with all that color?

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