Saturday, December 1st, 2013, ⋒ϟ

262 11 3

Is Rarity right?

What's her angle?

Do I like Applejack?

These are questions that were circling through my head all through last night. I couldn't fall asleep at all, and it's absolutely crazy. I mean, she's my best friend! AJ is just a friend, and I don't understand why Rarity thinks I like her. I mean, yea, she's cool, and fun, and really pretty, but I mean—this is no reason to like her. And I know I'm gay as f***, but I don't have to be gay for Jacki.

I decided to take my mind off of all this Applejack drama, and start to work on my Wonderbolts Airforce Academy application. I was supposed to start it about a week ago, but I never did... So here I am, working in my room, listening to music, and writing out all my childhood dreams in one google doc.

I look out the window every once in a while, because my eyes are starting to get tired and red. I see that snow is falling, and I'm glad. Even though I love flying, snow is just as cool. Though I'm kind of low on sweaters. I'll have to go buy a few sometime!

Eventually, my mom calls me downstairs for dinner. I slide my headphones off and pause my music, then stumble down the stairs. As I'm walking toward the dining room, I smell, well, food. And it seems pretty tasty. I sit down in my signature seat, which is right next to this large, tacky vase that my dad and I continuously tell my mom to get rid of. But no matter what we say, she doesn't.

I watch as mom walks back and forth from the kitchen to the dining room carrying many plates of food. We always have a large dinner on Saturdays, so this is quite expected.

Mom finally finishes with her frantic dish carrying and sits down next to me. "Hon, have you started writing your college applications?"

I smile. Good thing I started about an hour ago today; now I can finally tell the truth like AJ. "Yup, I did. I have about one portion down. Though I have a long way to go," I look towards dad and he frowns just a slight bit, but tries to hide it.

"Rainbow, you know you can't just apply to one college, right? You gotta branch out! Do you have a second choice for a college?" I sigh silently. I'm glad it's not something negative that my dad wanted to tell me. Both my parents have been super supportive of my career choice, but my dad has always cared just a little too much and needs to make sure that I'll have a steady job for the future.

"Oh yeah, I have another option. I think if I don't become a part of the Wonderbolts Airforce Academy, then I might take up doing something more interesting. Maybe being an editor for books, like Daring Do! Wouldn't that be so fun?"

My dad sighs. "Kiddo, you know you're not the best at language arts. What about something like.. a diner? You love cooking just as much as your mom." It's true, I may have a better grade in writing than math, but it's still not enough to become an editor. My dad's right. Opening a restaurant or a cafe, or any kind of place that serves edible items to the public seems fun.

"Honestly, I like that idea. That'll be my plan B! Wait, hold on, what college should I go to for that?" My parents giggle.

"I'll send you some links, bow. But I'm sure you'll get into the airforce. As soon as you stepped foot in that old plane at the Phillydelphia museum, I knew you had the passion for it."


Gosh, this electric toothbrush can literally go rot in the f***ing ocean. Why are the bristles so pointy? And why does it not turn on when I'm clearly pushing the on button?

Why was I so angry when I was just trying to brush my teeth? It may have been because I was just moody. Zephyr Breeze would say it's because it was "that time of the month". But no, it wasn't. I was trying to work out my frustrations with this whole Applejack thing. And it wasn't just this one time where I lost my s***.

When I was playing guitar:

Ok I'm literally gonna lose my mind. Why can't I get this right? I'm literally not doing anything wrong. Guitar, I think you're doing something wrong. I'm so perfect I don't think I'm the problem here. Yeah, yeah, ok- WHAT? You think I'm doing something wrong?! NO. Nope.. AJ and I are doing the right thing, you're the problem. Get out of my f***ing face.

When I was brushing my hair:
Dude. Dude. DUDE. Why the f*** is my hair not getting soft when I brush it. Why is it so damn frizzy? Maybe it's this rainbow hair. I bet Jacki doesn't have to deal with this hahahaa- she has blonde hair that's probably as soft as ever.. OH LET'S CUT OFF YOUR HAIR RAINBOW!!

Now I'm lying in bed. The lights are turned off, the door is closed, my window is cracked open, the breeze is flowing in, and my turtle tank is asleep. There is distant chatter of my parents making talk about politics and gossip as usual, but it's all going downstairs so I don't hear a thing. The reality of this is, I should be sleeping right now. But my eyes stay wide open. I just can't fall asleep.

My mind trails back to the main topic of this morning: the Applejack situation.

Honestly, I think Rarity's wrong. Like I said- AJ is my best friend. Nothing more. And we both know that. Anybody who says otherwise is not correct. At all.

There! This discussion has come to a conclusion. I don't have to worry about it anymore.

I close and lock the window and turn to my side. I gently close my eyes and snuggle up in my bed. It's time to go to sleep.

Hello to all!!
Here is the long-awaited chapter 2. I'm sorry it took so long,
I just don't have much motivation but I'm trying to regain it back.

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