Monday, December 24th, 2013 ⋒ϟ

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I park my car a couple of houses down from Applejack's. I get out and start making my way there, excited but nervous for what I'm about to do.

I eventually get close to her house, and I'm about to walk up to the front door when I see Stella and Applejack through her bedroom window. They're talking together and laughing.. ugh. I guess I'll come back another day.

I'm about to turn around and leave when something catches my eye.. a kiss.

A motherf***ing kiss.

I stare in horror as I watch them advance things, and tears well up in my eyes. Luckily, Stella pulls the curtains to a close so I don't have to watch any longer.

I quickly ran back to the car, and the tears that were forming in my eyes are now falling down my cheeks. Once I get to the car, I slump into my seat and dial Rarity's number. I wait for a bit, but it eventually goes to voicemail.

"Darling, Rarity is away right now, but leave me a charming voicemail at the beep, k?"

The phone beeps as my cue.

"Rarity, please give me a call when you're available. It's important."

I end the voicemail and send it in. I then break down into tears and cry my heart out in my car.


"Rainbow, darling, wake up!"

I awaken to Rarity hovering over me like my mom.

"Rarity? What are you doing here?" I ask, still sleepy.

"Well, as soon as I heard your voicemail, I came rushing over here. Your mom let me in." Rarity looks concerned as I sit up to talk to her properly. "What's the matter, dear?"

Rarity's question triggers the memory of what I saw earlier that day, and I begin to cry once more.

"I saw them kissing, Rares. I lost her, and I'm never getting her back."

"Oh, no, Rainbow Dash. Just because she found another one to love doesn't mean that it's over for you two. Think about it this way: She may have kissed her, but her feelings on the inside may not match her actions."

"Bulls***, Rarity."

Rarity sighs in response. Clearly I'm at the end of the road to love. 

"But I can't hate Stella, you know? She's so kind, and it's not her fault that she ended up falling in love with my crush."

"I know, Rainbow Dash. But just stick it out, okay? Things will get better."

I Wish I Were.. Stella?! | AppledashWhere stories live. Discover now