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School was now over and me and Hobi but heading to the parking lot but he said

Jhope- Hyung, we have to go to the main gate we YN  told us there.

Yes he is right we indeed  told her so I said

Me(Suga)- okay Hobi let's go.

Winter there and so YN What standing there she saw us and we've done towards us. Hobi also waved his hand and went there running. I chuckled and also stated running(slowly) and went towards her. She instantly hugged Hobi and said.

YN- Oppa, I missed both of you.

Then she parted the hug and said

YN- It's only if you was that I met you guys but then also I was missing you both so much.

She's cute when she says she missed us a big smile post found on Hobi's face and a little one on my face. Then Hobi said

Jhope- Aww. You are so cute and I also missed you and Hyung also. Right Hyung.

He said looking towards me waiting for my answer I said

Me- Right.

After that we talked for 5 to 10 minutes more and parted our ways.
Hobi wants to spend more time with her but she said that she have Homework to do. So we let her go. We both went towards our car, sat and drove to our house.


We were going towards the parking lot but Jimin suddenly stopped walking and said

Jimin- Hyung look there. They ( Jhope and Suga) are again talking to the same girl from cafeteria.

We looked there and saw them they were smiling and talking to each other. Who is she? And why both of them talk with her?

V- Leave it Jiminie. Let's just mind our business and let's go. I want to play video game.

Jungkook- Me too Me too.

Me(Jin)-  Ok let's go.

Then we all sat inside our car and went to our house.

Time Skip
Sunday Evening
6:00 PM


I was sitting on my bed scrolling my phone. Suddenly Mom came in and said

Mom- YN get ready, we are going to meet my boyfriend.

Oh Sh*t! I forget it. I am so excited to meet him and his sons specially Suga Oppa and Jhope Oppa.

YN- Ok Mom. I will go and get ready. Just give me 30 minutes.

Mom- Ok Just come fast.

YN- Ok Mom.

Then I started getting ready. After sometime I was done. This is what I wore 👇👇

 This is what I wore 👇👇

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