Monday, December 31st, 2013 ⋒ϟ

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I'm sitting in my room watching the iconic Manehattan New Year's Ball Drop. It's currently 11:44pm, and I'm just dying for the new year to begin. I desperately need a fresh start.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Applejack barges into my room.

"Rainbow, I need to talk to you." Applejack stands in front of the TV and blocks my view to get my attention.

I need to act like I don't know about the kiss. I need to.

"Alright, what's up, AJ?"

"Bowie, don't act stupid. I know you know. And I know how you feel. And I feel the same way."

I'm shocked.

So f***ing shocked.

"What? How'd you find out?"

"It doesn't matter how I found out. What matters now is that we're here, together."

"No, no, AJ. That's not how it works. You hooked up with your supposed crush just a couple of days ago and you expect me to just give in to you?"


"Don't Bowie me! I don't wanna be your second choice."

"I.. you're not. I've loved you ever since I can remember."

"Oh really?"

"Yes really. A couple months ago, you were talking to Scootaloo and you were acting like the best big sister in town, and that really hit hard with me. I think ever since then, I've loved you. Not just in a best-friend-sisterly way, but in a romantic way. I just refused to believe it, because I couldn't cope with the idea of not being straight."

"Okay, and you still chose Stella. You didn't think twice about me. And what's up with you two anyway? Did you guys break up or something?"

"We were never dating to begin with! And I just cut ties with her, actually."

"Oh, so you came here as soon as you realized your first option was a miss?"

"No, Rainbow, that's not what happened."

"How do I know that you're not trying to find someone to turn to when you're in pain?"

Without another thought, Applejack walks into my bathroom.

"Where are you going? This conversation isn't over!!"

She takes out her hair tie and undoes her braid. Her long, beautiful hair swoops down and it's below her waist. But before I can get any closer, Applejack shuts the door and locks it.

"AJ! AJ, you unlock this door this instant!"

I end up waiting for Applejack for quite some time and sit on the floor to pass the time. Eventually, I hear the door knob moving. I get up from my spot on the floor and look at the door. It then swings open.

Out comes Applejack, but not Applejack? This new girl has shorter hair, up to her shoulders, and lovely curtain bangs.

"Does this prove to you that I love you?"

I stood there in shock. I take a step forward, confused.

"You cut off your locks to give me a reason to believe you?"

"How else was I supposed to convince you?"

"I don't know, maybe convince me with your words?"

We both chuckle.

"I love you, Rainbow. You have to know that now."

I smile when I hear those three words. It's all I've wanted to hear these past few weeks. Probably these past few years, if I'm being honest.

"I love you, too."

With that, I lean in and kiss Applejack, just as the sound of the Manehattan ball drops and the audience erupts into applause. 

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