🌺Bonus 2🌺

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Hoseok's POV

Yoongi- Hobi, who is Appa?

Jungkook- Who is Eomma?

Jimin- and who is YN?

They all asked and I looked at them shocked.

Hoseok- What are you guys saying? How can you forget Eomma, Appa?

Yoongi- Hobi, what the hell are you talking about? Have you hurt your head or something?

Hyung said looking at me. I looked at him with a very confused face. Why is he and all of them are behaving like this.

Hoseok- Hyung, you know what. I guess it's you all who hurted your heads. How can you forget YN? Eomma or Appa?

I said. Yoongi Hyung looked at me unsure. He suddenly holded my wrist and took me in the living room. The rest also followed us. I looked at Hyung very confused. As we came in the living room, Hyung signalled me to sit on the couch. I did what he said and sat on the couch. He also sat infront of me. The rest were still standing. Yoongi Hyung looked at them and said

Yoongi- Do you..... Like need an invitation to sit?

Hyung said in a cold tone. I looked at Jin Hyung who rolled his eyes. But then, they all sat down. As they sat down, Yoongi Hyung looked at me and said

Yoongi- Now, tell me--

* Cough Cough.

Yoongi Hyung was cut off by a cough--- I mean fake cough. It was from Jin Hyung. Yoongi Hyung looked at him and rolled his eyes.

Do they love rolling their eyes at each other?

Anyways, Hyung again looked at me and said

Yoongi- Now, Hobi tell me what did you saw in that weird dream of yours?

Hoseok- Hyung, it was not a dream and I am damn sure.

Yoongi- Ok, then tell me whatever you think is true but none of us remember it. And start with uh.... YN(?)

Hoseok- Hyung, YN is our sister. And My real sister. My blood sister.

Taehyung- Oh. She is your blood sister that means she is our blood sister too? Right Hoseok?

Hoseok? He called me Hoseok? What the hell---

Jimin- Answer him?

I looked at Jimin and said

Hoseok- No. YN is not your blood sister. None of yours. She is your sister and my blood sister.

Namjoon- Huh? How the hell she is your sister but not ours.

Jungkook- Yes. Cause till I remember, You are also our.... You know..

So, now he is not even calling me his brother. I shrugged this off and said

Hoseok- Actually, I am not your brother. I am none of yours blood brother. YN is my blood sister. Eomma and Appa are our real parents. Just like Dad found me, Mom found YN. She raised her and then coincidentally she became our stepsister. She was the one who helped us in solving our fight and all the misunderstandings.

I said and looked at all my brother who were looking very confused by now.

Yoongi Hyung stood up and came near me. He touched my forehead.

Hoseok- Hyung, what are you doing?

Yoongi- I am checking, if you have a fever or something?

Hoseok- Hyung, I am absolutely fine.

Yoongi- Hobi's if you were fine, You would never......imagine something like this.

I stood up and looked at Hyung and said 

Hoseok- Hyung!! I am not imagining thing. If you don't believe me, just ask Suzy Noona or IU Noona. They will tell you.

Yoongi- Now, who are they?

What the hell? He don't know them? I looked at the rest and they were also having a confused expression.

Hoseok- H-hyung..... IU Noona is your wife.
And Jin Hyung Suzy Noona is your wife.

Jin- My what!!! When the hell did I get married?

Taehyung- Hyung, was not invited to his own marriage. Wow.

Said Taehyung. Jimin and Jungkook laughed at his comment but stopped when they got a glare from Jin Hyung.

Namjoon- Jin Hyung, you have a wife?

Hoseok- Not only him. You too have a wife Namjoon. How can you forget Nayeon?

Namjoon- I have a what!!!?

Jungkook- Namjoon Hyung you too.....

Jimin- I guess you will say that Jungkook also have a wife now. Right?

Hoseok- Correct. Jungkook is married with Yeri, Tae with Joy, Jimin with Dahyun.
Jin Hyung, Yoongi Hyung you even have kids.  Remember, Hee-Jin, Jihoon and Ha-yoon?

Yoongi- Hobi....

Jin- Yoongi, is he gone mad or what?

Hoseok- Hyung, I am not lying. All this can't be a dream.

I said trying my best to explain them all. I suddenly remembered something. So, I went near Jin Hyung and said

Hoseok- Do you not remember the time when YN slapped you? Or you almost died? The time you and Yoongi Hyung were married? Or the time, when I was kidnapped and you were the one who handled the whole family. The time, we met on rooftop after almost 2 years. The time you took your daughter in your hands for the first time. The time, when you hugged Suzy Noona and she hitted you with the pan? The time when you were almost about to beat a student cause he said something about me in cafeteria and I hugged you to make you stop. The time when I said, That I don't love you anymore?

I blurted out everything that I remembered right now. Every moment.

Jin- Whe--

Hoseok- Did you even forget that you were the one who was the first one to tell Appa to let us become Mafia, or during our first mission. That one fucking bastard punched your face and you were angry as hell? Huh? Tell me?

I said and looked at him for the answer. But he stood there like a statue. Then, he suddenly said

Jin- I don't know what you are talking about.


Yoongi- Hobi..... You are really imagining things?

Hyung said and I turned to face him.

Hoseok- No Hyung. I am not. You know what. Pinch me.

Yoongi- Huh?

Hoseok- I said pinch me. Fast.

I said and Hyung looked unsure. But eventually did what I said. As soon as he punched me, I hissed in pain.
I rubbed the area where Hyung pinched me and said

Hoseok- It's not a dream. That means I am correct. Cause, if what ever I told you guys was a dream, I may never have felt the pain. We don't feel pain in the dream. And if not the pain. I have one more evidence that whatever I told was not a dream.

Hey Moonlights
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By By

I love you all so much.

Words Count- 1145

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