Saturday, December 15th, 2013 𓃗

120 6 3

As I'm brushing my teeth, I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I use my free hand to take my phone out, and I see a text from Stella.

 I use my free hand to take my phone out, and I see a text from Stella

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Oh gosh, this is nerve wracking.

Stella and I have never hung out outside of school before. Plus, I've only known her for what, a week?

Although, I'm probably her closest friend right now. I'd be a bit of a jerk to decline, right? I wanna make her feel welcome in her new home. It's the Apple family way.

A minute or two passes, and eventually I hear my ringtone

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A minute or two passes, and eventually I hear my ringtone. I answer the call, and what comes onto the screen next is Stella's face.

"Hey," she says.

"Hi," I replied.



"What movie do you wanna watch?"

I open my computer and pull up the theater's website.

"There's a bunch of movies going on right now, but the one I'm eyeing is 'The Caroling Carols'. What a stupid name. But anyways, Ra- Countess Coloratura is in it, so I'm all in."

Stella looks confused, but very happy. "Okay, you know what? Let's go watch that movie. Looks like it starts at 3:45, let's meet in the park at 3:20?"

I nod my head and agree. Without saying goodbye, the video call ends, and I'm left smiling.


ok, hope that u guys understand

when the chapter POVS change
ik it can be a bit confusing, but  
basically they change when the 
icons in the chapter title change
(rainbow dash is a rainbow and a 
lightning bolt, applejack is a horse)

I Wish I Were.. Stella?! | AppledashWhere stories live. Discover now